
The Apple Store is crashing! Music and weather are unusable, have you encountered it?

The Apple Store is crashing! Music and weather are unusable, have you encountered it?

Yesterday afternoon, many netizens found that the "weather" on the iPhone and the "Apple Store", Apple Music could not be opened, and even the "Apple Store" on the computer also encountered this problem.

According to the recent situation, many netizens even think that Apple's App Store has been sanctioned, in fact, this is a bit outrageous, after all, the App Store as Apple's "cash cow" for making money, how can it uproot its own life roots?

The Apple Store is crashing! Music and weather are unusable, have you encountered it?

The only explanation is that there was a bug and the system went down. A similar problem was previously caused by Apple, which was automatically fixed after a while, and this time it was the same, and after half an hour, the weather" and "Apple Store" returned to normal.

The Apple Store is crashing! Music and weather are unusable, have you encountered it?

Some netizens said: In the afternoon, it was difficult to ask customers to do business, the Apple mobile phone used by customers could not open the app store, and later another colleague found that her mobile phone could not be opened, my heart...

The Apple Store is crashing! Music and weather are unusable, have you encountered it?

It seems that this time the affected small partners are still quite a lot of ah, but I usually rarely open the App Store, the basic needs of the software are downloaded, unless there is something particularly interesting, or worth downloading the limited software, otherwise the frequency of opening it in a week will not exceed twice.

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