
From $3499 The 5G of the new iPone SE is castrated: millimeter wave is not supported

Early this morning Apple officially released a new generation of iPhone SE, upgrade A15 processor, and support 5G, priced at 3499 yuan, becoming Apple's cheapest 5G mobile phone, but this is also a price, its 5G does not support millimeter wave, only support sub-6G band.

Everyone knows that 5G has two frequency band standards, one is the Sub-6G band, one is the millimeter wave band, the latter frequency is around 28GHz, the advantage is that the network speed is very fast, many 5G mobile phones downlink rate of more than 3Gbps or even 5Gbps, is by the millimeter wave band.

From $3499 The 5G of the new iPone SE is castrated: millimeter wave is not supported

Since the iPhone 12 series first supported 5G, Apple's iPhpne mobile phone technically supports millimeter wave, but mainly the U.S. version, and this time the new iPhone SE does not support millimeter wave.

Then again, the new iPhone SE is not surprising, and the impact is not large, because millimeter wave 5G is mainly deployed in Europe and the United States, sub-6G band 5G is the mainstream, especially in Asia, China is now mainly promoting sub-6G band 5G.

In short, as Apple's cheapest 5G mobile phone, the new iPhone SE castration millimeter wave band can reduce some costs, except for American users, the impact is not large, domestic consumers do not need to tangle.

From $3499 The 5G of the new iPone SE is castrated: millimeter wave is not supported

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