
Acura will exit China Many models clearance cheaper than Honda?

The routine of Japanese products is to first use a cheap product to enter the Chinese market, and after gaining a firm foothold, it will promote more high-end products. Toyota has Lexus, Honda has Acura, and Nissan has Infiniti. Among the three brands, in addition to Lexus, which is a complete capture of the consumer belief of high-end consumers, the other two brands are in danger of survival, and recently there is a hot news, Honda's high-end brand Acura, will withdraw from China.

Acura will exit China Many models clearance cheaper than Honda?

Remember Renault's exit in 2020? This time it is the turn of the Japanese brand, it is reported that the major stores of the current dealers have entered the stage of inventory clearance, waiting for the final notice of the manufacturer. It is reported that the current discount is quite large, the RDX comprehensive discount in some areas is more than 60,000 yuan, and the CDX discount is close to 60,000 yuan, which can be regarded as the ceiling of the Chinese market so far, so after a wave of god operation, CDX is actually cheaper than Honda's CR-V.

Acura will exit China Many models clearance cheaper than Honda?

According to the current official guidance price of Acura RDX, the minimum configuration of 270,000 after the discount can be won (naked car), and the positioning of CDX will be lower, and the CDX 1.5T model after the discount can now be started with about 170,000. If this is the case, the Honda CR-V will still have about 200,000, is this not a proper dimensionality reduction blow?

Acura will exit China Many models clearance cheaper than Honda?

Just when I got this news, the ghost sister also deliberately went to Acura's social platform to check it out, and the official public number of the people was still updating the order information of the Acura RDX titanium limited edition model, but it was not strange that Acura wanted to withdraw from the Chinese market, a new car listed in September 2021, limited to 500 units, until now these 500 units are still selling.

Acura will exit China Many models clearance cheaper than Honda?

If you think this is a sudden decision by Acura, you may not know the brand. Since 2021, Acura has successively stopped the import of cars and cars in the Chinese market, and some models have been discontinued in China, and the 4S store at that time has embarked on the road of clearing inventory. According to the data, the Acura brand only sold about 6,000 new cars in China last year, down nearly 50% year-on-year, and the annual sales volume of the two main sales models CDX and RDX did not exceed 3,000 units.

Acura will exit China Many models clearance cheaper than Honda?

Ghost Truck View: There's nothing to say, quitting is a very correct thing to do. Chinese consumers are getting smarter, domestic products are getting better and better, a model in addition to its own brand, but also have a newer product feeling, but Acura has been stagnant. Just now such a cheap model do you dare to buy, will it become a pinduoduo to buy a car?

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