
Ye Yonglie: Restore Wang Li's life after he was released from prison in his later years, his arm was shriveled, and he couldn't even draw blood

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

Wang Li, a linguist, once served as an editorial board member of "Red Flag" magazine, which shows that he is rich in learning. However, life is full of dangers, and in 1967, he was "put on leave for review", and since then he has been in prison for 14 years. Although exempt from arraignment, he still needs to serve his sentence. After he was released from prison, his life was like walking on the tip of a knife, sometimes getting better, sometimes getting seriously ill. Even so, he never gave up hope of life. Until 1996, at the age of 75, after several years of tug-of-war with the disease, he finally died, which made people sigh. Using the genre of diary notes, we can enter Wang Li's life in his later years, and let us get a glimpse of another life experience of this linguistic.

Ye Yonglie: Restore Wang Li's life after he was released from prison in his later years, his arm was shriveled, and he couldn't even draw blood

In 1982, Wang Li, like an old bird who had only been trapped in a cage for 14 years, was finally released and regained his freedom. The days after being released from prison can be regarded as stable and warm. The organization divided the house to him, and also arranged a young girl as a nanny to take care of him and his wife's daily life. The life of the Wang family was spent in peace and carefree.

Wang Li's life pattern in his later years was quite Westernized, and I think this has something to do with the fact that he often went on business trips to the Soviet Union when he was young. At that time, he liked to wear a black top hat, a suit and leather shoes, and an imported aluminum alloy cane, clean and handsome. He loves to dress up so much, and I guess he must have praised people who are particular about hangers.

On November 3, 1988, the famous writer Ye Yonglie visited Wang Li, which was also his first interview in 21 years. At that time, Wang Li had just returned from the hospital, and the organization also allocated a car to the couple to make it convenient to travel. However, although he is 67 years old, he is still well-dressed, wearing a suit and a meticulous tie, and he is very handsome. At other times, he often wears a white hat on his head, and from a distance, he looks like a Muslim uncle.

Ye Yonglie: Restore Wang Li's life after he was released from prison in his later years, his arm was shriveled, and he couldn't even draw blood

After going through so many ups and downs in life, he was still able to relax in the end, and I really admire him. However, the good times did not last long, and in 1987, he was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor gave two treatment paths: one is conservative treatment, and the other is surgical resection, the latter with a success rate of only 30%.

For Mr. Wang Li, who is over 60 years old, this is undoubtedly a difficult choice. But in the end, with the support of his family, he chose to take the risk. I was amazed at his courage to make a desperate move, and how he explained what it meant to be "heart-to-heart".

Although the operation was successful, Wang Li's body was getting thinner and thinner day by day. Not to mention fat, even the blood vessels are so thin that they are almost invisible. After another year, his cancer returned, and he had to undergo chemotherapy again. The chemotherapy process was extremely difficult, and the elderly were weak after each time, so they could only stay in bed for a long time, and even talking became a luxury. I was so embarrassed to see this, and I praised him for his tenacity.

Ye Yonglie: Restore Wang Li's life after he was released from prison in his later years, his arm was shriveled, and he couldn't even draw blood

After battling the disease year after year, Wang Li's condition finally improved in 1990. I still have to walk on crutches, but at least I can move on the ground. The following summer, he and his wife had a golden wedding anniversary, which can be described as the biggest celebration of the elderly's life. The two old men must have been in a very happy mood at that time.

However, the good times did not last long, and in 1995, Wang Li's condition deteriorated again, and his health deteriorated. In his later years, he could only drink some hot milk to sustain his last breath, and even needed help to stand up. It is hard for us to imagine that a talented man who was once rich and personable had such a difficult last life. Life is so ironic.

In the early morning of October 21, 1996, Wang Li's flower of life withered in this way. At that time, he fainted on the ground as soon as he came out of the toilet and was rushed to the hospital, but his two skinny arms could no longer bleed for testing. The little nurse shook her head at that time, knowing in her heart that the old man Wang Li might not be able to return to the sky. Sure enough, a few hours later, he left for the end of this earthly world.

Ye Yonglie: Restore Wang Li's life after he was released from prison in his later years, his arm was shriveled, and he couldn't even draw blood

Reading this, my heart is extremely heavy. It is sad that a former national scholar lived such a miserable life in the last days of his life. However, thinking about it from another angle, maybe this is the meaning of the word "alive" that Wang Li has used his life to interpret. At the last moment of his life, he never gave up the last ray of life. It is a great luck to have such fighting spirit and perseverance in life. I hope that Mr. Wang Li can rest in peace here, and his life is immeasurably meritorious. #头条首发大赛#

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