
The Digimon series producers plan to remake or port the early games

At the Digimon con 2022 ceremony on February 27, Digimon producer Kazusei Yusei, expressed his thoughts on the early Digimon games. He said he had received many letters from players asking him to remake his previous Digimon games, so he was also considering plans to restart the series, but it was not yet determined which game to remake or port.

The Digimon series producers plan to remake or port the early games

"If we were to remake the original, we would need to consider whether to add a whole new area to the Digimon world except isle of Le D'A. If we add a new map like The Folder Continent, it is not a remake, and we should develop it as a new work. ”

The Digimon series producers plan to remake or port the early games

Released on PSP on January 18, 2013, Digimon Adventure is a high-quality handheld game. The plot is consistent with the anime TV version of Digimon 1, with the addition of the theatrical version of Digimon: Our War Game and Digimon to enrich the game's content. Unfortunately, the game has always been exclusive to PSP, and PSP has entered a period of decline at the time of release. If you can recreate this cold meal with your heart and log on to NS or other host platforms of this generation or the next generation, I believe that there will be many fans who will pay for it.

The Digimon series producers plan to remake or port the early games

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