
Mike Miller: Maddy and James' biggest difference in rings & career longevity

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Mike Miller: Maddy and James' biggest difference in rings & career longevity

Live Bar April 26 News Recently, former NBA player Mike Miller participated in a podcast show.

Speaking about Grant Hill, Miller said: "Maddy and I talk a lot about this, and if I, Hill, Maddy can stay healthy, we're the lineup of small balls before the small ball epidemic." All three of us can go from number two to four, and then you just have to find a center forward and that team will be special. But health is a very important thing, Hill, he works hard, he really wants to play, and I'm sad to see that he can't play. Mike Miller played for the Magic for the first three seasons of his career, when both Hill and Maddy were his teammates.

Speaking about Maddy, Miller said: "He played well in his first year at the Magic, he and Hill were the perfect pair because Hill loved to pass us on the inside, he made us better, Maddy was in great shape and athleticism, he was also an underrated passer. Unfortunately, we didn't succeed on the Magic. ”

Commenting on the difference between Maddy and James, Miller said: "The biggest difference is probably the ring and the longevity of his career, if Maddy stays healthy I can't imagine what he would be like, he even entered the Hall of Fame without being able to stay fit." James may be the all-time leading scorer, but Maddy is a natural scorer, he scores as simple as that, and if he wants to score 50 points today, you'll believe he can do it. James has won the championship, the peak of his career is very long, and you see he can still compete like this now is really crazy. Of course, in terms of talent, you won't find a player like Maddy. ”

Speaking about his first championship win, Miller said: "One of the reasons I went to the Heat was to wonder what it was like to win the championship, I personally feel like I've had a good career, I can go to other teams to make more money, but I don't know if I have a chance to win the championship. In 2012 and 2013, Mike Miller won two straight titles with the Heat.

Speaking about the league's top scorers today, Miller said: "10 years ago, 15 years ago, if you averaged 15 or 16 points per game, you can now score 26 points per game. But now kids can handle it well too, and you have to give them appreciation. You see what Curry is doing now is incredible, he may have made at least 10 three-pointers in 4 of 5 games, it's crazy, we're all talking about something, he's amazing. ”

(Pig of 95)

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