
Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei scrambled to submit evidence to court, but the verdict may not help

author:Colorful dye shop
Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei scrambled to submit evidence to court, but the verdict may not help

According to media reports, since Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei were sentenced to divorce, the issue of child visitation rights has become the focus of contention between the two sides, in the early morning of March 5, Taiwan local time, Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei are about to conduct face-to-face debates through the form of network connection, just when the debate between the two sides is about to start, Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei have submitted relevant evidence, which shows that both sides are prepared and are holding the belief of victory.

According to Taiwan media reports, last month, some netizens inquired about the progress of the lawsuit between the two sides' children's visitation rights through relevant WEBSITEs in the United States, when Wang Lihong had submitted 11 pieces of evidence to the court, and Li Lianglei did not submit any evidence. At one point, it triggered speculation among netizens that Li Lianglei did not have substantial evidence of Wang Lihong at all. But then Li Lianglei responded quickly, saying that she had submitted 7 pieces of evidence in accordance with the court process.

Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei scrambled to submit evidence to court, but the verdict may not help

On the eve of the trial debate on March 5, there were rumors that Li Lianglei added 7 additional pieces of evidence, and Li Lianglei's side submitted a total of 14 pieces of evidence. Not to be outdone, Wang Lihong added 4 additional pieces of evidence, bringing the total number of evidence to 15. Judging from the number of evidence, the two sides are on a par with each other, but neither Wang Lihong nor Li Lianglei responded to the exact amount of evidence submitted.

Although the March 5 controversy has attracted much attention, the outcome of the cross-border litigation between the two sides may not be decisive from the special circumstances of the cross-border litigation between the two parties, because the two have also filed a lawsuit in a Taiwanese court, and the two judicial systems may differ greatly due to differences in the judgment of the divorce case between the two parties due to differences in values and other criteria.

Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei scrambled to submit evidence to court, but the verdict may not help

According to Taiwan media reports, Wang Lihong chose to file a lawsuit for child visitation rights in the New York court for a reason. Because U.S. law attaches great importance to children's rights and interests, it is believed that both parents have the right to visit and take care of their children, which is obviously conducive to Wang Lihong's demands for visiting children.

However, due to the fact that Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei and their children have lived, lived and received education for a long time in Taiwan, the two sides have also filed divorce proceedings in the Taipei court before, but the relevant process has gone through two years and has not yet reached a final result. According to media speculation, it should be due to the fact that in Taiwan's local judicial system, this kind of divorce case involves too complicated, and there are difficulties in obtaining evidence between the two parties, so the outcome of the lawsuit is difficult to give birth.

Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei scrambled to submit evidence to court, but the verdict may not help

The author consulted the relevant information and found that there were still variables in whether the parties' litigation and judgment results were recognized by the Taiwan court. The divorce of the two parties is simple, because according to US law, domestic violence or separation for one year can be sentenced to divorce, divorce is also the result of Li Lianglei's happiness, but the core of the problem is not the dissolution of the marriage relationship itself, but in the division of relevant interests and children's related rights and interests. Assuming that the relevant judgment of the US court is unfavorable to Li Lianglei, can Li not accept the relevant judgment and take a step back to seek a favorable judgment of the Taiwan court? This possibility exists.

Therefore, from the overall expected direction of Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei's divorce proceedings, the face-to-face debate on March 5 is only the beginning, far from the point of showdown.

Wen | Colorful Dye Shop

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