
Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

Apple will hold a spring conference in March this year, which is not a new news, I believe that fruit fans have some concerns, but do not know the specific day. The latest report on March 3 shows that Apple has issued an invitation letter to the majority of media, and the spring conference is officially scheduled for March 8, and Beijing time is about 2 a.m. on March 9.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

Although this time point is not friendly for domestic consumers, since it is Apple's first conference in 2022, even if it is late, there will be many people watching. What's more, according to the currently known information, Apple will launch a series of new products at the spring conference, not only the highly anticipated iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

So the question is, what kind of apple new machine is the iPhone SE3? What does this mysterious new machine refer to?

Apple's spring conference was officially finalized

People who know Apple know that the spring conference is not fixed, sometimes there is, sometimes there is not, but the previous generation of iPhone SE models, it was unveiled at the spring conference. This year, Apple will launch a new generation of iPhone SE, the industry will name it iPhone SE3, its attention is not even as good as the iPhone digital flagship at the autumn conference, it is not far behind.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

As for how the iPhoneSE3 is configured, it can be mainly discussed from three aspects, as one of the few product lines with cost-effective advantages in Apple, I believe that the iPhoneSE3 will not disappoint the fruit fans.

First of all, in terms of appearance, the iPhoneSE3 has not brought much change, using apple's classic shape, 4.7-inch screen plus the traditional Home button, it looks unlike the iPhone 8. Perhaps for fruit fans, the appearance of the iPhoneSE3 is nothing new, nor does it look like a new machine, but Apple insists on doing so.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

Fortunately, whether it is a front lens or a rear lens, the iPhoneSE3 will be further optimized, and the portrait mode and night shooting ability will become stronger, which is enough to prove that it is a new model. But it should be noted that because the screen is too small, the battery life of the iPhoneSE3 will certainly not be too strong, and it does not support dual SIM dual standby, which is its most obvious flaw.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

Secondly, the iPhoneSE3 is equipped with the same A15 processor as the iPhone 13, although it is possible to castrate the GPU core like the iPhone 13 entry-level model, but the performance is still very strong. A15 can be said to be the strongest mobile phone chip at present, the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 and Tianji 9000 in the Android camp are not opponents, and they will inevitably bring excellent performance experience on the iPhone SE3.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

Coupled with Apple's unique iOS system, the performance of the iPhone SE3 will not be inferior to the Android flagship model, which is also the two biggest advantages of Apple's mobile phone today, A series chips and iOS systems have not been surpassed so far.

Finally, and most importantly, the biggest highlight of the iPhoneSE3 is that it will become the cheapest Apple 5G phone ever, not only adapted to the 5G network, but also expected to start at a price of less than 3,000 yuan. According to people familiar with the matter, Apple's new iPhone SE machine this year, the price does not exceed 400 US dollars, converted into less than 3,000 yuan, this price is undoubtedly very attractive.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

As the fruit fans say, more than 2,000 yuan of iPhone SE3, who can guarantee that they will not be moved? Moreover, the iPhone SE3 is also Apple's third 5G mobile phone, in addition to the appearance of little change, other aspects of the configuration are remarkable, buy to make a backup machine is also a good choice.

There is also a mysterious new machine

It is not difficult to see that if the iPhone SE3 really only needs more than 2,000 yuan, then its sales will certainly be very scary, and fruit fans will not miss this new Apple machine. Recently, it was reported that at this year's spring conference, not only the iPhone SE3, Apple also has a mysterious new machine, referring to the purple version of the iPhone 13Pro series.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

In the spring of last year, Apple launched the purple iPhone 12 and iPhone 12mini, although it was only a shell, but it was still favored by consumers, and later sales were also considerable. This year, Apple will repeat the same trick, bringing purple iPhone 13Pro and iPhone 13ProMax at the spring conference, with the aim of making the iPhone 13 further occupy the market.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

Perhaps many fruit fans are not cold to this, because they are already very familiar with the iPhone 13 series models, and the purple version of the iPhone 13Pro and iPhone 13ProMax are just shells, not attractive. But Apple's mobile phone can not be inferred by common sense, Cook chose to release a purple version of the iPhone 13Pro at this time, there must be his reason.

Apple's spring conference is officially finalized! Not only the iPhone SE3, but also a mysterious new machine

Write at the end

All in all, whether it is the new iPhone SE3 or the hulled iPhone 13Pro, it will be unveiled at this year's spring conference, and now that the Apple conference has been officially finalized, fruit fans will soon see them. I hope that Apple will not live up to the expectations of the majority of fruit fans and strive to bring more surprises.

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