
Small days and big dreams The change of the Chinese family in a decade

author:Nanning News Network

Beijing, February 27 Title: Small Days and Big Dreams The Change of the Chinese Family in ten years

The people also work hard, and they can be well-off. Benefit this China, to appease the four sides.

"Xiao Kang" is from the "Book of Poetry, Daya Minlao". More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese expressed their simple desire for happiness and well-being.

Today, China has built a moderately prosperous society that benefits more than a billion people, and change is happening in thousands of ordinary families.

Small days and big dreams The change of the Chinese family in a decade

Chinese New Year's Eve meal prepared for Chinese New Year's Eve at Ms. Zhao's home (Courtesy of interviewee)

The change of taste on the table

In the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, if you pay close attention, you will find that the highest frequency of the circle of friends is a wide variety of foods.

"Chicken, duck, fish, seafood, off-season fruits, imported snacks, pigs, beef and mutton, these have basically become a must-have for the New Year, and now as soon as the New Year arrives, the circle of friends is brushed by Chinese New Year's Eve meals."

During the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year's Eve meal at the home of Ms. Zhao, a Beijing resident, was quite sumptuous. In the Spring Festival in recent years, her deepest feeling is that every Chinese New Year's Eve night, the circle of friends becomes a "food competition".

Once upon a time, China was still worried about "eating enough", and standing in 2022, the question mark of "who will feed China" has been left far behind. According to data recently released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China's grain output has been stable at more than 1.3 trillion catties for seven consecutive years, and the total grain supply is sufficient and the inventory is abundant.

Guarding the red line of cultivated land and organizing the implementation of the "vegetable basket" project... "With grain in hand, do not panic in your heart", the rice bowl of the Chinese is firmly in his hand, even in the face of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the shelves are full of grain.

In the past decade, the variety of food on the table of the Chinese people has become more and more abundant, and they can even taste the delicacies of the world without leaving home. Data from the Ministry of Commerce shows that from 2012 to 2020, China's food imports increased by an average annual rate of 11.4%, and in 2020, China's total food imports exceeded the 100 billion US dollar mark.

Even on the space station, Chinese astronauts can enjoy up to 120 kinds of staple foods, side foods, instant foods, drinks and so on.

In China, where food is the people' livelihood, nothing is more direct than happiness on the "tip of the tongue".

Small days and big dreams The change of the Chinese family in a decade

Infographic Photo by Meng Zhiwei

"Leaping" from village to city

If the change at the dinner table is the simplest happiness, then the improvement of living and living environment is a "qualitative leap" for many ordinary families.

"The biggest change that has happened at home over the years has been moving into the city."

Lin Yao (pseudonym), whose hometown is in Shou County, Anhui Province, has a total of three brothers and sisters, and now Lin Yao is developing a career in Beijing, his brother and sister are buying houses and settling down in Hefei, and his parents have also been taken to live together.

Lin Yao recalled that around 2012, the road connection between the villages and towns in his hometown began, and the running water went from house to house, and by about 2015, almost everyone in the village had a car, most of them bought a house in Hefei, and everyone's living standards were changing. ”

The improvement of the living conditions of the people has also benefited from the results of poverty alleviation.

In 2019, with the approval of the Anhui Provincial Government, 18 poverty-stricken counties (cities, districts), including Shou County, etc., withdrew from the list of poverty-stricken counties. This is also the second batch of poverty-stricken counties in Anhui Province since the poverty alleviation attack.

Looking at the whole country, since the 18th National Congress, China has achieved an average of more than 10 million people out of poverty every year, almost equivalent to the population of a medium-sized country, creating a miracle in the history of human poverty reduction. The latest official data show that in 2021, the per capita net income of the people lifted out of poverty has reached 12,550 yuan.

Small days and big dreams The change of the Chinese family in a decade

Infographic. Photo by China News Service reporter Hou Yu

Extra trash cans in the kitchen

In the kitchen of Ms. Zhao's home, there are now three garbage cans, one for kitchen waste, one for recyclable waste, and the other for other garbage, a habit she has maintained for more than a year.

As more and more cities join the ranks of garbage sorting, such changes are happening in thousands of ordinary households.

Lin Yao also had a profound experience when he returned to his hometown to visit his relatives. She said that now the domestic garbage in the hometown has also begun to standardize management, in the past, rural garbage was thrown in front of the house every day, and now there are fixed-point garbage cans, which are cleared and transported every day, and the environment is much cleaner.

In recent years, green development methods and lifestyles have gradually taken shape.

According to the white paper "China's All-round Well-off" released by the State Council New Office in September 2021, China has become the world's largest country in the use of new energy and the world's fastest progress in energy conservation, with energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon emissions falling by 13.2% and 18.8% respectively compared with 2015 in 2020.

From the rural toilet revolution to the treatment of domestic garbage and domestic sewage, from vigorously promoting the classification of domestic garbage and the treatment of urban black and odorous water bodies to the construction of urban parks, green spaces and greenways, the urban and rural living environment is more tidy, comfortable and beautiful.

From the "disc" action, water-saving paper-saving, electricity-saving and energy-saving, to environmental protection decoration, refusal to over-package, farewell to disposable products, "frugal wind" blown into thousands of households, simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle has become a new social trend.

Small days and big dreams The change of the Chinese family in a decade

Infographic: Ski enthusiasts galloping on the slopes of Laiyuan Seven Mountains Ski Resort. Photo by Xu Qiaoming

A quietly rising national skiing wind

The just-concluded Beijing Winter Olympics ignited the enthusiasm of 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports.

During the Spring Festival holiday, Mr. Wang, a Beijing resident, and his family went to a ski resort in the suburbs to experience the fun of ice and snow sports.

"Now skiing is about to become a national sport, and there are all kinds of videos on the Internet, especially when the Winter Olympics open, I feel that I can't experience it." I want to go to the northeast to feel it later. ”

According to the data, from the successful bid of Beijing to host the Winter Olympics in 2015 to October 2021, the number of participants in ice and snow sports in the country reached 346 million, and the participation rate of residents reached 24.56%.

Of course, it's not just individual sports that have caught fire in recent years.

The network of public cultural facilities covering urban and rural areas has continued to improve, the "summer file", "National Day file" and "Spring Festival file" have gathered in large areas, the integration of culture and tourism has been integrated, and the national fitness fever has quietly risen... The spiritual and cultural life of the Chinese people has become increasingly rich and active, and what has changed is the spiritual outlook of everyone.

Xiaokang, one end connected to every family, every Chinese of the small days, the other connected to the great dream of the Chinese nation. The beautiful vision buried in the hearts of the Chinese people for thousands of years has gradually been realized, and it has become the starting point for the new life and new struggle of the Chinese people. (End)

(Author: Zhang Ni)