
Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

author:Ask the doctor quickly

Hydronephrosis, also known as fluid waist, is usually caused by urinary tract obstruction.

When the discharge of urine is impaired, it will lead to increased pressure in the kidneys, decreased kidney function, and patients will also have nausea and vomiting, backache, difficulty urinating and other uncomfortable symptoms, which need to be treated effectively in time, otherwise it will bring a lot of harm to the body, so we should pay attention to the prevention of this disease.

What are the abnormalities in the body when hydronephrosis occurs?

Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

First, let's take a look at the dangers of hydronephrosis.

1. Cause urinary tract infection

The main reason for the occurrence of hydronephrosis is that the urine is retained in the kidneys and ureters for a long time, and long-term hydronephrosis will lead to the growth of a large number of bacteria in the ureters, which can easily induce urinary tract infections, cystitis and other diseases.

If effective improvement measures are not carried out in time, it will have a great impact on the patient's body.

Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

2. Cause systemic poisoning

When hydronephrosis is complicated by infection, it can also lead to systemic toxicity, and the kidneys act as filters for toxins.

If a large amount of water accumulates in the kidneys, it will affect the detoxification function of the kidneys, and the residual toxins will circulate in the body, which will cause systemic poisoning.

3. Cause kidney atrophy

Renal atrophy is the most serious hazard of hydronephrosis.

When the kidneys accumulate water for a long time, it will compress the blood vessels of the kidneys, so that the kidneys will be in a state of ischemia for a long time, which will cause atrophy of the kidneys, and will also cause certain harm to the function of the kidneys.

Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

It can be seen that hydronephrosis will bring a lot of harm to the body if it is not treated in time, so it is particularly important to detect this disease in time.

1. Severe pain in the kidneys

When there is severe pain in the kidneys, hydronephrosis should also be considered.

Because hydronephrosis causes a large amount of urine to accumulate in the kidneys, it will put a certain amount of pressure on the kidneys, which in turn can cause severe pain in the kidneys and sometimes in the ureters.

Once these painful sensations occur, it is important to have a relevant examination in time.

Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

2. A lump appears on the edge of the ribs

A lump at the edge of the rib cage is typical of the early stages of hydronephrosis.

Other diseases may cause lumps, but the lumps caused by hydronephrosis will worsen and even spread as the disease progresses, and the lumps will spread from the edge of the ribs to the waist and abdomen.

Once a corresponding lump is found in the body, it is necessary to observe the changes of the lump, check it regularly, find the cause of the lump, and treat it in time.

Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

3. Abdominal distension and oliguria

In the early stages of hydronephrosis, patients may have significant oliguria or anuria, and bloating may occur due to the accumulation of urine in the kidneys.

As hydronephrosis progresses, patients may also develop hematuria, which is usually microscopic hematuria and is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

4. High blood pressure

Hydronephrosis can also cause high blood pressure, and if hydronephrosis is not effectively controlled for a long time, it will lead to ischemia in the kidneys, and blood pressure will also rise.

Therefore, if you want to better control your blood pressure, you must also actively treat hydronephrosis.

Once hydronephrosis appears, these 4 signals on the body will give a "warning"! I advise you to keep an eye on it

It can be seen that when the body has these uncomfortable symptoms mentioned above, it is necessary to consider the possibility of hydronephrosis, and it is best to seek medical attention in time for relevant examinations to make a clear diagnosis.

If it is caused by hydronephrosis, it must be treated in time to improve, if hydronephrosis is not treated in time, it is likely to bring about the above harms, which is very unfavorable for physical health.

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