
"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

author:Mary Mommy

Fresh graduates who are preparing to leave campus may only know that there is a saying of "golden nine silver ten" in the job market, but in fact, March is also the peak recruitment season for employers.

On the one hand, major state-owned enterprises, leading enterprises in the field of science and technology, and Internet "big factories" like to choose to open school recruitment in March and conduct a preliminary screening of resumes;

On the other hand, many employers have also opened the robbery mode in social recruitment, after all, when experienced "workplace people" have won the year-end bonus and rested for a period of time, job hunting will also usher in a peak, and private companies that prefer talents should not be missed.

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine
According to past experience, HR should be busy, but the reality is not the case, and the "start tide" seems to have disappeared.

Strange phenomena appear in the talent market, and the "tide of construction" turns into a "labor shortage"

The popularization of higher education has made the number of college students continue to rise, and in the case of the "depreciation" of undergraduate degrees, how to let fresh graduates find a stable and ideal job has become a topic of concern in the whole society.

In order to prevent graduates from being paralyzed as a "salted fish" at home, the relevant departments have formulated a series of favorable measures, that is, they hope that students can find a "new way out" in it and change the ending of "squatting at home".

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

For example, state-owned enterprises, civil servants, and public institutions are required to undertake to solve the problem of employment difficulties for fresh graduates and provide job support for undergraduate students corresponding to their majors. In addition, in March, the beginning of the school and rework season, some cities also planned large-scale job fairs in the talent market in advance, and strived to provide more choices for job seekers.

However, this year's talent market has appeared a strange phenomenon, the stalls that should have been overcrowded, but also presented a completely different scene from the impression of HR, not only did not appear in the "start tide", but even evolved into a "recruitment shortage".

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

Especially in the two major industries of manufacturing and transportation, the inquirer can count it with one hand, and even some medium-sized enterprises have offered monthly salaries of more than 10,000 yuan. Such a gap inevitably makes the company scratch its head a little: "It's too difficult to find a young person now, don't they need to look for a job?" ”

Under the high salary, I am not moved, and the post-00s seem sober and rational: all of them are routines

Is the salary of over 10,000 not attractive? Students already see money as dung? Of course not, in fact, the reason why the post-00 graduates really maintain their sanity is the "routine" behind the talent market.

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

▼ Employers seem to have opened many jobs, but there are very few that are worth students running in both directions

Taking transportation and manufacturing as an example, it can be seen from the lack of workers in the third quarter of 2021 that these two major industries have fallen into the problem of "broken gear", and the talent gap is close to 40%.

What is even more frustrating is that in the 24 fields announced in the new round of job shortage list, 17 are related to the manufacturing industry, which shows that the industry has gradually declined.

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

Logically, transportation and manufacturing should absorb high-end talents into it to improve this dilemma, but in the talent market, the positions provided by enterprises are still mainly grass-roots employees, "entering the factory" as an assembly line worker or becoming a salesperson, which is obviously not in line with the student's career goal.

▼There is a gap between the expected salary and the actual salary

In addition to the requirements of the industry, there is a gap between the expected salary offered by the company and the actual salary, which is also one of the reasons why everyone is far away from the position, and even some college students have summed up a set of interview "subtexts" with their own experience.

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

For example, HR said that the "flexible working system" is "only to play off work and not to go to work, and to be late in the morning will still be deducted";

When the employer says that the salary is "3K to 8K", then do not think about it is generally 3000 yuan;

If people say, "A company is a startup," it means that all the work has to be groped from scratch, and everything has to be done by yourself.

In fact, the "recruitment routine" of the employer has long been seen through by the students, and everyone adheres to the mentality of "can't afford to hide", and naturally does not have too many expectations for this.

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

Under the tide of the times, the post-95 and post-00 career concepts no longer take "salary" as the core

The post-95s and post-00s generations who grew up soaking in honeypots are actually realistic and sober.

They do not want to suffer meaningless sufferings and losses like their parents, nor do they have the idea of "choosing a city to grow old and choose a post to retire". Rather than working in the assembly line in the workshop, the new generation of young people prefer to carry out "mental work" and like stable work, such as civil servants and white-collar workers in the workplace.

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

And compared with salary, they are more inclined to get a sense of achievement and happiness in the workplace, so they pay more attention to "industry trends" and "personal interests" in the issue of career choice. This is also the reason why people like archaeology and museology have always applied for the exam.

In the case of sufficient economic confidence, there is no harm in picking more

In the author's view, the essence of work is not just to survive, but more importantly, to be able to realize self-worth and give full play to their talents and advantages.

"Start-up tide" has become "labor shortage", the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is still ignored, after 00: it is all routine

If a job is not happy, it will affect not only the practitioners themselves, but even the atmosphere of the whole family, so in the case of economic strength enough to make a choice, it is actually harmless for everyone to "shop around".

Just as the so-called "sharpening the knife does not mistakenly cut wood", instead of spending a lot of time and energy trying and making mistakes, it is better to be "targeted" when submitting resumes.