
55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

author:Cantaloupe is a joy to read
55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters
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55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

In a remote mountain village in Sichuan Province, a middle-aged man in a plain T-shirt rides an electric scooter between chicken coops. He concentrates on feeding the flocks, collecting fresh eggs, and occasionally cooking himself.

This unpretentious chicken farm owner is actually Zhao Liang, a well-known actor who once played Sandezi in "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview". Now in his fifties, he is worth more than 100 million yuan, but he still maintains a simple lifestyle, willing to only ride a battery car instead of a luxury car.

What's even more surprising is that his wife Hu Jing is not only 15 years younger than him, but also has a tall figure of 1.8 meters. Zhao Liang's life trajectory is undoubtedly a wonderful story full of drama.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Zhao Liang's acting career can be said to be smooth sailing. Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in 1978, he has shown extraordinary acting talent since he was a child. In his childhood, Zhao Liang always liked to hold a wooden stick to imitate various characters, sometimes a mighty general, sometimes a wise old man.

This natural acting temperament laid the foundation for his future acting career.

With his keen observation and excellent imitation ability, Zhao Liang was successfully admitted to the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts. After graduating, he joined the Battle Flag Song and Dance Troupe and officially embarked on the road of actor.

In 1994, Zhao Liang, who was only 16 years old, appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala and participated in the sketch "Letter from Starling". This experience opened the door to the entertainment industry for him, and also gave him a taste of the sweetness of success.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Since then, Zhao Liang has made a name for himself in many TV series. In 1996, he played the role of "Maozi" in the hit drama "Shancheng Bangbang Army", and was deeply loved by the audience for his fluent Sichuan dialect and humorous performance.

However, what really made Zhao Liang famous in one fell swoop was the role of the eunuch Sandezi in "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview" that he starred in 1997. Zhao Liang vividly interpreted Sandezi's flattery, wit and loyalty, making this role a classic in the hearts of the audience.

Just when Zhao Liang's acting career was booming, the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 brought him a huge touch. As a native of Sichuan, he was tormented to see his hometown suffer such a serious disaster.

Zhao Liang deeply felt that he should do something for the people in the disaster area, not just donate money and materials.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

After careful consideration, Zhao Liang made a surprising decision: to devote himself to the chicken business. His idea is very simple, he hopes to help farmers in the disaster area increase their income and become rich by developing the livestock industry.

This decision caused quite a stir at the time, many people thought that Zhao Liang was taking a risk, and some even felt that he was wasting his acting talent.

In the face of doubts, Zhao Liang maintained a firm belief. "I know this decision sounds a bit crazy, but I believe that only by actually doing something for my hometown can we really help those in need," he said.

Being an actor gives me influence and resources, and I want to use them in more meaningful ways.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

In this way, Zhao Liang took out his savings and set up his own farm in a remote mountain village in Sichuan Province. However, the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny. In the early days, Zhao Liang faced many difficulties: impassable roads, chickens that were not adapted to the high-altitude environment, and flocks of chickens that were frequently sick...... Every question is like a hammer, knocking Zhao Liang's confidence.

But Zhao Liang did not give up lightly. He said: "Every time I encounter difficulties, I think of those who have lost everything in the earthquake and are still strong in life, so why should I give up? With this belief, Zhao Liang overcame difficulties step by step and slowly explored a suitable breeding method, which laid the foundation for his future success.

In 2003, an unexpected blind date party completely changed the trajectory of Zhao Liang's life. was originally an event to accompany a friend, but he met his destined other half, Hu Jing, a model who was 15 years younger than him.

The moment Hu Jing stepped into the venue, Zhao Liang felt as if time had stood still. Although there is a clear age gap between the two and a 10-centimeter difference in height, this has not stopped their rapid fondness.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Recalling the scene of the first meeting, Zhao Liang's eyes flashed with a gentle light: "Hu Jing's appearance is like a dazzling light, which instantly illuminates my world."

And Hu Jing said shyly: "I originally thought that a star like Zhao Liang would be very arrogant, but I didn't expect him to be so approachable, which made me feel very cordial."

However, their romance was not all smooth sailing. The huge age gap and significant height difference have caused many questions and puzzles from the outside world. In the face of overwhelming negative voices, Zhao Liang chose to prove his sincerity with practical actions.

He firmly stated: "Love should not be defined by the external conditions of age and height. What really matters is whether two people really love each other and whether they are willing to work together to spend the ups and downs of life.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Zhao Liang's sincerity and persistence deeply moved Hu Jing. She said emotionally: "Zhao Liang gave me an unprecedented sense of security. His maturity and stability, his attitude towards life, and his calmness in the face of difficulties make me feel that he is very charming.

In 2008, when Zhao Liang decided to give up his acting career and devote himself to the chicken industry, Hu Jing chose to support him without hesitation. She said firmly: "I believe in Zhao Liang's choice.

Although it means giving up the comfort of life in the city, it is a blessing in itself to be able to fight for our ideals with our loved ones.

In this way, this "year-old love" couple walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and faced the challenges of their career together. In the difficult years of entrepreneurship, Hu Jing became Zhao Liang's strongest backing.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

She not only takes care of the family, but also actively participates in the daily work of the farm, overcoming one difficulty after another with Zhao Liang.

This love that spans age has not only withstood the test of doubts from the outside world, but also become more and more tenacious in the wind and rain of entrepreneurship. Zhao Liang and Hu Jing use their stories to prove that sincere feelings can transcend worldly vision, and partners who work together can go further on the road of life.

Zhao Liang's road to raising chickens is full of hardships and challenges. When he first stepped into the township of Ginkgo, a remote mountain village in Sichuan Province, he was shocked by what he saw. The road to the outside world is unusually difficult, narrow and rugged, and the weeds are overgrown higher than a person.

Zhao Liang recalled: "We had to climb with our hands and feet, like exploring in the jungle.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Faced with this thorny problem, Zhao Liang did not flinch. He rallied the villagers to open up a new road, personally picked up the sickle, and worked sweaty. "In those days, my hands were covered in blood blisters, but as I watched the road that was gradually taking shape, my heart was filled with hope and a sense of accomplishment.

Zhao Liang said, his eyes flashing with perseverance.

However, the road problem has just been solved, and even bigger challenges are coming. The first batch of chickens purchased by Zhao Liang soon saw a large number of deaths. "At the time, I thought it was an outbreak of bird flu, and I was scared out of my mind.

Zhao Liang recalled, with a hint of fear in his voice. Fortunately, after being diagnosed by professionals, it turned out to be just a common cold. This incident made Zhao Liang suddenly realize that he knew almost nothing about raising chickens.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

In order to solve the problem, Zhao Liang began a crazy learning journey. He consulted experts, read a lot of books on chicken farming, and even went to other chicken farms to study in person.

"During that time, my schoolbag was not filled with scripts, but with all kinds of professional books on raising chickens." Zhao Liang smiled and said, "I may work harder than when I was in school."

Every day before going to bed, all I think about is how to improve the environment of the chicken coop and how to prevent diseases in the flock.

After unremitting efforts, Zhao Liang gradually mastered the knack of raising chickens. He learned to choose the right breed for high altitudes, learned about the optimal ratio of chickens, and even mastered how to make a fermentation bed to reduce odors.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

"Every little step forward makes me feel extremely happy." Zhao Liang said, with a glint of pride in his eyes, "especially when I see the healthy growth of the flock and the gradual increase in egg production, the sense of accomplishment is indescribable."

However, what really put Zhao Liang's chicken raising career on the right track was his cooperation with Wang Yao, a large local chicken farmer. By chance, Zhao Liang discovered that the eggs raised by Wang Yao were of excellent quality, and the eggshells showed a unique emerald green color.

This aroused Zhao Liang's strong interest.

With an attitude of learning, Zhao Liang took the initiative to ask Wang Yao for advice. He was surprised to find that Wang Yao had many unique features in chicken raising technology, such as using a special fermentation bed and regularly feeding the chickens with traditional Chinese medicine.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Zhao Liang immediately realized that these were all specialized knowledge that he lacked.

After in-depth exchanges, Zhao Liang sincerely invited Wang Yao to join his team. "The addition of Wang Yao has made a qualitative leap in our breeding technology." Zhao Liang sighed, "This makes me understand that you must know how to borrow strength to do everything, and you can't rest on your laurels."

Only by learning with an open mind can we continue to make progress.

With Wang Yao's help, Zhao Liang's chicken farm was soon on the right track. The health of the flock has improved significantly, egg production has steadily increased, and egg quality has been greatly improved.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Zhao Liang sincerely thanked Wang Yao for his help, and at the same time was proud of his decision. He said: "This cooperation has not only improved our farming level, but also taught me how to work with people and how to play the strength of the team."

These experiences are priceless treasures for me.

After years of unremitting efforts and continuous learning, Zhao Liang's chicken raising business finally ushered in a bumper harvest season. His farm has continued to expand and even opened several branches in various locations.

Among them, the farm located in Phoenix Lake in Luzhou, Sichuan Province has become an important milestone in Zhao Liang's career. Not only is the scale of the farm impressive, but more importantly, it has directly led to 33 surrounding villages and helped 288 farmers successfully lift themselves out of poverty, including 138 families with disabilities.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Seeing that the once poor villagers are now living in an improved way, Zhao Liang feels extremely gratified. "Being able to help so many people improve their lives makes me more proud than any applause I received as an actor," he said.

Despite the great success of his career, Zhao Liang has never forgotten his original intention. He insists on producing high-quality organic chickens, hoping to provide consumers with healthy and safe food.

Zhao Liang proudly introduced: "Our chickens eat traditional Chinese medicine for three days every month, including wild Houttuynia cordata, plantain, road yellow and other precious medicinal materials.

This increases the cost, but it is worth it for the health of the consumer.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Interestingly, despite the booming chicken career, Zhao Liang did not completely give up his acting career. He occasionally takes on some roles, such as in "You Are My Spring", which will be released on July 1, 2022, and he has an excellent performance.

Zhao Liang said frankly: "Acting and raising chickens are both very important to me, they represent two important parts of my life. I feel very fortunate to have been able to achieve something in both areas.

Today's Zhao Liang, although he is worth hundreds of millions, his lifestyle is still simple. He prefers to ride an electric car around the farm instead of driving a luxury car. Zhao Liang smiled and said: "Wealth is just a number for me, and true happiness comes from being able to help others and be able to do what you love."

This simple and fulfilling life is what I cherish the most.

55-year-old Zhao Liang raises chickens, rides an electric car and does not drive, and marries his wife who is 15 years younger than 1.8 meters

Looking back on the past, Zhao Liang's life has undergone a huge change from a screen star to a chicken farmer. This experience not only changed the direction of his career, but also profoundly shaped his outlook on life.

Zhao Liang often said: "Life is not about pursuing vanity and fortune, but about finding your true self and contributing to society." In his view, raising chickens is not only a career, but also a way of life that returns to the basics.

By helping his hometown get rid of poverty and become rich, Zhao Liang found the value and meaning of life. Today, he has a successful career and a happy family. He and his wife Hu Jing, who is 15 years younger, love and live in harmony and strive for their ideals together.

Zhao Liang smiled and concluded: "This is the life I want - simple, fulfilling, and meaningful. In the process of helping others, I also realized my life value.

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