
The price has soared 20 times! Insect infestation has caused tomato prices in Nigeria to skyrocket

author:CCTV Finance


Tomatoes are one of the main edible vegetables for Nigerian people, but recently, local tomatoes have suffered from insect pests in a large area, and tomato prices have skyrocketed.

The price has soared 20 times! Insect infestation has caused tomato prices in Nigeria to skyrocket

Ibrahim Inusa is a Nigerian farmer who has been growing tomatoes for more than 10 years and has a decent annual harvest. But this year, a pest that has infested farmland has led to a significant drop in tomato yields, and Inusa's income has been greatly affected by the lack of funds to buy pesticides.

The price has soared 20 times! Insect infestation has caused tomato prices in Nigeria to skyrocket

Ibrahim Inusa, Tomato Grower, Nigeria: The pest is destroying the tomatoes, and I put all the effort into planting them, and in the end there is almost no harvest.

The price has soared 20 times! Insect infestation has caused tomato prices in Nigeria to skyrocket

The price of tomatoes has skyrocketed as pests threaten Nigeria's tomato supply. A tomato buyer said that in the past, 3,500 naira (about 16.8 yuan) could buy a basket of tomatoes, but now it costs at least 70,000 naira (about 336 yuan) to buy the same amount of tomatoes, which is 20 times the price before.

The price has soared 20 times! Insect infestation has caused tomato prices in Nigeria to skyrocket

Nigeria is a big consumer of tomatoes, and experts called on the government to take effective measures as soon as possible to ensure the supply of tomatoes in Nigeria.

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Pan Xu

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