
A long time ago, there was a war between birds and beasts

A long time ago, there was a war between birds and beasts

Long long ago, there was a war between the birds and the beasts. No one knows what they fought about.

A long time ago, there was a war between birds and beasts, and no one knew what the cause of the war was.

The bat did not know whose side he should take. He thought and thought, then decided he must try to be on the side of the winners.

Bat didn't know which side he should be on at first, he thought left and right, and finally decided that he must stand with the ultimate victor anyway.

So he watched from far away. After a while,it seemed that the birds were going to win. He flew over to join them.

So he hid far away to observe. Soon, the birds showed signs of victory, and he flew to the bird camp.

"What on earth are you doing here?" a bird shouted at him.

"What are you trying to do here?" A bird cried out to him.

"Can't you see I'm a bird?" the bat said with a smile. "Look , I have wings, just like you."

"Can't you see that I'm a bird too?" The bat smiled and said, "Look, I have wings like you. ”

Come along, then,"said the bird." Don't hide behind others."

"Then come along," said the bird, "and don't hide behind others." ”

But things changed soon. Now it seemed that the beasts were winning. So the bat left the birds in a hurry and went over to the beasts.

But the wind and clouds suddenly changed, this time the beasts looked like they were going to win, and the bats hurriedly and quickly left the flock of birds and ran to the beasts.

"What are you doing on our side?" an animal called out to him. "Are you spying on us?"

"What are you here for?" A beast roared at him, "Are you here to be a spy?" ”

"Don't you know I'm one of you?" asked the bat, showing his teeth." Look. Can't you see I've got teeth,too?"

"Don't you see that I'm part of you?" The bat asked rhetorically, and showed his teeth. "Look, don't I have the same teeth?"

"Who are you trying to fool?" said the animals. "We saw you fighting on the side of the birds just now."

"Who are you trying to fool?" The beast said, "We just saw you standing in the enemy camp fighting us!" ”

So the beasts drove him off. Of course the birds refused to take him back.

Then the beasts expelled the bat, and of course the birds refused him to return to their ranks.

When the beasts and the birds saw neither side could win, they decided to stop fighting.

When the herds of beasts and flocks of birds saw that neither of them could win the final victory, they decided to truce!

Neither beasts nor birds would have the bat as their friend,so he was afraid to leave his home. Ever since then, the bat comes out only at night.

Neither the beast nor the bird regarded bats as friends, and he had to leave the stage he had, and then hide in the dark night!

A long time ago, there was a war between birds and beasts

Authoritative source: "Primary School Reading Guide (Grade 1 and 2 Edition)", No. 9, 2009

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