
Huang Lixin said: March 5 Saturday The third day of the first month of the lunar calendar The stinging festival is known early

Saturday, March 5th, the third lunar month of the second month of the lunar calendar

Huang Lixin said: Today into the stinging solar terms (22:44), when the solar terms change, pay attention to recuperation and recuperation. It is advisable to be open-minded and humble, to remain stable, and it is not advisable to rush into trouble. It is advisable to follow the rules and regulations, and it is not appropriate to seek and expand excessively. The processing of documents and accounts should be carefully reviewed to prevent errors. It is necessary to keep the right path, be careful in words and deeds, maintain harmony, and beware of verbal disputes and wrongdoing. Ding Wei should not travel far, and he should keep his belongings well to prevent wear and tear loss.

Huang Lixin said: March 5 Saturday The third day of the first month of the lunar calendar The stinging festival is known early

Easy image interpretation: Today into 22:44 into the stinging of the solar terms, the time of the transformation of the solar terms, the aura changes greatly, we must pay attention to adjust the body and mind. Ding fire is yin, there is the image of a lamp and candle, representing the mind, born at the time of the handover of the moon order, it is advisable to be open-minded and humble, to maintain stability, and it is not appropriate to rush into action. The sky is dry and Mercury is revealed, the water and fire are stirring, it is advisable to follow the rules, do things according to the rules, and should not be excessively external and expand. Ding Huo sat down to rob, hid contradictions, handled documents and accounts, carefully examined, prevented mistakes, cautious words and deeds, and kept good property.

Huang Lixin said: March 5 Saturday The third day of the first month of the lunar calendar The stinging festival is known early

Note the orientation: The Auspicious side is in the southern direction, select this direction to act auspicious. The northwest is prone to change, try to avoid.

Zodiac Signs: If you belong to the pig and the tiger, you should guard against right and wrong, and it is advisable to hide and keep quiet, and you must be cautious.

Huang Lixin said: March 5 Saturday The third day of the first month of the lunar calendar The stinging festival is known early

Note time:

Auspicious time: The favorable time period is from 17:00 to 19:00 in the evening, choose to do things during this time, it is easy to get support and help, which is conducive to smooth operation.

Unlucky times: There are two unfavorable time periods, one is when the decay is from 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning, in this time period, it is easy to involve right and wrong, things are changeable, it is not easy to succeed; the other time is the Xinhai time from 21:00 to 23:00 in the evening, acting here, doing more and more, easy to encounter fights and ruins, should be avoided as much as possible.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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