
Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

NBA star Kobe Bryant has left us for 2 years, since Kobe's death, Vanessa alone with Natalia, Bianca, Capri three daughters, and the eldest daughter Natalia is still very good, has been admitted to the national famous school USC!

Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

Vanessa rarely appears in public because of the care of her three daughters, and the last time fans saw Vanessa on TV was at the NBA's All-Star Game! But just recently Vanessa updated her INS status again, this time Vanessa very rarely posted a family photo of herself, and this photo also accidentally exposed the new member of Vanessa's family, a black dog!

Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

From the family portrait photos posted by Vanessa, we can find that the younger daughter snuggles on Vanessa's shoulder, the eldest daughter Natalia and the third daughter are behind Vanessa, and the new member dog appears in the C position of the camera, becoming the proper protagonist of the family portrait, the family is very happy to smile and smile, especially Vanessa, she is smiling, looks particularly happy, and the state is surprisingly good, which can be described by the charm.

Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

Few fans know that in fact, last month, Vanessa's dog died, that dog was bought by Kobe Himself, accompanied the family for a very long time, but also a testimony of Kobe Bryant and Vanessa's love, and the relationship with several children is also very good, after Kobe's death, the dog has been accompanying the family, and even licked Vanessa's heart-saving tears, is a very warm year of dog, now Kobe Bryant died two years, the dog also followed the owner, Vanessa is also very sad.

Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

Originally there was a dog in the house, Vanessa and the children would interact with the dog, and now that the dog is dead, Vanessa and the children have decided to buy another dog, continue to accompany the family, and bring more happiness to the family. In order to welcome the new members of the family, Vanessa specially took a family portrait, and the family gave up the C seat to the new family members, which shows that vanessa's family is still very fond of this dog. And the dog was very similar to the original one, both black, and it seemed that Vanessa and the children missed the dog very much.

Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

After Kobe Bryant's death, Vanessa has always been at peace with herself, never had contact with other strange men, and occasionally took her children to Disney and other public places to play with her girlfriend. Many fans were surprised when the All-Star saw Vanessa, Vanessa's figure directly fat a circle, there are American media reports that Vanessa should be in order to reject the opposite sex to eat so fat, the purpose is not willing to apologize to Kobe.

Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

Although Kobe Bryant has been dead for two years, but it also brings benefits to the family, in 2021, Kobe Bryant invested in the sports drink brand was acquired by Coca-Cola, this acquisition alone brought Vanessa 400 million US dollars, about 2.6 billion yuan of income, plus Kobe Bryant crash flight company compensation of hundreds of millions of dollars and Kobe's career salary, Vanessa is now also a rich woman, this money is enough for her and her daughters to enjoy for a lifetime.

Vanessa posted a family portrait, welcomed the new members, all three daughters appeared on camera, and the charm of the sister-in-law is still there

Now Vanessa and her daughters attract new members of the family, a dog that is almost exactly the same as the original dog, and I believe that this dog will also bring a lot of joy to Vanessa's family, so that Vanessa will no longer be alone.

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