
Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

Recently, Zhu Dan posted a group of photos on a social platform, she took the children to the vegetable field, and said with the text "picking wild vegetables", it seems to be taking the children to experience nature. Zhu Dan let the young son sit in the middle of the vegetable field, and the back of the child with the hat looked very cute, and the meat on the neck was piled together to look a little chubby.

Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

Because the youngest son is only more than one year old, Zhu Dan has been sitting next to him to take care of and hold him, and the mother and son seem very intimate. On that day, Zhu Dan wore a red duck-tongue hat and a purple sweatshirt, and the whole person looked trendy, and it was completely impossible to see that she was the mother of two children. However, Zhu Dan's action of holding his younger son and the large water bottle hanging on his body made him look full of motherly taste.

Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

In addition to her son, Zhu Dan's daughter also traveled together, crouching next to the vegetable field and chatting with the staff, not knowing whether she was asking about vegetables. The little girl wears a braid and has a variety of clips on her head, which looks very lively and cute.

Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

Netizens and fans have also left messages to care about the child's situation, some netizens asked "will the younger brother walk", and some netizens were curious about whether going to the vegetable field was kindergarten homework, it seems that netizens are very concerned about children.

Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

Although Zhu Dan has never exposed the children's positive face photos, she does not hesitate to share the children's daily life. Earlier, she also posted photos of her son swimming in the pool, she put one hand around her son, the other hand to protect his son's head, mother and son both looked in a good mood.

Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

In addition to sports, Zhu Dan will also take the children to travel and play, and previously took the children to the beach, the two children sat together and played with the sand, because the sun is very large and they all wear hats and long sleeves, it seems that Zhu Dan's sun protection measures for the children are very in place.

Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

The children were curious about all the new things, and when it was snowing, Zhu Dan also took his daughter out to play in the snow, and the two of them grabbed the snow on the plants together, and although their hands were frozen red, they still had a lot of fun.

Zhu Dan took the child to the ground to pick wild vegetables! Hanging a large water bottle on his body, his son sat in the mud and played without being afraid of getting dirty

Although Zhu Dan did not take a full-face photo of the child, he could often share the children's dynamics, and presumably the fans were still very happy, after all, they could see the children's growth process and have a sense of participation. Although everyone is very concerned about the private life of celebrities, it is their own choice not to sunbathe children, and it is good for everyone to watch a lively.

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