
The bookstore opened by God | Fu Yue'an

The bookstore opened by God | Fu Yue'an

"Taishang Induction Article Illustration" text

The bookstore opened by God is a chain store, spanning time and space, with a long history. Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, bookstores can be seen in places where Chinese people live. By chance, enter the store to look at the east and west, encounter a good version, interesting book, although taken into the arms, God bowed in front of the face, you can take it home, free to pay the bill! ——More than twenty years ago, I first met this kind of "good health" and tried to become a patron. After so many years, even if the "book demon" habit has weakened by more than half, no longer so fond of visiting bookstores, searching for books everywhere, and encountering the one opened by God, I am still happy to take a closer look, laughing and flipping through it.

Chinese traditional engraving and printing, the origin is very early, it is said that it can be pushed all the way to the Tang Dynasty, but relatively popular, there are really more books to be traced, but it is necessary to count the "Song carved Yuanzhuo", and so on to the Ming and Qing dynasties, the economy is relatively developed, education is relatively popular, "stereotyped printing books" can not be controlled, has become a new industry. Any book has someone printed and someone sells someone buys. "Examination guidance publishing", of course, the largest is still the scope of the Four Books and Five Classics of the "Making of Art And Time Literature" (Eight Strands of Literature Examples) this kind of "examination books", "intellectuals" (scholars) want to win meritorious fame, become officials and get rich, do not buy it!

However, with the increase of the literate population, there are also more and more practical books in the folk, such as the "Ruler Book" and "Famous Family Book" that teach people to write letters, the "Yellow Calendar of General Books" and "The Complete Book of Rewards" that master the years and months, and even the "Chapter Back Novels" and "Bullet Words and Dramas" for leisure and entertainment. As long as there is money to be made, some people dare to come out. However, there is also a so-called "good book" that is printed by everyone and spread everywhere, not for the purpose of making profits, but for the purpose of cultivating the blessed land and accumulating merit.

《Taishang Induction》

When did the Book of Goodness begin? It's hard to say, but it should have something to do with "Taishang Induction".

"Taishang Induction" is an article, a total of 1274 words, which began to appear during the Song Dynasty, and no one knows who wrote it; Li Changling of the Southern Song Dynasty once annotated it, which can be determined. The whole text promotes the idea of heaven and man induction and karma, and aims to persuade the good and punish the evil. The opening verse says 16 words: "There is no way out of misfortune, but man calls himself; the retribution of good and evil follows the shadow", and at the end of the chapter, he declares that "all evil should not be done, and all good should be practiced".

After the Song Dynasty, this book spread more and more widely, the Ming and Qing dynasties reached its peak, not only there are various annotated versions, Qing Dynasty scholars Hui Dong and Yu Fan all came to roll a foot; on the occasion of Fuluan, Lü Dongbin, Ji Gong, and Guan Laoye could also say a few words, and also spread to Korea and Japan, which was known as "the first good book in the world". Finally, in order to let the peddlers and pawns and old women and children understand, they evolved the "illustrated storybook", that is, the various folklore or social cases of good and evil retribution were searched into a book, and with woodcut illustrations, people could see it more enjoyable and more profoundly for good. The first to do this was Xu Miaozeng in Qianlong, and the title of the book was changed to "Taishang Induction Chapter Illustration", in addition to the main text of the "induction chapter", the format is about one note, one case, one picture and one poem.

The bookstore opened by God | Fu Yue'an

With the flow of time, the annotations can be different, the cases can be changed, the illustrations can be engraved separately, and the poems can be newly written, and if the "holy oracles" used in the indoctrination of various dynasties, the circulation of good books, and the charters of the Convention on Respecting Words and Paper are added one by one, they will become a thick set, and it is really necessary to see.

"Taishang Induction" or "the bookstore opened by God" first displayed several books sold, the evolution process also shows how the good books are "layered and accumulated", more and more ginseng feet, more and more ginseng, more and more thick, to the Republic of China, the good books are numerous, innumerable, Confucianism, Taoism, the three religions of unity, everyone came together to sponsor printing, or pray to the dead or the living:

Hui Ji Zhou Shuren Shi Yangyin Sixty Yuan Inscribed This Sutra In a Circle Count 21,081 Printed Merit Books 100 Copies of the Book of Merit More than 100 Yuan Liu Yuan carved the Ten Wheel Sutras of Dizang

In September of the third year of the Republic of China, there was such a line of annotations after the book of the Hundred Yu Jing engraved by the Jinling Scripture Engraving Office, and even Lu Xun (Zhou Shuren), who had always been hard-mouthed, saw the Buddha kill the Buddha, saw the ancestors kill the ancestors, and "did not forgive anyone", was not exempt from the vulgarity, and became the supplier of "the bookstore opened by God", and the rest is roughly known.

A bookstore tour that starts with a vegetarian shop

In the early 1990s, it was also indiscriminately counted in the History Department of National Taiwan University, when the "Tangshan Bookstore" seemed to have not yet moved to its current location, located in the basement of the alley next to the Lianjing Bookstore, the space was relatively cramped, and the second floor of the same building was a vegetarian restaurant, known as "Maitreya". Maitreya's vegetarian cuisine is proper, clean and delicious, and the price is not expensive, which is quite popular with students. At noon and dusk, there is a lot of traffic, the flow of people is continuous, and the narrow stairwell is often crowded with shoulders. Also in the gift of "traffic jam", I stumbled upon a shelf of books next to the entrance of the restaurant, large and small, there are shelves with flats, which are quite a lot, very interesting, and better yet, the bookshelf partition is also pasted with a "free gift, welcome to take" note.

The bookstore opened by God | Fu Yue'an

At that time, I was crazy in searching for books, as soon as I saw the shadow of the book, I couldn't forget it, in order to have a good look, I specially chose a deserted afternoon, stood in front of the bookshelf, carefully selected, and finally took several books to leave, the most important thing is the "Diamond Sutra Lecture Notes" written by Jiang Wei Nongju, a thick book, like a brick, spent a whole year, seems to understand the circle point again, and later read it again, the impact is far-reaching. Or because of the location near Taiwan University, the books circulating on the shelves seem to have a higher "grade", and in the future, I often get good books in the "Maitreya Branch" of the "bookstore opened by God", such as Lawyer Jianyue's "A Dream And a Long Speech", Dunhuang Ben's "Six Ancestral Altar Sutras", and the four major volumes of "The Old Man's Sleepwalk collection of the old man in the mountain", etc., are all unattainable, and it is rare to see them elsewhere.

As the saying goes, "the door of goodness is difficult to open", once it is opened, it is impossible to clean up, and in the future the eyes are bright, looking for it to understand, the bookstore opened by God, not only vegetarian shops, even stations, hospitals, palaces and temple altars have branches, and even have direct names called "good book circulation office", called the system is huge and complex, far away, as long as there is a heart, Taiwan is thorough, there are books to see and take everywhere, and they are all good (good) books.

Friends know that I love to see temples, and I always have to visit wherever I go, in addition to looking at architecture, carvings, paintings, idols, and Yang Lian... "Looking for books" is also a big attraction to me. In the past twenty years, I have been looking everywhere, and I can also find out several sources of printing good books, including Buddhism, Taoism, etc. and folk self-printed exhortation scriptures, the most common of which include various Buddhist scriptures newly printed in ancient books, as well as the "Four Precepts of Fan", "Anshi Quanshu", "Jade Calendar Treasure Banknote", "Mingxin Baojian", "Karma and Retribution", etc. For a while it seemed to be particularly popular travelogues, what "Hell Travels", "Celestial Travels", "Lotus Buddha Country Travels", "Travels in the Four Seas", one after another, people read stunned, and their happiness and harmony.

This bookstore opened by God, books worth reading, how to read can not finish, once touched two kinds of three particularly interesting books or can be mentioned: once in a palace temple near a university in Tainan, full of dusty bookcases, actually saw a "today's world version" of "Franklin Autobiography", this book is of course a classic masterpiece, but how can it be put into the list of good books? I was very confused, I took it back to look at it, and accidentally turned to the chapter of the "Introspection Test Table" in the book, I only thought it was interesting before, but now that I have read more good books, I have an association: Isn't this the Western version of the "Four Precepts of The Four Precepts of The Four Disciplines"? "Theologians" called "Puritans" when they arrived in the West? Perhaps because of this, some people will put it in the "bookstore opened by God" for people to read and circulate! Is it Jephreyah? Only God knows.

Respect the word paper

The other includes two books: the lithographed line-bound "Xi Zi Tu Shu" and the lithographed photocopy of the "Xi Zi Zheng Zheng Guan" (below), which talks about the concept of "Xi Zi" that has been very popular since the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially the "word paper" printed with words, all of which have spirits, and must not be disrespectful, or if the situation is uncertain, the small one will suffer from disasters and illnesses, and the big family will be defeated and killed.

The bookstore opened by God | Fu Yue'an

Why? The "Declaration of Surrender and Respect" before the book "Saying of the Character of Regret" says it well:

Eunuchs cannot be high-ranking without words, what is a scholar and what is a eunuch and what is chosen?

Mrs. Nong's absence from the word is very difficult, and the marriage contract in Cambodia cannot be handled;

Craftsmen are incomplete from the word label, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil without stamps;

Merchants are difficult to distinguish away from the word accounts, and the goods in and out cannot remember how to understand;

The benefits of not saying enough words are boundless, and the letters of thousands of miles are like interviews;

Guyun characters are worth thousands of gold passed down through the generations, and light character paper should not be respected?

Of course not! Regardless of his disrespect, emperor Wenchang set up a penalty for a few people who are often committed today:

Wipe a few words with paper and rub the abandoned ground. Forty sins. Wisdom that has been exiled.

A person who lights up with a piece of paper. Ten sins. Sore ringworm.

One who examines the scriptures with unclean hands. Three sins. Raw fork finger sores.

So and so, often blamed, the word paper turned into a hot potato, what should I do with it? In the past, Huang Junxiong's cloth bag play "Yunzhou Great Confucian Hero" had a role of "ugly jun picking up characters", this jun held a black clip, carried a bamboo cage, wandered all day long, and picked up word paper everywhere, and these word papers, finally concentrated in one place, cremated things. There is a "Sacred Relic Pavilion" in Longtan, which is the old "resource recycling station", which is specially used to recycle incinerated paper, and one of the pavilions is inscribed with the words "Passing through the Transformation of God".

There is a spirit in the writing paper, a spirit and a god, and the binding into a book is called good, and the good book circulates in the world, so there is the bookstore opened by God.

Author: Fu Yue'an

Editors: Andy, Qian Yutong

Editor-in-Charge: Shu Ming

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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