
The Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics, the 4 lovers trained by Cai Bin went to be cheerleaders!

author:Chasing the ball girl

The Chinese women's volleyball team has finalized the squad for the Paris Olympics, and it will be a 12+1 lineup to play the Paris Olympics. The coaching staff and the Volleyball Association attach great importance to the Paris Olympics this time, because the Chinese women's volleyball team played the 9th place in the last Tokyo Olympics is relatively bad, so the goal of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics is very clear, it is to achieve better results in the Paris Olympics.

The Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics, the 4 lovers trained by Cai Bin went to be cheerleaders!

Therefore, this lineup adjustment is not decided by the discussion of the coaching staff, but by the exchange of everyone in the entire volleyball association. This squad is currently training in Zhangzhou, which means that it is fully prepared for the next game. Since the Chinese women's volleyball team also wants to achieve a stage of old and new, it will send some young players to play the game, these 4 young players should not have the opportunity to play, almost all of them are as the team's cheerleaders to watch the game on the sidelines, more to learn, and let them experience the atmosphere of the international arena, because after 4 years, some veterans are about to retire, so the Chinese women's volleyball team still has to be trained.

The Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics, the 4 lovers trained by Cai Bin went to be cheerleaders!

Producing some young players, these young players? The experience of playing the national team is not enough, although there are many opportunities to play in the league, but the state is not particularly ideal, and it is completely impossible to play in the international arena, although the performance in the women's volleyball league is very outstanding, but when they go to the international arena and the World Women's Volleyball League, these players still have a big gap compared with the young players of some teams in the international arena, and they still need to focus on training!

Secondary Attack: Koshi

Gao Yi, as a player in the secondary offensive position, is basically a substitute for Wang Yuanyuan or Yuan Xinyue, but due to insufficient experience in all aspects, and the shortcomings on the field are very obvious, as a player of the women's volleyball team, he must be very good at blocking the net, in order to be of great help to the secondary attack of the Chinese women's volleyball team, so II-VI's focus is to learn and learn from Wang Yuanyuan, Wang Yuanyuan was a substitute player in the Tokyo Olympics before, and now after coming to the international arena, Wang Yuanyuan can already be used as a starter, after these four years, we can see that Wang Yuanyuan's progress is also very great, the previous Tokyo Olympics coaching staff also wanted to take her to watch the game and exercise, she didn't have too many opportunities to play, basically substitutes, then now II-VI will be Wang Yuanyuan's professional props!

The Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics, the 4 lovers trained by Cai Bin went to be cheerleaders!

For example, when a young player goes to the international arena and doesn't have the opportunity to play, he learns and trains and feels it, so it's a great opportunity. Even if II-VI goes to the international arena, as a substitute player or as a cheerleader, it will be of great help to his personal career, because the current coaching staff is cultivating the successors of these veterans, so Gao Yi is more of a substitute for Wang Yuanyuan, and then to learn more of his tactics and playing style, so as to fully prepare for the next national team!

Answer: Zheng Yixin

The Chinese women's volleyball team is indeed focusing on cultivating an excellent player in the receiving position. At the beginning of 16 years, the national team's matches were all based on Gong Xiangyu's lineup. Gong Xiangyu is under a lot of pressure, and we can see in the last women's volleyball league that she was in tears after many games, and the pressure was too great, because she was the only player in the receiving position, and there was no way to substitute and rotate. Now she is also a little veteran, and then she is also facing the danger of retirement, so at present, the Chinese women's volleyball team has adjusted Zheng Yixin, who is in the secondary offensive position, to respond, that is, I hope she can achieve better results in this national team competition!

The Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics, the 4 lovers trained by Cai Bin went to be cheerleaders!

Because the Chinese women's volleyball team has too many players in the secondary offensive position, Zheng Yixin has no chance to play in the secondary offensive position, and has just been adjusted to the receiving player, maybe he is not familiar enough with the major aspects of the game, we also hope that he can continue to adjust the state and fully prepare for the next national team game, which is the national team She almost has no chance to play the game, that is more to give her the opportunity to exercise, learn and grow!

Main attack: Wu Mengjie

Wu Mengjie, as a young player in the main offensive position, gave him enough opportunities to play in the last World Women's Volleyball League, she did not disappoint the coaching staff, and spent 3 years to focus on cultivating him, and he can slowly play. Although there is still a big gap compared with some strong teams in the international arena, we believe that Wu Mengjie can become a very good main attacker in the future. The national team brought her this time because her state is also relatively good in all aspects, and she will definitely be able to play a very good technical level in the future!

In the next Paris Olympics, Wu Mengjie can definitely play as a substitute player, which will also be very helpful for her personal career, and we also hope that he can play a super high technical level. The Olympic Games in 4 years will be a good opportunity for Wu Mengjie to show her strength, and I hope that he can learn more tactics and playing styles from Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning in this national team competition.

The Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics, the 4 lovers trained by Cai Bin went to be cheerleaders!

Main attack: Zhuang Yushan

It was a player who was agreed to be a must-have, and he came on as a substitute. There may be few opportunities to play on the court, just like in the women's volleyball finals, that is, as a substitute player to serve a ball will be replaced, but the national team should focus on developing him, he is indeed a very good main attacker, serving very well, can cause a lot of pressure on the opponent. Therefore, Zhuang Yushan will be the pickup player brought by the Chinese women's volleyball team to play in the Paris Olympics, and we also hope that after this national team competition, Zhuang Yushan can focus on growing up!

The Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics, the 4 lovers trained by Cai Bin went to be cheerleaders!

The above 4 players went to play in the national team, and basically did not have the opportunity to play on the field, but more as a substitute player or as a cheerleader on the sidelines. These players are all players that Cai Bin has spent 3 years cultivating, that is, in order to be fully prepared for the old and the new, then this Paris Olympics is also a good opportunity for them to learn, whether they are on the field or as a cheerleader, they should learn from the veterans. We also look forward to the Chinese women's volleyball team achieving better results in the Paris Olympics. #我要上热门##长文创作激励计划##中国女排##中国女排巴黎奥运会能够夺冠吗?#

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