
Seek to win wars for the sake of war education

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily

Seek to win wars for the sake of war education

Figure (1): Researchers at the National University of Defense Technology commissioning the system.

He Shu is photographed from afar

Figure (2): Cadets of the National Defense University conduct study exchanges.

Photo by Duan Wenjun

Figure (3): Researchers of the Academy of Military Sciences conduct in-depth research on the front line.

Shao Longfei photographed

The way to strengthen the army is to win people, and talent is the key factor in promoting the high-quality development of our army, winning military competition, and taking the initiative in future wars. At the Central Military Commission's Talent Work Conference held in November last year, President Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the road of independent training of talents, adhere to the combination of military training and various methods, form a talent training and use model with the characteristics of our army, and improve the ability and level of talent supply for preparing for war.

Military academies and universities and scientific research institutes are born out of wars and built for wars, and are the backbone force for cultivating military personnel. Facing the troops, the battlefield, and the future, how to build a contingent of high-level qualified personnel and cultivate new-type military talents who can fight wars and know how to fight wars? Recently, this reporter walked into three units, namely the Academy of Military Sciences, the National Defense University, and the National Defense Science and Technology University, to interview their experiences and practices.

- Editor

Academy of Military Sciences -

Persist in integrating cultivation and application deeply cultivate the main business of research and warfare

Reporter Li Zhuoer

In the dead of night, the buildings of the Academy of Military Medicine of the Academy of Military Sciences are brightly lit. In one laboratory, several students are reporting the latest experimental progress to Wang Yizheng, a researcher at the institute. Wang Yizheng has long been committed to neurobiological research, presided over the completion of more than 30 major national and military scientific research projects, and was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences last year.

In recent years, in order to cultivate, retain, and attract qualified personnel, the Academy of Military Sciences has successively formulated methods for training and supporting, selecting and introducing them, and evaluating and encouraging them.

"We focus on gathering the world's talents and using them, insist on selecting talents with lanterns, degrading talents in an eclectic manner, and accelerating the gathering of outstanding scientific research talent resources." The relevant person in charge of the hospital said that efforts should be made to build a phalanx of scientific research talents that seek security for the country, a strategy for strengthening the army, and a strategy for winning wars.

With only fresh water replenished at an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level, what is it like to eat field food for 3 days? Hao Limin, an expert in the field of military food, has set foot on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 9 times to test field food under development.

"Boo!" With a loud noise, the billowing smoke rose instantaneously, and Yang Han, the leader of an engineering design project team, rushed into the test site and collected the first set of data of the target damage test at the fastest speed.

In order to cultivate talents for war and cultivate talents for war, the Academy of Military Sciences has profoundly opened up a way to integrate training and use. Continue to focus scientific research on strong opponents, focus scientific research talents on the main business of research and warfare, use scientific research results in the front line of tasks, and promote talents to march towards war and prosper for war.

The team gathers talents and forms the effect of talents grasping and building geese. In the Academy of Military Sciences, it can be seen everywhere that the academic torch has been passed on and the spiritual bloodline has continued.

Once, in a key model scientific research project of the whole army, engineer Chen Qiang served as the chief engineer of the project for the first time, and he was quite anxious in his heart when he was just starting out. In order to help Chen Qiang fire the "first shot," Yin Hao, then director of a research institute of the Academy of Military Sciences, went to the front to guide and went deep into the research group to help analyze and solve technical problems.

With Yin Hao's careful help, Chen Qiang became more and more handy. Three years later, the project won the first prize of the military's scientific and technological progress, and the relevant achievements were promoted and applied in the whole army, and Chen Qiang was rated as the first batch of scientific and technological top-notch talents in the whole army.

"With such a team leader, I always feel a pair of warm hands lifting myself!" Chen Qiang said.

Since the reconstruction and remodeling of the Academy of Military Sciences, it has always regarded talent as the greatest advantage to conserve, the largest resource to develop, and the largest industry to operate, forming a scientific research matrix of professional and technical personnel led by 28 academicians of the two academies, and high-quality military scientific research talents have gathered into a trend. Nowadays, in the Academy of Military Sciences, a scientific research team with tenacious work style and reasonable echelon collocation is accelerating its formation, providing strong talent support for building a "real combat nerve".

National Defense University ——

Temper command ability to win joint battlefields

Reporter Li Longyi

In the middle of winter, in the National Defense University under the Baiwang Mountain in Beijing, the atmosphere of teaching and studying and practicing warfare is particularly strong. A multi-day simulated joint confrontation exercise is in full swing in the Director's Hall of the Wargame Building of the National Defense University. Dozens of generals and officers carried out offensive and defensive deductions here, tempering their command ability in a fierce game.

In November last year, President Xi Jinping stressed at the Central Military Commission's Talent Work Conference that "it is necessary to adhere to the classification of policies, and do a good job in the training and use of joint combat command talents, new-type combat forces talents, high-level scientific and technological innovation talents, and high-level strategic management talents." Cultivating the training of joint combat command personnel is precisely the core function of the National Defense University.

"Every day is not so much a class as a collective combat study and planning." Ding Yongwei, a cadet in the commander's class and the commander of a certain naval detachment, sighed. In the course "Theater Joint Operations Command", the commander class trainees are required to complete many classroom exercises and team discussions within 11 days, and complete 3 assignments as theater commanders. Ding Yongwei sighed: "Our curriculum is closely in line with the ability requirements of commanders in future joint operations, what is needed to fight wars will be taught, and what is missing from post capabilities will be supplemented." ”

In a case teaching class at the Joint Operations College of the National Defense University, When Associate Professor Chu Rui gave a lecture on the theory of special operations of foreign militaries, he designed five teaching links: speaking, watching, learning, researching, and practicing. From the intensive lectures in the classroom to the introduction of cases, from watching war films to organizing small class exchanges and seminars, under the guidance of the instructors, the trainees became the protagonists of learning, discussion and exchange. At the end of the course, each participant also has a big assignment - as a coalition commander, putting themselves in the shoes of what they think is the most reasonable operational concept.

"Compared with the past, the proportion of 'research' has increased, the intensity of 'training' has increased, the difficulty of 'examination' has increased, the trainees have picked up lights and fought at night almost every day, and the atmosphere of studying the military, studying war, and studying war has become stronger and stronger." Zhang Yan, political commissar of a certain cadet team, told reporters that during the school period, the cadets need to evaluate a total of 15 achievements, covering all the contents of the joint operations command procedures and methods, and each assessment is a high standard and strict requirement.

Assessment results are the "touchstone" for testing the learning achievements of students. In the face of examinations, the trainees did not dare to slack off in the slightest; some of them got up in the middle of the night to memorize theories, and some of them studied the application of tactics at dinner..." All our courses and examinations are aimed at possible wars and possible opponents in the future, and we temper our commanders' ability to fight and win wars in close proximity to actual combat. One cadet said, "This is the most memorable exam of my military career." ”

Since its readjustment and establishment for more than four years, the National Defense University has accelerated the cultivation of joint combat command personnel, and one "road map" after another is becoming a "report card." In the new round of curriculum reform, the school and the newly promulgated joint operations outline of the Central Military Commission have been compared with the table and comprehensively connected with the theater joint command system, and more than 100 combat command topics have entered normal teaching, and here a group of commanders have gone to the joint operations exercise field with confidence through the wind and rain, see the world, strengthen their bones, and have long talents.

National University of Defense Technology——

Cultivating young talents and stimulating the vitality of innovation

Reporter Liu Botong

At the beginning of the morning light, a rocket took off, dragging a brilliant flame in the tail, flying according to the predetermined trajectory, hitting the air target, successfully opening the parachute, landing smoothly, and recovering without damage... Last semester, Peng Ke, a young instructor at the School of Aerospace Sciences of the National University of Defense Technology, often came to the school early in the morning to study guided rockets with the trainees.

After graduating and staying in school, Peng Ke threw himself into teaching and researching. In 2021, Penco received a major autonomy program grant from the College's Young Talents Program, which encouraged him to work harder to make useful explorations in teaching and research. Talking about his own growth, Peng Ke sighed with emotion: "The school provides a platform and support for young people, and gives us the motivation to soar in the wind. ”

In recent years, the National University of Defense Science and Technology has adhered to the clear orientation of establishing a clear orientation for war education, innovating the talent policy system, optimizing the layout of personnel development, and resonating with the strong military industry at the same frequency.

"Talent is the key factor in promoting the high-quality development of our army, winning military competition and taking the initiative in future wars." Yang Hongwei, director of the school's Political Work Office, said, "To build a phalanx of high-quality talents to support the preparation for war, we must not only broaden our horizons and recruit talents, but also update our concepts and make good use of talents, and we must also cultivate talents in innovative ways, so as to cultivate famous teachers who are proficient in actual combat and cultivate apprentices who can win battles." ”

In recent years, the school has taken many measures to build a team and cultivate talents, highlight the orientation of high precision and sharp shortage, work continuously optimizing the echelon structure of the talent team, gather talents from all over the world and use them; select and select strong reserve objects to focus on training, and through actively play the role of passing on help, personalized support, open training, etc., go out of the multi-post, multi-channel and multi-level exercise path; implement talent classification evaluation, and improve the evaluation mechanism oriented by innovative value, ability and contribution... A good pattern of people giving full play to their talents and making the best use of them is taking shape.

In the environment with complex terrain and inaccessible people, the trainees only rely on maps and compasses to maneuver on foot and cross the river on foot, which is a training course in military topography of the Military Basic Education College; in the scene of the red and blue confrontation competition of the Electronic Countermeasures College, a variety of electronic countermeasures are applied to the whole process of the competition, and the students' understanding of the integrated use of electromagnetic firepower is further deepened...

"How the battle is fought, the teaching will be carried out." This is a common saying of the school's faculty. In recent years, the school has firmly grasped the clear orientation of grasping education for war, normalized the organization of "mentor troops" and "young instructors troops" activities, and selected backbone teachers to participate in substitute posts, military training, exercises and major military operations every year, up to more than 1,900 person-times, improving the ability of teaching and research personnel to closely follow actual combat to engage in scientific research and focus on winning and educating talents.

Nowadays, on both sides of the boulevard on the campus of the National University of Defense Technology, there are light boxes for academicians and outstanding graduates, showing the profound heritage of the National Defense Science and Technology University as a highland for the cultivation of high-quality new-type military talents; in laboratories, libraries, and classrooms, one after another "brainstorming" collides with innovative sparks and ideological inspirations from time to time; and the first pass rate and excellent rate of the military basic course examination for the graduation of officers and undergraduate cadets have reached a new high since the reform and reconstruction. Talents from all walks of life and innovation in all fields are bursting forth.

"Our school will continue to implement the strategy of strengthening the army with qualified personnel in the new era, vigorously cultivate a large number of high-quality new military talents who can shoulder heavy responsibilities, and provide strong talents and scientific and technological support for the realization of the party's goal of strengthening the army in the new era." Yang Hongwei said.

Layout design: Zhang Danfeng

Li Li Hong Dapeng Zhang Zhaoxing participated in the writing

People's Daily ( February 27, 2022, Edition 06)