
Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

author:Jiangsu Satellite TV
Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

Last Friday, the immersive cultural exploration program "Set Sail!" exclusively titled by Yanghe Dream Blue M6+! The fifth episode of "The Grand Canal" aired. Shan Jixiang, Zhang Jin, Zhang Peng and Chen Yidan visited Nanxun and Hangzhou in Huzhou one after another, feeling the bustle and prosperity of the cities along the canal, and talking about the role of this golden waterway in promoting the commercial economy and urban development during the visit.

After the program was broadcast, the average rating of CSM71 city was 1.44%, and the average rating of CSM35 city was 1.64%, ranking third among programs in the same period on Friday and first in humanities programs. The Weibo topic of the program has heated up again and again, #古人彩礼直接送100间房#, #这些营销手段都是古人玩剩下的#, and #原来李白是隐形的带货达人#等话题引发网友热议. In terms of short videos, #世界上最早的水利系统在杭州#, #中国古代就有节日大促了#, and #南浔古镇对游客永久免票#等话题在抖音平台上热度持续攀升.

Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born
Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

The silk house is rich in the world, and you can feel the beautiful scenery and commercial prosperity of Nanxun Ancient Town

The ancient town of Nanxun in Huzhou is built according to the Grand Canal, rich in silk, and has been a famous silk town in the south of the Yangtze River since ancient times, giving birth to nearly 100 silk merchants and giants of "four elephants, eight cows and seventy-two golden dogs". In ancient times, people used to use the animal body shape to compare the strength of rich merchants, and the family with a wealth of more than 10 million taels of silver was called "elephant". In this episode, Shan Jixiang and Zhang Jin visited the former residence of Liu Yong's third son, the head of the "Nanxun Four Elephants", Liu's Ladder.

Judging from the appearance of the entrance, Liu's Ladder is not much different from other buildings in the ancient town, it is a traditional Chinese style, but when the guests walked to the backyard, they were "suddenly changed in painting style", and were amazed by the "red house" that integrated Chinese and Western architectural styles in front of them. Due to the prosperity of the silk weaving industry, Nanxun has become more and more frequent in exchanges with Chinese and foreign merchants, and some Western elements and architectural styles have also been applied to the construction of local houses. The red bricks, stained glass, and mosaic floor tiles used in the "Red House" can all reflect the Western style, and through this Chinese and foreign style building, the audience can intuitively feel the trade scope and broaden the horizons of the Liu family at that time.

Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

On the other side, Zhang Peng and Chen Yidan took a rocking boat all the way to Xiaolianzhuang, which is Liu Yong's private garden, named after the Lotus Village of the Yuan Dynasty painter Zhao Mengfu. Walking through the archway and the Liu family temple written with "Benevolence and Charity" in the park, the guests talked about the history of the "Nanxun Four Elephants" head of the rich history, as well as the Liu family's collection of books and various deeds of disaster relief. In the Jiaye Library built by Liu Chenggan, the grandson of Liu Yong, there were important national treasure-level cultural relics such as the Song Dynasty engraved book "Four History" and "Three Character Classic", which were free for the people to read at that time, and later these rare books were donated to the Zhejiang Library, which made the guests realize once again the side of this family "reaching the world and helping the world".

Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born
Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

Under the Gongchen Bridge, look at the bustling night view of Hangzhou, and Shan Jixiang reveals how the golden waterway prospers north and south

For thousands of years, the Grand Canal has witnessed the prosperity and development of Hangzhou, a "famous county in the southeast". The guests transferred from Huzhou to Hangzhou, and the first stop was Gongchen Bridge, and through an interesting guessing game, the audience learned about the Chinese time-honored brands on the Grand Canal, popularized the prosperous commerce along the coast, and also mentioned many interesting stories about the business and promotion of the ancients in the chat.

It turns out that in ancient times, merchants used shouting and bidding to "advertise", and they would also adopt various discount promotion methods to carry out "big sales", which were rich and diverse, just like today's e-commerce promotions. Not only that, some ancient cultural celebrities have their own "traffic attributes" and can be called "experts in bringing goods", both Li Bai drove the sales of Chang'an wine by writing poems, and Su Shi set off a local craze for eating pork when he was demoted to Huangzhou. After the show was broadcast, #中国古代就有节日大促了#, #李白苏东坡头部带货达人#等话题引发热议, many viewers commented: "Using the advertising effect to expand the attention of goods, the ancients have long been easy to handle" "It turns out that our current promotional games are all leftovers played by our ancestors".

Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born
Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

The thousand-year-old canal has been flowing endlessly, and now the quiet and beautiful ancient town of Xixing in Hangzhou was once a noisy and busy logistics and transshipment center and an important commercial port. The guests strolled through the streets and alleys of the ancient town, and told about the Xixing crossing the pond in the past while walking - boats and ships gathered, and department stores were complete, and the scene was spectacular.

At that time, due to the difference in water level and height between the rivers, the northbound merchant ships could not directly turn into the Qiantang River, so the ships had to unload at the pond in Xixing and load them separately for transshipment. With its unique geographical location, Xixing Wharf has become a busy cargo transfer station, and at the same time, it has also given birth to a special industry - "Guotang Xing", which is equivalent to a modern logistics company. It is the emergence of the pond crossing that has injected unprecedented economic vitality into Xixing, making it a key link in the entire canal artery.

Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

In the evening, the guests made tea around the stove in the Qiaoxi Historical and Cultural District under the Gongchen Bridge, chatted with the scenery, and shared their insights on the trip, "The Grand Canal has been a golden waterway since ancient times, and the towns along the route have driven the local prosperity because of the distribution of goods," Shan Jixiang said.

Crack the secret of the "Golden Waterway"! Set Sail! The Grand Canal explains how the ancient "CBD" was born

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