
The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

Everyone dreams of being able to have countless wealth, many people have exhausted their lives and worked hard all their lives to find the key to open the door of wealth, so where is this golden key to wealth? Why are some people, even if they are very diligent, still can't get rich?

In today's society, resources are limited, there are always only a small number of people in charge of wealth, and diligence may be able to create wealth, but it may not be able to make you rich.

Only with the industriousness of the mind can you get rich, so if you want to open the door of wealth, first you have to learn to start from the roots, first you must have the mind of the rich, and then you will have the wealth of the rich.

The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

1. Altruistic thinking

Kazuo Inamori once said: "Selfishness is born, altruism is long"

What this means is that self-interest allows us to survive, but if we are only selfish, we cannot do anything without altruistic thoughts. Understanding altruism is the long-term solution.

The so-called altruism is to do things that are beneficial to others, to think about problems from the perspective and position of others, and to help others solve problems.

On the surface, altruism does not benefit oneself at all, but the ultimate goal of altruism is to be self-interested.

Through altruism, you can accumulate contacts for yourself, link resources, and do altruistic things to achieve yourself.

A person's success lies in how many people want him to succeed, as long as you are altruistic, others will want you to succeed, which is actually a win-win situation.

Therefore, one of the ways to obtain wealth is altruism, first altruism, then self-interest, through altruistic thinking, so as to achieve greater self-interest.

The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

2. The Law of Nine-One

Before we talk about the Law of Nine-One, let's tell a story.

One day, many people find a rich man who wants to learn how the rich get rich.

The rich man thought about it, and he asked people a question: "If you have ten eggs a day, but don't eat the eggs, keep one a day, what will it become in the end?" ”

At this time, someone said: "The eggs will only increase, and there will be no more worries about starvation without eggs." ”

Hearing this answer, the rich man was very satisfied, he smiled and said: "You see, you already know the way to get rich, put the 10 yuan in your pocket, leave one piece a day." ”

The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

Therefore, the Law of Nine-One is actually to live within one's means, accumulate less into more, and gather sand into a tower. Keep at least 10% of your income and make money and gain wealth through proper investment. Of course, whether you are good at managing money or not, this rule is widely applicable.

Whatever you do, remember to give yourself a leeway, which may be the one that allows you to go from nothing to rich.

The Law of Nine-One is not immutable, and can also be adjusted according to its own situation, such as the "Law of Two and Eight", "The Law of Three Seven" and so on.

The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

3. Investment thinking

Investment thinking is a very important way of thinking for the rich.

In this world, everything has a certain cost, a certain price to pay, and you will only gain if you pay.

For example, if you want your own good health, then you have to eat healthily, exercise, stay up late, etc. A series of things you do for your health are an investment;

If you want to make yourself more competitive, you must learn some knowledge by reading or taking some online courses, then the way you learn is an investment in yourself;

If you want to make money, you also have to make certain financial investments.

If you lack investment thinking, do not know how to pay first, invest first, and only see what is in front of you, then it is difficult for you to get more wealth.

The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

4. Psychological account

What is a Mental Account?

The essence of the mental account is that different people value different things differently.

Some people are willing to spend thousands of yuan to buy a bag, but they are not willing to buy a video VIP member, and they have to ask others to borrow it.

The same wage level, some people use to store, some people use to consume, some people use to study.

Everyone's choices are different because we prefer to spend money where we pay attention and care, even if some of the spending is impulsive.

People who like good food are willing to spend money on eating, and people who like to wear are more willing to spend money on clothes, which shows that the proportion of your psychological account is very high.

The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

In life, we can use psychological accounts to gain insight into our own consumer psychology, and then reasonably distribute and manage our own income, avoid blind consumption, and make ourselves more rational.

The wisdom of life and the way of dealing with the world are not one or two articles can be said thoroughly, the stock god Buffett put a large number of concepts of dealing with people, practical experience and specific methods of learning to work, left in the "Buffett to the children's life advice and advice", the book detailed the life experience and advice of the god Buffett, from a large level, these suggestions and advice are divided into the world, character, wealth, life advice; from a small level, including independence, management methods, elite teams, The level of good friends, whether it is for oneself or used to educate children, is a good reading book

Sometimes people just stand in a dead end without knowing it, and go around in a dead end, consuming time. People are confused, "Buffett's Life Advice to His Children", "Kazuo Inamori's Advice to the Young Group", "Rockefeller's 38 Letters to His Son", these three books can guide you out of confusion.

The golden key to open the door to wealth is not diligence, but to understand these 4 points!

Each of the three books explains the secrets of their own wealth, and also explains how young people can solve the various challenges of life from the perspective of learning attitudes, values, and money concepts.

Suppose you want to accumulate a little wealth. The professional knowledge of the level of success, Kazuo Inamori's "Kazuo Inamori's Advice to Young People", "Buffett's Life Advice to His Children", "Rockefeller's 38 Letters to His Son" these three books can not be missed, starting from 3 dimensions, exploring the meaning of life, work and life, etc., from the middle of word by word, you can feel the management wisdom and philosophical theory of Kazuo Inamori, help you to expand your thinking, grasp the tricks and laws of survival, and be able to survive in society better.

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