
Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

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Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world



Happy Goddess Day


Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

The spring breeze of March is like a pair of gentle hands, gently blowing across the earth, and in an instant, it is on the south bank of the Green River. International Women's Labour Day, a world holiday in March, also arrives as scheduled.

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world
Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

The current "steel fanghua" of the epidemic does not let the eyebrows be shaved

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world
Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

On the eve of the Goddess Day, I accidentally chatted with some friends and pen pals about the topic of women's "truth, goodness and beauty", from the perspective of reality and culture, paying tribute to women, nurturing, bearing and spreading beauty.

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

Weiyou "The End of the World": "In 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic swept the world, this time, it is to change women to save the world." How many female medical workers, going forward and following, do not let the eyebrows be shaved, cute and respectable. ”

Weiyou "Xiu Xiu": "I just brushed the video from Douyin, a female medical staff did nucleic acid testing for a long time, resulting in physical weakness and fainting on the ground. In ancient times, there were Mulan, there were women's army, and now there are countless of the most beautiful retrogrades, and these 'steel Fanghua' are the most lovely people. ”

A medical staff member of Lijiang People's Hospital: "In life, you can be a little girl who willfully coddles with her parents because of brushing one more bowl, but when you work, you can only be a Hercules who can carry supplies with men, Rong Mama, who grabs the team members to take off the wrong steps of taking off protective equipment, and a small teacher who mentions 23 dings to the team members every day." Although I did not directly treat patients, I did my best to protect the medical staff who treated patients. ”

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

The beauty of women presented by the artist

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world
Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

He has also participated in several symposiums on the theme of women, and scholars and celebrities have said that the hard-working, stoic and sincere qualities of Chinese women are respectable and have become the objects of depiction and praise by artists. The industriousness and stoicism of the silkworm women who "entered the city yesterday and returned with tears in their daily lives"; the hard work of rural women in "women and aunts eating lotus, children carrying pot pulp"; the kindness and kindness in "the thread in the hands of the loving mother"; and the true feelings of "returning the pearl of the king with tears and hating not meeting each other and not marrying each other".

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world
Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world
Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world




In addition to poetry, the painter's women are also very aesthetic.

"The women of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings are always both noble and dignified. This mysterious beauty unique to women is haunting. ”

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

Raphael was known for his "Portrait of the Virgin". His Virgin Mary breaks down stereotypes of religious figures, soft, rounded, and serene like most mothers on earth. The beauty of motherhood, which breaks through the "woman" itself, is a brave leap in women's lives, and it is also the beauty that everyone perceives at the beginning of life. ”

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

The "goddess" in the minds of Lijiang people

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world
Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

"Seeing Lijiang" also learned that in the traditional cultural beliefs of the mainland, there has been the content of female worship (also known as: motherhood worship) since ancient times, taking the female worship in the traditional national culture of Lijiang as an example, the Gemu Goddess Mountain in Lugu Lake is one of them, and the Mosuo people deified the Gem Mountain as the embodiment of women and worshiped it.

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

There is also a well-known "Naxi goddess" Aleqiu who combines industriousness and wisdom. In the TV series "Wooden House", Aleqiu used her kindness, tolerance and great love to resolve sinister conspiracies and bitter hatred again and again, and her unique personality charm and great love have won people's respect.

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world

The famous poet Bing Xin said: "If there is no woman in the world, at least five tenths of the truth, six tenths of the goodness, and seven tenths of the beauty will be lost." "Mothers, wives, daughters, co-workers, lovers... No matter what kind of identity and where they live, women are a beautiful color. On this International Women's Day, let us pay tribute to the goddesses.

Goddess Day, pay tribute to them From reality to mythology, they carry the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world


Written by: Li Zhiwen

Partial photo: Heqi

Lijiang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department Director Lijiang Radio and Television Station hosted

Lijiang Xinsheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. undertakes

Editor: Li Chengjie Preliminary review: Shi Zhenyang

Second Instance: Li Zhiwen Final Trial: He Yunfeng

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