
Prevent danger before "burning" and build a safety line of defense - Lingao carries out fire escape fire drills

author:Zhongjing Hainan

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the "Safety Production Month" activity, strengthen the fire safety awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue ability of employees. On June 28, in response to the relevant requirements of the "Safety Production Month" activity, and closely following the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Will Respond to Emergencies - Smooth Life Channel", China Railway Construction Construction Development (Hainan) Co., Ltd. and Lingao County Fire and Rescue Brigade carried out fire escape fire drills.

Prevent danger before "burning" and build a safety line of defense - Lingao carries out fire escape fire drills

The drill was led by Cao Zhiyong, executive general manager of China Railway Construction and Development (Hainan) Co., Ltd., and Wang Peng, secretary of the party branch, Gu Aliang, deputy general manager, Liu Wei, deputy general manager, and Zhang Yu, deputy general manager, as deputy team leaders, and the heads of various departments and all employees participated in the drill.

Before the drill, the professionals of the Lingao County Fire and Rescue Brigade conducted in-depth fire safety knowledge training for the employees. Through vivid cases and on-site demonstrations, the hazards of fire, the importance of fire prevention, and the basic principles and methods of fire escape are explained in detail. At the same time, the correct methods of fire prevention and response have been popularized, including the safety knowledge of daily fire, electricity, gas and oil, as well as how to correctly dial 119 to call the police and escape and self-rescue skills in the fire.

Prevent danger before "burning" and build a safety line of defense - Lingao carries out fire escape fire drills

At the drill site, the simulated fire scene was set in the company's office building, with thick smoke billowing and fierce fire. Under the guidance of firefighters, the employees quickly evacuated according to the predetermined escape route. During the evacuation process, everyone remained calm and orderly, responded quickly, cooperated closely, and performed their duties to deal with emergencies together. After an intense and orderly drill, all employees were successfully evacuated to a safe area, and the drill was a complete success.

Prevent danger before "burning" and build a safety line of defense - Lingao carries out fire escape fire drills

After the drill, Wang Peng commented on the drill. He pointed out that safety production is the cornerstone of the company's development and an unshakable red line. Every employee should put safety production in the highest position in their hearts, and always maintain a high degree of vigilance and responsibility. The drill not only tested the emergency response ability of employees, but also improved everyone's fire safety awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue ability. At the same time, Wang Peng put forward rectification suggestions for the problems existing in the drill, and asked all employees to continue to strengthen the learning and training of fire safety knowledge.

Through this fire escape fire drill, the employees' accident emergency response ability and cooperative combat ability have been further improved, and a solid foundation has been laid for the company's safety production work. In the next step, China Railway Construction Construction Development (Hainan) Co., Ltd. will further strengthen cooperation and exchanges with the Lingao County Fire and Rescue Brigade, jointly improve the company's fire safety management and emergency rescue capabilities, and ensure that the company's safety production situation continues to be stable and good (Chen Jianfeng, Liu Binyu)

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