
The carbon emission reduction of new energy vehicles has made significant contributions, and the "double integral" management method will be optimized

The latest research results of a number of institutions show that from the perspective of emission reduction potential, new energy vehicles contribute the most significantly to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the road transportation industry, followed by energy efficiency improvement, and the adjustment of transportation structure also has a certain contribution in the early stage.

The Carbon Peaking Carbon Neutral Research Center of the Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the National Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Simulation of Motor Vehicle Pollution Of Environmental Protection recently completed the project of "Research on the Peaking Path of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Road Traffic in China".

The automotive industry is one of the key sources of co2 emissions on the mainland. Experts involved in the study told the first financial reporter that carbon dioxide emissions in the mainland transportation field account for 9% to 10% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions, of which the automotive industry accounts for the highest proportion, accounting for 70% to 80%.

Monitoring data show that passenger cars and commercial vehicles account for 38.5% and 61.5% of co2 emissions of automobiles respectively; from the model point of view, taxis, buses, minibuses, medium-sized buses, large buses, minivans, light trucks, medium-sized trucks, heavy trucks accounted for 1.3%, 0.5%, 0.3%, 38.2%, 1.1%, 3.0%, 0.01%, 13.6%, 2.2%, 39.7%; from the perspective of fuel types, gasoline, diesel, and other fuels ( Natural gas, alcohol fuels, etc.) accounted for 42.8%, 52.5%, and 4.7%, respectively.

"It can be seen that heavy trucks and minibuses are the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles and should be the focus of emission control." The above experts said that the number of cars in the mainland is currently at a low level, and it is expected to continue to grow in the future, but the growth rate will gradually slow down.

The carbon emission reduction of new energy vehicles has made significant contributions, and the "double integral" management method will be optimized

Composition of CO2 emissions from continental vehicles. Source: Environmental Science Research

According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on February 28, 2021, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in the mainland reached 3.545 million and 3.521 million units respectively, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, ranking first in the world for seven consecutive years, and the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles has exceeded 9 million.

The research results show that from the perspective of emission reduction potential, the promotion of new energy vehicles contributes the most significantly to the carbon dioxide emission reduction of the road transportation industry, followed by energy efficiency improvement, and the adjustment of transportation structure has made a certain contribution in the early stage.

The "14th Five-Year Development Plan for Green Transportation" proposes that by 2025, the energy consumption and carbon emission intensity of operating vehicles will further decline, and the proportion of new energy and clean energy applications will be significantly improved; the passenger and cargo transportation structure will become more reasonable, the efficiency of transportation organizations will be further improved, and the green travel system will initially take shape. Among them, the carbon dioxide emissions of the transportation turnover of operating vehicles have decreased by 5% compared with 2020, and the proportion of new energy vehicles in the fields of urban public transportation, taxis (including online ride-hailing) and urban logistics and distribution has reached 72%, 35% and 20% respectively.

The plan is clear, accelerate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the fields of urban public transportation, taxi, logistics and distribution, and the proportion of new energy vehicles in the national ecological civilization pilot zone and key areas for air pollution prevention and control is not less than 80%. Encourage the pilot application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Promote the construction of charging (replacing) facilities in highway service areas, passenger transportation hubs and other areas to facilitate green transportation and green travel.

The carbon emission reduction of new energy vehicles has made significant contributions, and the "double integral" management method will be optimized

The picture shows the new energy bus of Shanxi Bus Company. Photography / Zhang Ke

In this regard, experts involved in the above research believe that in order to achieve the carbon peak of the road transportation industry, we should focus on optimizing and promoting the adjustment of the transportation structure, building a green travel system, and increasing the promotion of new energy vehicles. In the same way, we will continue to reduce the carbon emission intensity of newly produced fuel vehicles, accelerate the elimination of old cars, accelerate the construction of infrastructure such as charging piles and charging and replacing, and continue to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

At a press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council on February 28, Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, also said that he would pay close attention to studying and clarifying support policies such as the continuation of preferential tax treatment for new energy vehicle vehicles, optimize the "double integral" management method ("Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Credits"), and do a good job in effectively connecting with subsidies to stabilize market expectations. Launched a city pilot for the full electrification of public domain vehicles.

In November 2021, the relevant person in charge of the First Department of Equipment Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said at the "double integral" management work forum that the "double integral" management has played an important role in promoting the development of traditional automobile energy-saving and new energy vehicles in the mainland, and is also facing new requirements for carbon peak carbon neutrality targets, new energy vehicles entering a new stage of accelerated development, etc. It is necessary to scientifically and reasonably set the follow-up annual integral ratio requirements and explore the establishment of a flexible mechanism.

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