
League of Legends: Shadow of the West Pass will be online! Guardians of the Stars Supreme Skin Ike is online!

Hello, Hello League of Legends players, Little Peach will bring the Western Shadow Pass and skin-related content that is expected to be launched on May 13.

The first 12.9 version of the pass is the Western Shadow + MSI Event Pass:

The MSI Pass event is scheduled to be from May 13 to June 13.

The Pass Quest reward consists of 25 Mythical Essences + 3 Masterpiece Chests + 1 MSI Magic Orb.

The token expiration time is expected to peak on June 20.

League of Legends: Shadow of the West Pass will be online! Guardians of the Stars Supreme Skin Ike is online!

And the second batch of loot of the Western Shadow will also be added, and the second batch of Western Shadow skins will be released in version 12.10, that is, on May 27. At the same time, the colorful skins of the old Western Shadow Skin will also return to the scene for a limited time.

League of Legends: Shadow of the West Pass will be online! Guardians of the Stars Supreme Skin Ike is online!

And according to the Brazilian brother's revelations, Salfanie will get the best skin of the pool party, the skin is expected to sell for 125 mythical essences, and the current best skin is the best 2.0 skin, there will be a new original painting, and the skin effect and the original painting will also have a special print in the following picture.

League of Legends: Shadow of the West Pass will be online! Guardians of the Stars Supreme Skin Ike is online!

In addition, in versions 12.12 and 12.13, the Guardian of the Stars skin will be launched, and the Guardian of the Stars campaign will target the Soul Lotus, which is expected to last for two versions. In this re-launched Star Watch event, there will also be two perfect skins, one of which is Ike's, and the other is unknown (possibly old skin), and Ike's Best will be released on version 12.13, that is, on June 22, the test suit. And Kasha will also receive the Legendary Skin of the Guardian of the Star with the launch of this Star Guardian event.

League of Legends: Shadow of the West Pass will be online! Guardians of the Stars Supreme Skin Ike is online!

The above is all the content of this issue, follow-up there is new news, little peach and then share with you ~

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