
Su Han lost a shoe

author:Writer 荟


Author: Fu Mingqiao

Su Han lost a shoe


Su Han sat up from the sleeper, rubbed his eyes, and looked out the window, the sky was already dark, and the high-speed train was speeding forward. She stepped on the escalator and got out of bed, and found that there was no one in the lower bunk, but the quilt seemed to have been opened and leaned on the bunk.

She remembered that at night, she slept in a daze, and felt as if someone had come.

Su Han stepped on the edge of the bed in the lower bunk and hurriedly looked for her shoes, her shoes were red, and they were placed on the light blue floor before going to bed last night, which was very conspicuous. However, she only found the one on her left foot, and the one on her right foot was missing. She had to come to a golden rooster to stand alone, and then half-squatted down and searched the bunks on both sides, but as a result, she still couldn't find the shoe on her right foot. However, there was one more shoe under the bunch, a black men's sneaker, and there was only one.

Hell, where did the shoes hide? Could it be that someone is deliberately playing a prank?

Su Han had no choice but to jump on one foot, until he jumped to the door, opened the door, and a female flight attendant came over. Su Han hurriedly asked her for help: "Sister, please come over for a while, my shoes are missing." ”

The flight attendant came in and asked the two passengers on the opposite bunk: "Did any of you see this beauty's shoes?" The two, a man and a woman, poked their heads out of the bunk and shook their heads. The flight attendant searched again and opened the cabinets on both sides, but as a result, except for the men's shoes, he still didn't find Su Han's shoes.

She took out her mobile phone, made a call, and then said to Su Han: "I'm sorry, you wait a minute, I'll contact 12306 immediately to find the passenger in the lower bunk." ”

Soon, the flight attendant found the mobile phone number of the lower bunk, who knows, she just dialed the phone, and suddenly a strange ringtone came out of the quilt on the lower bunk: "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Woohoo, Hoo! Woohoo, Hoo! ......" She reached out and lifted the quilt, and a black mobile phone lay on it. When the flight attendant looked at the caller ID, it was her mobile phone number, and she comforted Su Han with a smile and said, "Don't worry, there are disposable slippers in the cabinet, you can wear them first; Perhaps, this person is wearing your shoes incorrectly. ”

"How is this possible? You see that one of his shoes, at least in the forties, my shoes are so small, how can he wear them? Su Han thought to himself: Is this person a pervert, why do you like to wear women's shoes?

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see the people in the lower bunks come back, so the attendant had to call again, and soon the radio in the carriage rang out: "Mr. Wan Tinggui, Mr. Wan Tinggui, please go back to your bunk immediately, someone is looking for you!" Someone is looking for you! ……”

It's been on the air for a long time, but no one has returned. The flight attendant was a little nervous. After a while, two police officers pushed the door open and asked what was going on. It's a bit strange to say this, a woman's shoe is missing, and a big man is missing.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in the lower bunk rang again, and the police hurriedly answered, only to hear a scolding from the mobile phone: "You bastard!" If you don't answer so many phone calls, are you drunk again? You said that you are drunk and dreaming all day long, and your wife and children don't care, are you still a man? ”

Listening to the voice like an old man, the police hurriedly went back: "Uncle, uncle, don't worry, I am a policeman on the high-speed rail, may I ask who you are the owner of this mobile phone?" ”

The other party was stunned: "You are a policeman?" Did he commit something? ”

The police officer said: "No, no, we saw that his mobile phone was still on the shop, but the person was gone, are you his father?" ”

The other party said: "I'm his father-in-law, something should happen to him, right?" ”

The police officer said, "I'm not sure for the time being, what do you think will happen to him?" ”

The other person said, "How do I know? This nest is a waste, it's better to die, so that my girl won't suffer with him! If he's not dead, you'll get him in!" After saying that, he hung up the phone with a snap.

What is this person called? The police looked confused and hurriedly dialed it back, but the other party just didn't answer.

The flight attendant muttered in a low voice, "Could something really happen?" If you are sick or missing...... That's trouble......"

Su Han was even more depressed, seeing that the sky was about to dawn, and there was still half an hour left, and the train was about to arrive at the station, she couldn't help but get anxious: "Comrade policeman, what can I do about this?" I can't get on the car barefoot, can I? ”

The police comforted her, called a few more people, and told them: "Let's split up and hurry up to check all the sleeper compartments!" ”

Su Han lost a shoe


At ten o'clock in the evening, the security checkpoint of the high-speed rail station.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't bring alcohol in this bottle according to the regulations."

Wan Tinggui was very depressed, and his old classmates knew that he was an alcoholic, so they specially brought him a bottle of foreign wine from abroad.

People take this bottle of wine, come back from the other side of the ocean, and fly over thousands of miles without any trouble; didn't think about it, but when it came to him, he was stopped by the security check of the domestic high-speed rail.

"What then? It's too late to go out and handle the courier. Besides, this big night, the courier company may have already left work. ”

The security inspector shook his head with a serious face, indicating that he could not help.

"Otherwise, I'll give you this bottle of wine."

"I'm sorry, sir, we can't take it, you're trying to make us make a mistake?" The security inspector hurriedly waved his hand.

"Ah, isn't it just a bottle of wine, as for ......?"

Helpless, he had no choice but to quickly run to the middle of the outer hall of the passenger entrance, raised the wine bottle and shouted: "XO, the original goods just brought back from the United States, sold at a low price, the original price is two thousand six, and now it is only one thousand yuan!" ”

After a while, a group of people gathered around.


"Maybe it's advertising, but now it's selling things, and all the tricks have been used, who knows if it's true or not?"

"It doesn't look like a fake, maybe you can't pass the security check."

"That's not necessarily, these days, scammers have all kinds of tricks, maybe when you buy it and open it, it's a bottle of syrup water."

An uncle squeezed over and looked at the bottle carefully: "Little brother, can you give you 500 percent?" ”

He hesitated: "Done!" Five hundred is five hundred. ”

He took the money and ran to the security checkpoint with a sense of relief. Unexpectedly, someone suddenly caught up behind him: "Wait a minute! ”

A middle-aged woman, I don't know, but she is carrying the bottle of wine that has just been sold.

"I'm sorry, my husband has a bad heart and can't drink; Besides, we're going to take a car too, and we can't get through the security check! ”

There was no way, he had to obediently return the money to others.

He unscrewed the bottle fiercely, went to the water dispenser to take a disposable plastic cup, poured a full glass, and immediately overflowed with the aroma of wine. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a bottle of good wine here, welcome to taste it for free!" After that, Gollum, I toasted myself first.

But all the people around him looked at him strangely, and no one dared to taste it. He shouted in the hall with his glass, and the crowd dodged out of the way like a school of sardines in the sea meeting a shark. The security guard came and warned him not to do this.

Seeing that the time for the train ticket check was approaching, he reluctantly walked to the trash can, and saw that a bottle of good wine that his friend had returned from crossing the ocean was about to turn into garbage, and his heart was really depressed. This is not only a tyrannical thing, but the wine is a gift for going home to please the old man! The old man has always looked at him unpleasantly, and he still hopes that this bottle of wine can ease the relationship between the two.

He suddenly jerked the bottle to his mouth, grunted a few gulps, then threw away the empty bottle and staggered to the security checkpoint.

Su Han lost a shoe


I'm a red right-footed shoe, and since the day I was born, I've been inseparable from my left-footed shoe like a couple in love. It's funny to say that we were originally domestic, but then we crossed the ocean, went to another country, and put it on the shelves of a specialty store. One day, a Chinese boy came and seemed to like us, so he bought us. Then, we lay quietly in the box, followed him on the plane, and returned to China.

When the young man gave us to his girlfriend, the girl almost laughed out of her big teeth: "Hahaha! Are you exporting to domestic sales? Didn't you see that this is domestic? The young man scratched his head and looked embarrassed: "I thought that this shoe style is good-looking, it suits you very well, and the packaging is in English, so I didn't pay attention to the ......."

But the girl was very atmospheric, comforted him and said: "Thank you, I still think about me, the quality of this brand of domestic shoes is also the world's top, I like it very much." But in the future, be careful, don't study abroad as if you are studying abroad, and the major you study is actually Chinese music history, hahaha! ”

The boy said with a flushed face: "Su Han, why don't you open any pot?" ”

"Okay, okay, they're kidding you." The girl kissed the boy on the cheek.

The girl Su Han has always treated us as if we were treasures, hiding in the shoe cabinet and not willing to wear them. This time, she took a long vacation to visit her boyfriend in that distant city in the south, and then she remembered us. And just like that, we followed her feet on the train and into the sleeping car.

Originally, we were lying under the sleeper, but in the middle of the night, suddenly a man covered in alcohol came in, he fell on the bed, rubbed his feet, and a pair of stinking sneakers fell in front of us, so that we almost fainted. But we are shoes, not people, what can we do? I can only endure it.

What's more, in the second half of the night, the man got up, grabbed me in a panic, went to the bathroom first, and then ran back to the sleeper, leaving me down and falling asleep. However, I always felt that something was wrong, my partner, the left shoe, was missing. And just like that, I had to stay with a stinking man's shoe.

At dawn, the train stopped at a small station, and a few minutes later a beautiful woman walked in, and when she saw that there were people on the bunk, she exclaimed: "Comrade, why are you sleeping on my bunk?" But no matter what she called, the man who was full of alcohol snored like thunder, and he couldn't wake up. happened to be patrolled by the police, and the woman hurriedly said, "You came just in time, someone took my place." The policeman caught a glimpse of me on the ground red, then pushed the man and said, "Hey, wake up, why did you run to someone else's bunk?" ”

The man sat up and rubbed his eyes in a daze: "What's wrong?" ”

"What's wrong? You've gone to the wrong box and you're wearing the wrong shoes. ”

Man: "Huh? ”

Su Han lost a shoe


Wan Tinggui apologized to Su Han repeatedly, took his mobile phone and asked her for an account, saying that he would compensate her for her shoes. Su Han frowned and refused: "Forget it, count me unlucky." ”

However, she no longer wanted to put her foot in the right shoe, which seemed to have a stinky foot. Su Han has a habit of cleanliness, and once, when the mobile phone fell into the toilet, she felt distressed for a long time, but she threw it away. When she got out of the car, she had to carry a pair of red shoes in her hand, and a disposable slipper on her foot, slowly moving forward like a snail, and along the way, people kept looking back at her strangely. Half an hour later, she finally made it to the taxi rank. I took a taxi to a shoe store on the street and bought a new pair of shoes. Then he threw the right shoe in the trash, put the left shoe in a bag and stuffed it into the bottom of the box.

The world is impermanent, and Su Han broke up with her husband a few years later. The reason is that my husband cheated on me. On the day of the breakup, when Su Han was packing his things, the red shoe fell out of the box.

My husband asked in wonder, "What about the other one?" ”

Su Han said: "Throw it away." ”

"Why did you throw it away?"

Su Han: "It's dirty." ”

"So what's the use of keeping this shoe?"

Su Han glared at him: "It's just clean, why throw it away?" ”

The husband shook his head and muttered: "I really don't understand, this woman ......"

Fu Mingqiao is a high school Chinese teacher. His works have appeared in newspapers and periodicals such as "Literary Life", "Comedy World", and "Hong Kong Wen Wei Po". Some of his works have been selected into the "National Teachers' Selected Novels" and "The 100 Most Popular Essays for Middle School Students".