
I am a chain home broker, did you sort the garbage today?

author:Shell to find a house Qingdao station

Many municipal garbage sorting has been in place for a month. Now do you know what kind of garbage is a can and an insecticidal spray can? Do you know which trash can a glass or ceramic cup should be thrown in? Do you still think that garbage sorting is a "troublesome thing"? Don't worry, in fact, now you already have a good helper for garbage sorting.

I am a chain home broker, did you sort the garbage today?

"The can is recyclable, the spray can has harmful residues, it is hazardous waste."

"Glass glasses are not the same as ceramic cups, glass products are recyclables, and ceramics belong to other garbage."

On the morning of May 29, at a garbage sorting activity in the North Community of Guangxi Gate, Xianghe Garden, Chaoyang District, residents answered many questions. It turned out that they were holding the "Citizens' Garbage Sorting Guide" small illustration designed and produced by the chain family, which could quickly and accurately find the answer to each question.

This was followed by a garbage sorting game. There are 100 kinds of garbage cards on the residents' tables, respectively, printed with apple cores, rubber products, bones, fish bones and other illustrations, while there are four mini garbage cans for kitchen waste, recyclables, hazardous garbage and other garbage.

This is a "garbage classification together" theme publicity activity held by the Chaoyang District XiangheYuan Guangxi Gate North Libei Community Neighborhood Committee in conjunction with the chain home and the chain home public welfare, held in the community small square, through publicity, interactive question and answer, competition games and other forms, to popularize the knowledge of garbage classification for residents, guide residents to correctly understand and participate in garbage classification, and also make the chain home a good helper for community garbage classification action.

I am a chain home broker, did you sort the garbage today?

"In the past, garbage was put casually and would not be sorted at all. Participating in this activity, it is very rewarding, and there is a more systematic understanding of garbage classification, and now Beijing is actively advocating garbage classification, and we cannot be left behind. Zhang Guoling, a resident of the community, said.

The chain home hopes that through such activities, everyone can learn and consolidate the knowledge of garbage classification in edutainment, and fully understand the meaning of garbage classification and classification methods.

Next, the chain stores located around each community will continue to carry out garbage classification publicity activities, through cooperation with the municipal management committee, communities, streets and other parties, practice corporate social responsibility and mission, help promote the better implementation of garbage classification, and enhance residents' awareness of environmental protection.

I am a chain home broker, did you sort the garbage today?

Promote garbage sorting, chain home in action

In Beijing, the chain has more than 1,300 stores and more than 23,000 brokers. We are rooted in the community and are good neighbors of the community, so we will be strict with ourselves and strive to do a good job in the demonstration and promotion of garbage classification.

We will build the chain store into a "garbage classification demonstration store", strictly require all the garbage generated by the store to strictly meet the classification standards for delivery, post garbage classification posters in the window, and place the classified garbage cans and garbage classification publicity color pages in a conspicuous position in the store, so as to popularize the knowledge of garbage classification for the store personnel.

I am a chain home broker, did you sort the garbage today?

We will also set up a community "garbage sorting publicist", strengthen the mobilization and management of brokers, and promote residents to sort garbage through fixed-point publicity and activity publicity.

At the same time, with the chain home store as the platform, the chain home requires the broker to play a supervisory role in the process of taking the look, and reports the phenomenon of damage to the garbage can and the garbage can that is not classified according to the standard through the official platform.

The chain home will also set up corresponding incentives to brokers who actively participate in the public welfare undertakings of garbage classification, and commend brokers who have made outstanding contributions.

Over the years, the chain home has been actively involved in community public welfare and community co-construction activities, providing emergency printing and copying, emergency charging, emergency rain gear, emergency telephone and other convenient and helpful services, hoping that through these small services within its reach, to the community residents to solve the urgent needs, provide convenience, with a little action to practice the concept of public welfare, be a good neighbor of the community.

For the chain home, the store has never been only a place for real estate transactions, but also an integral part of the service facilities rooted in every community; the broker has never been only a service provider of real estate transactions, but also a living force to help the community live a better life.

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