
Wu Minxia's second child confinement, her husband's 28-day confinement meal is not repeated, and the diet and maintenance traps are not careless

Recently, Olympic champion Wu Minxia posted on the social platform, congratulating her husband on the success of challenging the 28-day non-repeat confinement meal, and also selected three dishes from the 168 meals that he felt were the most delicious to share with netizens, which really made people salivate and called out seductively.

Wu Minxia's second child confinement, her husband's 28-day confinement meal is not repeated, and the diet and maintenance traps are not careless

In my opinion, this is not a confinement meal, but a husband, a happy sun, and a sweet sun. At the beginning, Wu Minxia refused Guo Jingjing's kindness to match Huo Qigang's younger brother, and chose Brother Cheng, really marrying the right person and envying others.

And look at Wu Minxia's sun-dried confinement meals, are home cooking, lotus root fried lettuce, steamed eggs, stir-fried vegetables, white-seared shrimp, etc., meat with non-greasy, light and delicious, very suitable for maternal maintenance.

Giving birth to a child is the most painful and exhausting, and in the delivery room after giving birth to my second child, I was urged by the doctor to eat more and supplement nutrition. Confinement is a woman's second spring and can help us condition our bodies. However, in the traditional concept, confinement should be supplemented by a large number of special supplements, so that the mother can have milk and recover as soon as possible.

For example, Chen Hao said in an interview that he ate 70 chickens during his lactation period, just to chase milk. Later, I didn't want to eat chicken.

Wu Minxia's second child confinement, her husband's 28-day confinement meal is not repeated, and the diet and maintenance traps are not careless

Confinement mothers do need food supplements to condition their bodies, but there are many traditional nursing traps, and pregnant women do not jump into the pit.

Trap one: Drink more soup to have more milk

In the traditional concept, milk is transformed into water in the mother's body, and it is necessary to drink more soup.

In fact, the premise of milk production is that the breast duct is unobstructed, after giving birth, the maternal mammary duct has yet to be unblocked, and the greasy soup cannot be used immediately, but should drink vegetarian soup, such as tomato egg soup, loofah egg soup and so on. After half a month, you can eat a light and oily soup to promote milk, such as crucian carp tofu soup.

Wu Minxia's second child confinement, her husband's 28-day confinement meal is not repeated, and the diet and maintenance traps are not careless

When women drink soup, it is best to remove the upper layer of oil, because it will not only make the mother gain weight, but also increase the fat content in the milk, and damage the baby's immature digestive system.

After Zhu Zhu was confined, she shared the essence of her confinement on social platforms: one row of two tones, three temperatures, and four supplements.

Wu Minxia's second child confinement, her husband's 28-day confinement meal is not repeated, and the diet and maintenance traps are not careless

The first week is lochia. During this time, the mother should discharge the blood stasis in the uterus, etc., and can eat some foods that help to remove lochia.

The second week is to nourish the spleen and stomach. After childbirth, the spleen and stomach are weak, and it is best for pregnant women to eat some light and easily digestible foods to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Warm up the body in the third week. Giving birth to a baby will be a great consumption for women, the body is prostrate, easy to sweat, so to nourish the body, can not be "too fierce", but to first be gentle to supplement.

Nourish the fourth week. Eat more nourishing foods to promote physical recovery and breastfeeding.

Therefore, after childbirth, the baby should be allowed to suck more, and the baby's sucking is the best milking artifact. Pregnant women should drink vegetarian soup first, and do not rush to drink meat soup.

Trap two: Mothers eat more hens and drink more hen soup

When I was a child, my grandmother and grandmother came to take care of my confinement. Because they knew that they could not buy authentic native chickens in Shanghai, they all specially brought a few hens from the countryside to eat for me, and also gave me milk in the name of milk. But the hen couldn't chew it at all, so I had to drink the soup. But I didn't see milk when I drank soup, and I thought it was because I didn't eat hen meat.

Wu Minxia's second child confinement, her husband's 28-day confinement meal is not repeated, and the diet and maintenance traps are not careless

It wasn't until I later read the Great Collection of The Bible on Maternity and Parenting that I learned that hens not only fail to increase milk, but also lead to milk return. Because the estrogen in the hen's body will greatly increase the estrogen in the mother's body and affect the secretion of prolactin. The androgens in the rooster can fight against the estrogen in the mother's body and promote the secretion of prolactin.

Therefore, during the month, we had better not eat hens, but eat roosters. The fat in the hen's body is more, which increases the fat content in the maternal milk, causing symptoms such as indigestion and diarrhea in the newborn. The fat content in the rooster is lower than that of the hen, which plays a potential role in promoting the baby's physical health.

Trap three: Do not eat vegetables, melons and fruits

When I was a child, because my family had Chinese medicine, they thought that the melon fruit was raw and cold, hard and sour, and it was best not to eat it, and I basically did not eat the fruit. When the second child was not discharged from the hospital, I specifically consulted the doctor, can I eat fruits and vegetables?

The doctor asked me, who said you can't eat fruit? At the same time, she told me that the fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are good for the mother's body and milk production, and can be eaten. After childbirth, the metabolism is strong, it is easy to sweat, and it is necessary to supplement fruits and vegetables to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

Wu Minxia's second child confinement, her husband's 28-day confinement meal is not repeated, and the diet and maintenance traps are not careless

The Dietary Guidelines for Lactating Women recommend that breastfeeding mothers eat about 200-400 g of fruit per day and non-lactating mothers about 200-350 g per day.

Therefore, when the second child was confined, I boldly ate apples, kiwis and other fruits. However, for the sake of prudence, the fruits are blanched with hot water, and the vegetables are blanched in hot water to prevent the teeth from loosening.

It is best to eat fruit after meals or between meals to prevent normal meals. Today's fruits will be kept fresh with pesticides, it is best to peel and eat or wash with salt before eating. Apples, bananas, strawberries, dragon fruit, grapes and papayas are suitable for eating in the month.

Pitfall Four: Eat more brown sugar

When I was a child, I often saw my mother drink brown sugar noodle soup or brown sugar egg soup, thinking that brown sugar was an essential nutritional product for pregnant women. It wasn't until the birth of a child that the doctor specifically told us that we could not drink brown sugar water, and I knew that the traditional view was not necessarily scientific.

Brown sugar is indeed beneficial to qi and blood replenishment, and is very useful for women with postpartum hemorrhage. However, brown sugar has a blood-activating effect, increasing the discharge of lochia, which is not conducive to uterine contractions, and it is not advisable to eat too much brown sugar. Moreover, brown sugar is high in sugar, which is easy to cause diabetes.

Therefore, it is not advisable to eat too much brown sugar in the month, and you can drink some in moderation.

Write at the end

Pregnancy and childbirth can make dramatic changes in a woman's body and take 6 weeks to help the woman recover. The confinement is the wisdom crystallization of the ancestors, which can help the mother to adjust the body, thereby improving the mother's physique.

However, the wisdom crystallization of the ancestors is based on the environment and conditions at that time, and is not necessarily suitable for us in modern times. For example, in the past, because of calcium deficiency, the teeth of pregnant women in the confinement were easy to loosen, so they did not allow women to eat hard and sour fruits. But now pregnant women will supplement calcium during pregnancy, as long as the fruit is not a problem.

Therefore, in the month, we must not only eat well, but also eat right, so that the mother will not be fat, and the baby will have rations, you say?

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