
Mother is old, please don't say these words!

Mother is old, please don't say these words!

Whether they have raised you or not, at least your mother was pregnant in October and gave birth to you in this world, you can see everything in this world, beautiful, ugly, evil, good, are given to you by God and your parents, do not do things that will make you regret, please be good to your parents, do not wait until they are gone, you know how to cherish. then! It's never too late.

Remember, never say these ten words to your parents!

1, well, well, know, really wordy! (Poor parents in the world, the "wordiness" of parents is actually a kind of happiness.) )

2, is there anything wrong, is it okay? That's hanging up. (Parents on the phone, maybe just want to talk, can we understand their intentions, don't hang up in a hurry.) )

3, said that you do not understand, do not ask! (They just wanted to talk to us.) )

Mother is old, please don't say these words!

4, how many times have you told me that I don't want you to do it, and I can't do it well. (We stop things that they can't do anymore, but don't make them feel useless.) )

5, your set, has long been outdated. (Parental advice may not work, but can we respond in a different way?) )

6, tell you not to clean up my room, you see, you can't find anything! (Your own room or clean up by yourself, don't clean up, and don't blow the old man's kindness.) )

Mother is old, please don't say these words!

7, what I want to eat I know, don't clip! (The parents who were looking forward to us coming home always wanted to integrate all their concerns into the specially made dishes, and we just silently appreciated it.) )

8, said don't eat these leftovers, how old don't listen to ah! (Their lifelong frugal habits are hard to change, so let them try to cook as little as possible each time.) )

9, I have my own measure, don't talk about it, don't bother.

10, these things said no, what to do here!

Suddenly thinking of his mother, he couldn't help but cry, suddenly very moved, very wanted to cry, for the sake of the child's healthy and happy growth, mom and dad paid a lot. But what do we do for our parents? Have you noticed changes in your parents? Let love fill the world.

Have you ever paid attention to your parents? Have you ever cared about your own parents?

Mother is old, please don't say these words!

If one day: you find that your father's flowers and trees have been abandoned,

If one day: you find that the floor wardrobe in your home is often covered with dust;

If one day: you find that the dish cooked by your mother is too salty and too unpalatable,

If one day: you find that parents often forget about Guan Gas;

If one day: when you find that some of the habits of old fathers and mothers are no longer habits, just like when they no longer want to take a bath every day;

If one day: you find that your parents no longer love to eat green crisp fruits and vegetables,

If one day: you find that your parents love to eat rottenly cooked dishes;

Mother is old, please don't say these words!

If one day: you find that they are always coughing during meal time, don't mistake them for a cold or a cold (that is the phenomenon of aging swallowing nerves);

If one day: you find that they no longer love to go out...

If there is a day when I tell you, you have to be alert to the fact that your parents are really old and that their organs have degenerated to the point where they need to be cared for.

Mother is old, please don't say these words!

Everyone will be old, parents are older than us, we have to use the mood of role swapping to take care of them, will have patience, there will be no complaints, when parents can not take care of themselves, for children to be alert, they may be incontinent, may do a lot of things badly, if the room has a peculiar smell, they may not smell themselves, please do not feel dirty or smell him, for the children of people can only help him clean up, and please maintain their "self-esteem".

Mother is old, please don't say these words!

When they do not like to bathe, please take time to wash their bodies regularly, because even if they wash themselves, it is impossible to wash them clean, and when we enjoy the food of love, please prepare a small bowl of appropriate size and easy to chew for them, because they do not like to eat may not be able to bite their teeth.

From birth, feeding and changing diapers, sleepless care for the sick, teaching us the basic abilities of life, providing for reading, eating, drinking, playing and tutoring, caring and acting never stopped.

If one day, they really can't move, shouldn't role swapping also be the right thing to do? Those who are children should remember that to see their parents is to see their own future, filial piety should be timely, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stopping, and the son wants to raise but the relatives are not there.

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