
Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises

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To ask which is the most popular game in recent times, it is not Hidetaka Miyazaki's new work "Eldon's Ring of Law".

Just like before, what game fire, rubbing heat of the cottage game will soon appear. No, today there is such a mobile game "Eldon Ring" that rubs the popularity of "Eldon Ring" appears in the Apple Store.

Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises

According to the Apple Store page, this Eldon Ring is a 9+ game, and the developer is Guiyun Cloud Network. Judging from the game slogan and promotional image of the store page, this cottage product has added some mobile game UI interfaces on the basis of some screenshots of "Eldon's Law Ring", which does look a bit like a "Eldon's Ring of Law" mobile game.

Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises
Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises
Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises
Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises
Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises

however... After entering the game, you will find that this promotional image and real content are basically two games.

Apple Store in China surprised "Eldon's Ring of Law" copycat mobile game? Player: No surprises

At this level, it is estimated that its copycat "Eldon's Ring of Law" is not qualified, and it can only be regarded as a game of rubbing heat.

Hey, why is it that I don't feel surprised to see this kind of game now?

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