
Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

author:Guanfu cat
Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Once upon a time, there was a church, and by the side of the church lived a beautiful and generous girl. She is gentle and kind, and is warm and polite to everyone she meets. She came to church every day to pray religiously, hoping to meet good people and have a warm home in the future.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?
Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Winter came and spring came, and no one knew what she had experienced during her time, but the good person she was looking forward to really appeared. The kind-hearted people saw that the girl's weak body was protecting the newborn cubs, and they felt pity, so they contacted the museum for a detailed communication, which sent the seven mothers and sons of the "one pot end" over.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

On the day of the housewarming, the cubs were 16 days old. They nursed contentedly in their mother's arms while the girl gently licked her babies.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

The editor who suffered from severe "milk cat no resistance disease" instantly fell into the warmth in front of him and could not extricate himself, and subconsciously extended his hand to them. I thought it would scare them, but I didn't expect the girl to take the initiative to stick out her head and snore contentedly.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

This move made the editor flattered, and it was even more "inching forward" - unable to sustain herself to catch a cub. I thought the girl would be angry, but I didn't expect that she just looked at it calmly and gave unconditional trust to human beings.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

At first, the shoveler decided to place them in the isolation room of the cat mansion on the second floor, but the cat girl was very suspicious of the leopards and leopards who constantly peeked at the curtains. So, we immediately moved the mother and daughter to the more secluded area where the guns lived, so that she could take the cubs with peace of mind.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

As for her children, each well-behaved,

Rong Xiaobian to introduce it to you one by one:


Nipple name: Small pear blossom

Gender: Female

Age: 22 days old

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Flower color: The only "tanuki flower plus white" among the sextuplets, and it is also the largest head among the siblings - the heavenly court is full, and the tiger's head is tiger's brain.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

This editor fell in love with her at first sight, is the current favorite, and dared to take the nickname "Big Head Fox".

Personality: Relatively active among siblings.


Milk name: small orange

Gender: Male

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Suit: The only "orange seat" among the sexteggets, and the only two boys.

Personality: Among siblings, relatively well-behaved and able to eat.


Milk name: Little Ma Bao

Flower color: the only two of the sextuplets, the "ink painting", the face is more positive, the color distribution is more symmetrical.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

She is the most "mother" of her siblings and the girl's favorite child. The girl always took her in her arms and spoiled this beloved daughter alone.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Personality: It is estimated that she will be one of the brothers and sisters, who is relatively spoiled and spoiled.


Breast name: small vest

Color: The only two of the sextuplets, the "ink painting", the face is more positive, and the white distribution on the body is more than that of the "little mother".

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

The color on the back is very similar to wearing an "I-shaped vest", and the shape of this hurdle vest is particularly neat.

Personality: Among siblings, relatively quiet.


Milk name: small cream

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Color: The only two "white cats" among the sextuplets, and the only two boys. He has very few stray hairs on his body, and his whole body is snow-white, which is not too much to call him a "creamy little student", right?

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Personality: Among siblings, he is relatively... I'm sorry, this editor just looked at the appearance, did not pay attention to what personality.


Milk name: small ink dot

Suit: The only two "white cats" among the sextuplets.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

The difference with the "Jade Face Student" is that she has several very inconspicuous black hairs on the left side of her brain, which are particularly faint and almost invisible when they are not close (perhaps disappearing with the growth, but not sure).

Personality: It is a relatively quiet little transparent among siblings.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Call for Names

Since this editor is shallow and shallow, the matter of giving a big name to the kitten is still left to the talented fans!

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

After all, these "good to feed" earthy milk names cannot follow them for a lifetime.

Rescue Meow Name Collection | Who would say no to a 24k pure cute little cat?

Welcome to open your mind,

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What a nice name!

Copywriter: Guan Fu Mao Tang

Photography: Guan Fu Er Bai