
Li Tie has served as a teaching assistant for Aram Peran and Lippi! He had deep considerations and just risked failure

author:Qi Shuai

Li Tie has served as a teaching assistant for Aram Peran and Lippi! He may have thought more deeply, but risked failure

News on Friday, September 3, 2021 Beijing time. The Chinese men's football team lost 3-0 to Australia this morning, played badly, and should be criticized. Many fans believe that Li Tie's platoon deployment is not right, the diamond-shaped position is standing, and the single back defense is too weak. But in fact, even if you don't deploy it like this, it is still difficult to have a chance of winning. It's all about strength.

Li Tie has served as a teaching assistant for Aram Peran and Lippi! He had deep considerations and just risked failure

The most recent major match between the national football team and Australia was the quarter-final of the 2015 Asian Cup. At that time, the national football team sent out a 451 pure defensive formation, with only a single arrow and a Wu Lei! The national football goalkeeper will be Wang Dalei. The back line is: Ren Hang, Mei Fang, Zhang Linpeng, Zhang Chengdong. The midfielders are all the best defenders in The country: Cai Huikang, Zheng Zhi, Ji Xiang, Sun Ke, Wu Xi. Only Wu Lei was in front. And at that time, these international footballers were at their peak in 2015!

Li Tie has served as a teaching assistant for Aram Peran and Lippi! He had deep considerations and just risked failure

However, the national football team still lost 2-0 to Australia, and there was almost no chance in the whole game. At that time, Li Tie gave the Frenchman Alain Perrin as the manager, and Li Tie had a strong learning ability! AramPerland can't even intercept Australia with 5 midfielders!

Later, Gao Hongbo succeeded Aram Peran. Then Gao Hongbo got out of class, and Lippi coached the national football team! At that time, the national football team fought some hard battles, such as losing South Korea 1-0 in 2017 and losing 0-1 to Iran, when Lippi's tactics were bolder than Li Tie now!

In the match in which the national football team defeated South Korea 1-0 in Changsha, the national football goalkeeper was Zeng Cheng, and the back line was: Zhang Linpeng, Feng Xiaoting, Mei Fang, Jiang Zhipeng. The midfielders are: Zheng Zhi, Zhang Xizhe, Wang Yongpo, Arthur Junmin. Forwards sent out to Dabao and Wu Lei! To know that the opponent is South Korea, Lippi still uses Zhang Xizhe, Wang Yongpo, and Arthur Junmin, which are all forward-liners with full offensive attributes, and only Zheng Zhichun defends. And then in the face of Iran, the national football team is still 433 strong attack! Send Zhang Yuning + Gao Lin + Yu Dabao's three-forward tactic.

Li Tie has served as a teaching assistant for Aram Peran and Lippi! He had deep considerations and just risked failure

At that time, Li Tie was still Lippi's teaching assistant and also learned a lot. Lippi's open-minded playing style has a miraculous effect.

AramPeran's emphasis on defence when playing Australia and Lippi's emphasis on attacking against South Korea and Iran are the opposite. Li Tie is a witness.

Therefore, in the early morning of this morning, the national football team lost 0-3 to Australia, and Li Tie may have a deeper consideration. It is useless to stick to it completely. Used for Dabao to play center back, on the one hand, Dabao's physical confrontation is very strong, the opponent Australian is tall and big, the confrontation has an advantage, liberating Zhang Linpeng on the wing. On the other hand, when attacking from a corner, Yu Dabao's header advantage can also be played. And Yu Dabao is a fu general, who has been playing as a defender for several years in Guoan. If he wasn't up to the task, Schmidt and Genesio wouldn't have used it that way. Therefore, Li Tie chose to use it as a defender in Dabao and chose a strong attack formation. And single back, Wu Xi in the middle. ——When he gave Alain Perlan and Lippi as a teaching assistant, and studied around these famous coaches, Li Tie finally made such a choice.

Li Tie has served as a teaching assistant for Aram Peran and Lippi! He had deep considerations and just risked failure

Before the national football team defeated Syria 3-1, Zhang Xizhe opened the record! So in this game, Li Tie let Zhang Xizhe continue to start and continue the tactical thinking for a period of time. In the second half, Zhang Xizhe left the field, and the national football team only had a free kick in the 45th minute.

Lose, the criticism. But iron should still be encouraged. It's normal to lose to Australia anyway, and in such a big game, exercising is not a bad thing, even if it is a bold attack. However, it is estimated that after the national football team faces Japan, Vietnam and other teams, Li Tie must be "conservative", after all, the pressure of the fans is coming now! But in fact, the national football team is meaningless, and it is possible to qualify boldly. Conservative, it can "lose less", but that is useless. On the one hand, Chinese football is not good at the same level, on the other hand, it still wants to participate in the World Cup. It's better to take a little more risk.

As for Alain and Luo Guofu, they did not play. Because he did not observe with the team and did not know the situation of the international team, perhaps Li Tie had more to think about.

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