
Wang Li: The trajectory of his life in the year before his death

author:Xiaomei told you

Wang Li: The life trajectory of the year before his death, some people's lives are full of legends, and they have written their own legendary lives with their own efforts and tenacity. Linguist Wang Li is one such legend. As the founder of modern Chinese linguistics, his fame is indeed well known. But in addition to his academic achievements, Wang Li's experience of battling cancer in his later years is equally admirable. In the last nine years of his life, he repeatedly battled between illness and health, but he still maintained an optimistic and positive attitude. Today, let's walk into the last chapter of the life of this master of linguistics and witness how he overcame his illness with tenacity and lived the life he wanted.

Wang Li: The trajectory of his life in the year before his death

In September 1987, when 66-year-old Wang Li went to the hospital for a physical examination, he was judged by the doctor to have cardia cancer. Hearing this bad news, anyone will be frightened, let alone an old man. However, Wang Li was not defeated by the disease, but decided to undergo surgery with tenacious willpower. Despite the doctor's openness and honesty in telling him that the success rate of the surgery was only 30%, he decided to choose the surgery.

On October 5, 1988, Wang Li underwent a major operation, which was very successful, and he stepped down from the operating table that cost many lives. However, cardia cancer is not vegetarian, and it is not so easy to beat. Soon after the operation, Wang Li was losing weight at a rate visible to the naked eye. In order to gain more time, Wang Li chose to postpone chemotherapy, and the doctor also thought that it would be more appropriate to wait and see for a year before making plans.

However, the disease was so cunning that a follow-up examination on October 22, 1988 revealed that the cancer had begun to spread. Wang Li had to start a new round of tough battles and began a long chemotherapy treatment. The side effects of chemotherapy on the human body can be imagined, but who would have thought that this 75-year-old man would stubbornly carry it down.

Wang Li: The trajectory of his life in the year before his death

Yes, don't underestimate this old man, in his own words, "We old people should not be afraid to eat fatty meat, do not be afraid to eat egg yolks, and eat whatever you want". In September 1995, Wang Li, dressed in a "foreign outfit", revisited his hometown in Shanghai and reunited with his old friends. Although he is 74 years old, he is not staggering at all, his steps are vigorous and natural, and even the cane is just a prop for him.

But the good times didn't last long, and soon after returning to Beijing, Wang Li's body was in trouble again. Jaundice, vomiting followed, his condition worsened, and he could barely hold on. The gastroscopy in February 1996 ruthlessly revealed the truth: Wang Li's pylorus had grown a large tumor again, and the previously resected cancer had made a comeback.

Terrible news, enough to crush anyone. But Wang Li didn't bother to bow to the disease. If you have defeated once, you will be able to do it a second time! Torrent bravery, this may be Wang Li's own portrayal.

Wang Li: The trajectory of his life in the year before his death

But fate teased this indomitable man after all, and on October 21, 1996, Wang Li fainted at home and never woke up. On his deathbed, he was so skinny that the nurses struggled to find a place where they could draw blood. In this way, the warrior died forever in the battle against the disease.

Linguist Wang Li's life is legendary. From an academic giant who created modern Chinese linguistics to a strong fighter in the fight against cancer, he has interpreted the tenacious will of "never say die" with his practical actions.

Wang Li: The trajectory of his life in the year before his death

In the face of the ruthless killer of cancer, ordinary people may be devastated, but Wang Li gritted his teeth again and again to fight back. When he was diagnosed with cancer in 1987, he resolutely chose surgery. In 1988, when the cancer cells recurred, he bravely embarked on a long road of chemotherapy; In 1995, at the age of 74, he still calmly revisited his hometown, wearing "foreign clothes" to catch up with old friends. All of this stems from his dedication to life.

Unfortunately, despite Wang Li's heroic struggle, he was still unable to defeat the disease in the end. But as the saying goes, "born in sorrow and died in peace", Wang Li's life is wonderful. Through his actions, this linguist explains to us the true meaning of living oneself and never giving up. #头条首发大赛#

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