
"March 8" Women's Day is like this: affectionately depict the builders of the towel

"March 8" Women's Day is like this: affectionately depict the builders of the towel

On the afternoon of March 8th, on the occasion of the 112th International Women's Day, at the front-line production and construction site of the fourth phase of the Canton Fair Complex of the Eighth Bureau of China Construction, the builders spent a happy and interesting "March 8th" Women's Day. The literary and art workers of the Guangzhou Artists Association went deep into the construction site to paint portraits for the builders and send holiday greetings and blessings to everyone.

The fourth phase of the Canton Fair Complex is a joint project of the Ministry of Commerce and the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and is undertaken by the Eighth Bureau of China Construction. With a total construction area of about 560,000 square meters, the project is the largest exhibition hall expansion project in the history of the Canton Fair, helping the transformation and upgrading of "China's first exhibition".

"March 8" Women's Day is like this: affectionately depict the builders of the towel

The activities closely revolved around the theme of "going deep into life and taking root in the people", depicting the construction scene in full swing, truly recording the beauty and strength of the workers, and depicting the picture of the new era of endeavor. The reporter of Guangzhou Daily And New Flower City saw that during the event, the artists and the front-line female workers talked about the homely routine and talked about the future freely, one after another vivid and touching stories, sentence by sentence from the heart, saying the extraordinary voices of ordinary workers, showing the style of the builders in the new era, and stirring up the builders' pride in welcoming the Twentieth National Congress and the new journey of meritorious service.

"March 8" Women's Day is like this: affectionately depict the builders of the towel

At the construction site, the hard work and dedication of the builders deeply infected the artists who participated in the event. Sun Ge, an artist of the Guangzhou Literary and Art Volunteer Association, said excitedly: "I came to the fourth phase of the Canton Fair today, and I felt very shocked and excited. They all say that how much dirt is under their feet, how much truth can be precipitated in their hearts, and I am also inspired to paint a portrait of the builders and feel their enthusiasm for labor. Born in the great era, we should sing the praises of women and praise laborers, so that the most glorious and beautiful labor will become the norm in the whole society. ”

"March 8" Women's Day is like this: affectionately depict the builders of the towel

Urban change has tempered the imprint of the times. The artist's lines perfectly show the style of the builder. A work by the artist Cai Shineng called "Time" attracted the attention of reporters: This is a work composed of two sketches, in 1965, the Guangdong Sugar Machinery Manufacturing Factory under the Pazhou Pagoda in Guangzhou, is an important factory mainly engaged in the manufacture of sugar machinery and equipment installation, and the factory also undertakes the manufacturing function of some sugar-making equipment in the mainland to aid Africa; in the hinterland of Pazhou in 2022, the fourth phase expansion project of the Canton Fair Exhibition Hall is in full swing, and the construction of civil and steel structures is magnificent. It will become the largest commodity trading center in Asia. In the past 40 years, the two sketches have witnessed the changes of the times and also highlighted the vitality and vitality of the city of Guangzhou.

According to reports, after the completion of the project, the area of the Canton Fair exhibition hall will increase by more than 40%, reaching about 1.68 million square meters, which will become one of the largest convention and exhibition venues in the world. Guangzhou Pazhou area is expected to become the world's largest venue, perfect functions and supporting facilities, the most active exhibition area of various types of exhibition activities.

The activities of the artists to volunteer portraits for everyone aroused great interest among the builders. Li Chunyan, 47 years old this year, is a construction woman in the Eighth Bureau of China Construction, responsible for the material management of the steel structure of the Canton Fair, and when she learned the news that the artists had entered the construction site, she signed up for the event for the first time. "The teachers drew so well, better than the pictures! I'm going to send this picture home for my daughter to take a good look at. At the event, the artists carefully created according to the needs and characteristics of the workers, and also gave them paintings as special gifts for the holiday. Li Chunyan, who was full of joy, told the teacher: "This is the first time I have been out of the door so far, and now that my children have grown up and do not need my care, I also want to go out and see the outside world and see the more and more magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland." ”

Text, photo/Guangzhou Daily, Xinhuacheng Reporter: Quan Jie Correspondent: Zhang Jiayan

Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng Editor: Peng Wenqiang

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