
How are the "little stones" on the teeth formed? How can it be effectively removed? Take a look at the article

Whether the teeth are in good condition has always had a huge impact on human health, such as when the teeth are loose and defective, it is likely to lead to indigestion symptoms in the human body due to incomplete chewing of food.

If the teeth are yellowed or blackened, it is likely to cause a very serious adverse effect on the personal image. Therefore, for dental protection, we must pay more attention to it.

Especially for friends who have a "small stone" problem between their teeth, it is important to pay full attention to tooth cleaning.

How are the "little stones" on the teeth formed? How can it be effectively removed? Take a look at the article

So how exactly did these "little stones" come about? What to do if you want to remove it effectively?

In fact, the reason why these annoying "small stones" appear in the gaps of teeth is mainly due to the substandard oral cleanliness, resulting in a large number of food residues constantly fermenting and calcifying in the gaps between the teeth. In order to achieve effective removal, scaling is the most efficient and scientific way to deal with it at present.

However, the frequency of teeth cleaning should not be too high, under normal circumstances, it is recommended that you choose to wash your teeth every six months to a year, and it is necessary to carry out teeth cleaning operations through professional doctors in regular medical institutions. Otherwise, in the case of improper operation, it may cause adverse effects on the health of the teeth.

How are the "little stones" on the teeth formed? How can it be effectively removed? Take a look at the article

In addition, many people may have heard that gargling with white vinegar can effectively clean the "small stones". So is this really credible?

In fact, soaking and softening stones with the help of white vinegar is not completely undesirable, but white vinegar is more irritating, so it is not recommended that you often use white vinegar to rinse your mouth, otherwise it is likely to cause very serious gum discomfort.

How are the "little stones" on the teeth formed? How can it be effectively removed? Take a look at the article

In addition, if you want to use white vinegar gargling to effectively clean the "small stones", you must pay attention to the gargle time before brushing, so that you can maximize the cleaning efficiency with the softening effect.

However, for people who have formed a lot of "small stones", this kind of folk remedy often cannot achieve a very obvious removal effect. Therefore, when there is a "small stone" trouble, it is still recommended that you give priority to scaling your teeth.

How are the "little stones" on the teeth formed? How can it be effectively removed? Take a look at the article

So in the face of such a troubling "small stone" problem, is there any way to prevent it in advance except to remove it afterwards? Let's take a closer look.

1. Brush your teeth correctly

If you want to maximize the health of your teeth and stay away from the troubles of dental calculus, actively developing a good brushing habit can be said to be the first priority. And in the process of brushing teeth must master the correct brushing method, such as be sure to clean the inside and outside of the teeth from multiple directions, and each brushing time is best maintained at more than five minutes.

How are the "little stones" on the teeth formed? How can it be effectively removed? Take a look at the article

2. Rinse your mouth in time

Gargling here does not refer to gargling with white vinegar, but to gargling after a meal using professional mouthwash or water. The main reason why this is needed is because after the food is chewed, there is often a large amount of food residue left in the gap between the teeth.

Therefore, we must pay attention to rinsing our mouths in time, otherwise even if we brush your teeth on time, it is still easy to have very serious dental diseases.

How are the "little stones" on the teeth formed? How can it be effectively removed? Take a look at the article

In fact, these small stones are also called dental calculus stones, and the reason for their formation is mainly caused by poor tooth cleaning. If you want to achieve effective removal, you must pay attention to regular teeth cleaning. Usually, the frequency of teeth cleaning is best controlled every six months to one year.

In addition, if you want to effectively prevent the problem of dental calculus, you must pay attention to actively developing good brushing habits and gargling habits, and you must master the correct brushing method when brushing your teeth.

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