
New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming

There has been no news of new skins in these two days, and today the Brazilian brother also broke the news of the theme and candidates of the next new skins, including the Battle Bunny Girl series, the Western Magic Shadow series and the Tarot card series. The Brazilian brother's exposure of the information has 90% credibility, and the last time the little bee candidate was also exposed by him. In addition, the Treasure Hunt of the League of Legends in the Palm should have already gathered 160 points to claim, but most of them are heads and colors, so don't hope too much.

New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming

Battle Bunny Girl series

Members: Miss Doom (Legend skin), Kinks (including the Best Skin), Silas (???)

New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming

The female gun and Jinx should be no problem, and the previous new season video has also exposed the design drawings, including the new battle bunny girl Ruiwen will also appear again (this should have nothing to do with the old version of bunny girl, similar to the old five-kill band and the new five-kill band). According to the style of the painting, it should be like guardians of the stars and the battle academy with some manga style, and the candidates are also popular heroes, which is still worth looking forward to.

The launch date should be around version 12.6.

New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming
New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming

Western Shadow Series

Skin Members: Riona (Legendary Skin), Tyrone (Ultimate 2.0 Series), Tyrone

There is no design drawing for the time being, but the Western Magic Shadow has been out for so many periods, and the quality can still be guaranteed. Here is also the skin of Riona, the new daughter of Fist, and it is also a legendary skin. Counting the twin T2 skins, Riona will also have three T2 skins. The most important thing is that Leona has just produced the Champion Skin, the Battle Academy + the Ultimate Skin, and the Deacon Skin, and the frequency of this skin is really too high.

New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming

Tarot series

Skin members: Aku (legendary skin), Kasumi, and Luo

The design draft of Ahu has also been exposed long ago, so the news is more reliable, if Ahu's new skin is really T2, it is the three T2 of the Zheng'er Eight Classics (Guardian of the Star, Soul Lotus, Tarot Card). In addition, Ahu will have a visual update recently, similar to the refurbished policewoman.

New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming
New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming

Pocket League of Legends Treasure Hunt

This activity has been open for 10 days, and it is enough to complete a match every day, 160 points can be exchanged for prop treasure chests, but most of them are opened with colorful and avatars, and there may be no possession, just do it. If you haven't done it yet, remember to bind the account first.

New skin reveals: Battle Bunny Girl Gun, Western Shadow Riona, Tarot Card Beaver all coming

Finally, I hope that everyone will pay more attention to the lol skin, information, activities, and white prostitution benefits will be shared in a timely manner

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