
Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

Now many families want children, but the premise is that the elderly can help bring it, not that young people do not want to bring children, but because the current society, the pressure is too great, young people need to repay various loans when they get married, so after having children, they need the support of the elderly in the family! But there are many old people who have come over to have bitter water to vomit, let's take a look at it!

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

The cry of the old man

One: The concept of parenting is different

Today's young people with children pay attention to science, all the things of children are in accordance with the concept of science, but the elderly with children or the way to take children before, for example, some old people will say "no dry and clean eat no disease", but young people think that everywhere is bacteria, children should pay attention to hygiene from an early age! It is such a small thing, because the concept is different, the result is that the young and the old have contradictions!

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

Two: Children bump into contradictions

Originally, the old man with the child also wanted to do his best, but sometimes the child was naughty, it was inevitable that he would bump into it, but the family would make a contradiction because of this matter, and the old man would also feel remorseful for it!

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

Three: The conflict caused by the siblings with children

Some old people have 2 children, the difference is one year old or two years old, the result is that the time of the child is almost the same, so there will be contradictions, the old man will bring children to the boss, the second will be angry, to the second child, the boss will be angry, anyway, all kinds of contradictions will come, and even some brothers and sisters have contradictions.

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

Not suitable for old people with babies

One: poor physical fitness

Some old people are old, poor physical fitness, it is best not to help with the child, because the child slowly grows up to learn to climb, walk, etc., are in need of help, if the old man's physique is not good, it is best not to be able to share for the child, the child is naughty and not good, the child bumps badly, tired of himself is even more helpful, to the children to add burden, but to help the reverse!

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

Second: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not harmonious

Mother-in-law relationship is the most important thing in a family, if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not compatible, then it is best not to help bring after the birth of the child, with the child facing every day together, the contradiction will be more over time, the frequent occurrence of mother-in-law contradictions, will make the son more difficult, resulting in the relationship between husband and wife will also be incompatible!

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

Suitable for old people with babies

One: Pay attention to science with children, and accept the opinions of young people

Some old people think that the children who were brought out before have grown up, and as a result, they now bring a grandchild, all kinds of exquisite, and sometimes think that young people have nothing to pick faults, but in fact, it is not.

A friend of mine, the child is two years old, the grandmother often has nothing to pinch the child's little Tintin to tease the child to play, the child's mother always says that the bacteria on the hand can not be pinched, the child's grandmother feels that the daughter-in-law has more problems, and is often angry about this matter. One day the child shouted to pee, and the grandmother was afraid that the child would urinate on the sofa, so she pinched the child's little brother with her hand and ran to the bathroom with the child. As a result, the child began to cry at night, the urine could not come out, took to the hospital for the doctor to check, the small tintin bacteria infection, the doctor gave the child a cleaning medicine. So sometimes the elderly feel that the young people are looking for things, maybe the probability of 1 in 10,000 let the child meet, but if the elderly pay attention to a little, the child will not reduce the pain?

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

Two: do not mix the lives of small couples

The elderly and young people with children will always live in one home, but there are many mothers-in-law who love to interfere in the lives of their sons and daughters-in-law, some mothers-in-law feel that daughters-in-law love to spend money, often buy clothes and cosmetics, or some mothers-in-law will also feel that daughters-in-law love to direct their sons to work, because these things often nagging daughters-in-law, and as a result, helping to bring children is laborious and unflattering, making daughters-in-law disliked! I think this kind of old man might as well enjoy his retirement life, so as not to add unhappiness to the children!

Helping children with babies, the old man crying about his own difficulties, these three things everyone must have encountered

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