
Horoscope analysis of the stem branch on May 4, 2022

Horoscope analysis of the stem branch on May 4, 2022

Zhen Qian/Wen (Original)

Time combination of May 4, 2022: Ding Wei Day of the Year of Nong Yin

When there are many people helping, there are always good changes or opportunities, there is good news at home or at work, or there are good things, and it is easy to be careless.

After watching the combination of time for so many years, I found that the more the combination is more or always the opposition is very strong, or the distribution of forces in the combination is dry, these types of combinations are often larger, or the height of the career level will be higher. At the same time, it is also found that such as some houses, such as some companies, or some factories, the heavier the gas, the easier it is to see the effect after adjustment, and the easier it is to produce good results. This seems to contradict what the book says. Why is that? In fact, what the book says is not wrong, such as the average strength in the birth time combination, a stable life, but not lost, will not fluctuate, they are from this point of view, think that this situation is the best. Then, it is more difficult for this type of combination to really make a big difference in the career, what is the difficulty? On the surface, it is ability, boldness, and momentum, but in essence, it is still related to the transformation of this yin and yang. As I have always said before, there are some people who are very happy to see the power of God or Joy, although these birth combinations are also rare, and there must be some kind of role or achievement. However, it is not yet the supreme realm in the birth time combination. What is the Supreme Realm? It is those who are very angry in the combination of birth time, and the jealousy is very strong, however, this jealous god is quietly born with the god or the god of joy, in this case, such a pattern is very high, and it will definitely achieve a big cause, although the ups and downs in life will be greater, but once the luck is lucky, it will inevitably rise with the wind and leap to the ninth heaven. Why is that? To put it in layman's terms, when the enemy can use it for himself, what else do you say cannot be used for himself? Although a person with the help of nobles can already play a multiplier role, not to mention that this enemy is also here to help with one hand, do you say that the power of this help will be great, and the pattern here is not greater? Moreover, the power of this jealousy is often the greatest, and once it can be transformed into the use of God or the joy of God, the source of this use of God or jealousy of God is naturally continuous, which is what we usually call life and death in the true sense, and the real life and death do not mean that the self in the separate yang is endless, nor does it mean that the self in the separate yin is endless, but the life between yin and yang, so that the whole circle can really rotate. In fact, in many of the combinations of birth times of great achievements, this kind of situation accounts for more types. Therefore, I often tell others, don't be afraid of the rush in the birth time, and don't be afraid of how strong the jealousy in the birth time is. On the contrary, I now look at a combination of birth times, analyze a combination of birth times, and the first thing I look at is this jealous god, to see how this jealous god is, how powerful this jealous god is, and so on. Once the jealous god is clearly understood, analyzed clearly, and properly arranged, it is just as good to use God and like God to naturally ignore it, so the most important thing is to arrange and pack up this "enemy", and it is natural that the nobles and those who help themselves are naturally not in the question. In the same way, looking at a spatial environment is the same, you look at those places where great talents have come from ancient times and the present, which one is not bothered? The ancients have long said that the earth is full of brakes. Why? Or the above idea, everyone pursues this kind of exuberance, but have you ever thought about it, where does the exuberance come from? Wang qi cannot come from wang qi itself, because the lonely yang is not long, and the pure yin is not born, is it not? It is impossible for a man or a woman alone to reproduce, and it is necessary to seek yin and yin to succeed. Does that want to be the same? Of course, if this is the case, it is also necessary to obtain from the qi, and once the qi can be transformed into vigorous qi, the role of this place is great. The home environment is the same, although some places are heavy, however, once properly handled and transformed into sentient beings, they can suddenly flourish. Therefore, people who don't understand are afraid of anger, and when they see it, they think of avoiding it, and those who really understand it, when they see qi, they see qi, they see qi, because only when qi exists, qi has a source, and there is an opportunity to procreate.

Let's look at the time combination of this day, it is a Ding Wei day, the folk calendar says that this day is the fourth day, which is more taboo in the customs of some places, generally will not be used for marriage and wine, or will not be used to enter the house, but also less used to install beds, stoves, etc., it means that there is no vitality. From the perspective of the laws of the calendar, not all festivals or the day before the qi are four days, but it is more certain that the day before the general four days will be this, such as the day before the spring, such as the day before the summer, such as the day before the autumn, such as the day before the winter, and so on. However, when I was very young in my early years, I also saw a cousin who knew the calendar and the days use the Four Absolute Days to help people make a stove, and later it was quite smooth, and the effect was quite fast. I later consulted him specifically for this when I studied with him, and according to what he said at that time, as long as the days were prosperous, the sun was in place, and the horses were noble and complete, and it was suitable to sit in and not be stuck to this four absolute days, because the sun was the king, and all the gods where it went would lurk and hide, and it would no longer work. Also the so-called seven suns three tight, only the first relative of the calendar, as long as the sun is used well, no matter which day, what kind of method is used, it will be more secure, because it is the lord of the stars, the movement of the stars are affected by its absolute role and influence, therefore, over the years, I have personally been convinced of this view, but all calendars, the choice of the day and timing of the sun as the center, this is the most basic principle, but also I think the most important principle, so other things are magical, No amount of fancy talk can shake my confidence. Because in fact, the application of this nearly twenty years, in practice, also shows that it does work very well, not like some days on the surface it seems to be a set of sets, but in fact there is almost no effect. Because no matter which one in the calendar, if you leave the sun to talk about good and bad, about auspiciousness, and about change, what is the point? Isn't it? And look at the time combination of this day, because it is four days, of course, in general, such as moving into the house or making a stove, it is always good to avoid or avoid it in the case of uncertainty, it is useful for people who understand, but for people who do not understand it is an uncertain factor, there is really no need to take such a risk, you can change a time and so on. On this day, the Ding fire is in the Chenyue, the year, the month, and the day, and it is all wood fire, so this Dinghuo is not weak, and the Dinghuo is not weak, it needs water to properly adjust, and generally summer or winter only need to be adjusted. In fact, I think that when the fire is too strong, or the water is too strong, it needs to be adjusted. If the fire on this day is too strong, and it is happy to see the appearance of the water on the year, this is the role of waiting, it is the adjustment of the official star, and nature is perfect, because it itself represents coordination, organizational ability, etc. From here, we can see that there will be some good things in the work career on this day, or there will be some good news, or the family will have some good things in this day. At the same time, it is easier to have help or get help from others when things happen during the day. On the other hand, looking at the day, many things also seem to be completed in the plan. However, the day branch is a fire, and it is easier to be impatient or careless, and some people are also prone to lose their temper, so you can pay a little attention to these aspects. In addition, nongshui leaks play a good role, indicating that many things or some difficult things will also have a good turnaround or a good change in this day.

People born in Ding Weiri are independent in personality and have their own principles and views when things happen. This person who is born with monkeys, chickens, rats, dragons, and cows has good things, and people with 0 or 9 at the end of the birth year number have a good harvest, and the favorable time period is between 17:00 and 19:00 in the afternoon.

In terms of auspicious stars, pay attention to anti-theft and avoid going to remote places.

The above is my personal analysis, please refer to it.

There are all kinds of people in today's essay life, and we will meet them, but there is no need for us to become such people.

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