
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

author:Serious orange Lfx

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What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

Hello everyone, today let's talk about those things in Deyun Club. Deyun Club, as everyone knows, is our most popular cross talk group in China. However, do you know, there are some things in Deyun Club that everyone knows, but no one says it. Let's talk about these things today

After reading the sharing of netizens, it is really too real


What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng


What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

When you are short of money, you are your parents, and when you have money, you are a relative who begs for food

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

‬记得别的问题下有句话特能说明问题。 A fan said that because idols were absent for 20 years, she finally realized that she loved Zhang Lei, not Zyl, Deyun Club, and not cross talk.

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng


What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

Guo Qilin is not in his hands. Guo Qilin's education has a very strong shadow of Yu Qian - transparent. In this regard, Guo Degang is inferior to his son.

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

‬周九良何其无辜,一年到头被搭档的粉丝挂着骂,郭老师找个机会就拿他敲打其他捧哏。 Is it interesting for him to be cautious at a young age and keep showing loyalty to Teacher Guo and Teacher Meng?

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng


What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

‬说实话 不捧是不可能但是顶着郭德纲儿子的名头综艺肯定不能少演戏嘛就不好说了

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

‬大厦将倾倒不至于,不过对于烧饼的评价实在是太对了。 All the funny clubs look down, and the EQ of the baked cake is almost 0

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

‬家有万贯财,学习好不让上学,想出国留学贤惠小秦氏分文不出,继承家业变成继承没有股份的法人! Indeed, how can a father not let his own son go to school.

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng


What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

‬岳岳就是冲相声来的 而大林有更多的选择 之前郭老师不也说过不希望大林走这条路

What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng


What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng
What are the things that Deyun Club can't see through? Netizen: Don't be anonymous, I guess you are Yue Yunpeng

So, those things in Deyun Club seem simple, but in fact, there are a lot of doorways behind them. These things that "see through but don't say it" are the charm of Deyun Club. It allows us to see the unity and tacit understanding of a group, and also makes us feel the profound heritage of the art of cross talk. Next time you watch Deyun Club's cross talk, you may be able to see some doorways and experience some different fun

Thank you for reading and supporting! Looking forward to your comments and likes, let's talk together!

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