
Genting Game: Forming is Happy! Meaty lineup! Eight Bodyguard Meat Tan lineup!

Hello, dear League of Legends Genting game players, Little Peach today to share with you a formation, happy day of Genting Entertainment lineup - eight bodyguard lineup. The premise of this lineup is that there are two bodyguards to change jobs or the heart of the bodyguard, so it is recommended that Hex Technology, which gets the bodyguard transfer or the heart of the bodyguard at the beginning, will consider making this lineup.

Eight Bodyguards Base Lineup: Nozzle, Bobby, Robot, Riona, Bronn, Gario (i.e. Six Bodyguards) + Jinx, Tammy (or any other five fee cards). As long as Jinx and Tam are guaranteed to the output of this lineup, they can also work with other output cards in the early stage.

Genting Game: Forming is Happy! Meaty lineup! Eight Bodyguard Meat Tan lineup!

The best equipment configuration is Garyo with Infinity, Sheep Knife, Titan's Resolute or Dragon's Tooth, Bronn and Leona can have functional meat outfits such as Sunburn, Ice Heart, Ion Spark, etc., and the Output Hero has an Output Suit and An Attack Speed Suit, and a bodyguard is transferred to Tam.

Genting Game: Forming is Happy! Meaty lineup! Eight Bodyguard Meat Tan lineup!

In terms of standing, the Bronleona robot station side preferentially attracts hatred, the robot can hook a back row C position over, priority set fire seconds, and Gario station side can accelerate the start of Gario's big move. Nords and Bobby each stand in a back row corner to avoid the Main C back row being targeted by Assassins or Robots.

Genting Game: Forming is Happy! Meaty lineup! Eight Bodyguard Meat Tan lineup!

This lineup is prioritized in the high armor and thick shield, for the main AD lineup, it can almost be regarded as a nemesis, the disadvantage is that there is no magic resistance, if you encounter the main AP output lineup such as the Syndicate Fox, the black and white demon, the resistance is not enough. And only if you get a bouncer turn or a bouncer heart at the beginning, it is recommended to try. Happy is also really happy, interested players can try it, followed by a new lineup, little peach and then share with you ~

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