
Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

author:Foreign French

01, the dog licked the toad. "I feel like it tastes weird......"

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

02. The ornamental breed of pigeons in France, the Jacobin pigeon, has a bourgeois elegance. By the way, do you remember the Jacobins of the French Revolution that you learned about in your secondary school history books?

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

03. How did the drone provoke you

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

04. Everything happened too fast!

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them


Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

06. A lion that hunts in the water.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

07. Nature is sometimes so magical, and this cloud seems to be saying something loud and quiet.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

08, you are a snake, I am also a snake, why do you want to eat me?

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

09. This strange-looking pigeon is called a yellow-eyed pigeon, and its entire eye socket is yellow.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

10. In the rainforest of Borneo, a huge bright red leech is devouring a giant earthworm.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

11, Hehao

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

12. The only thing that seems to change is the suppleness of the hair.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

13. If you are bitten by an ordinary hippopotamus, you may not be killed, but if you are bitten by a dwarf hippopotamus, it will not be life-threatening, but it will definitely hurt!

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

14. This is a question for testing eyes, there are a lot of circles, and it is dazzling to see, how many circles have you found!!!!!!!?!!?

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

15. The Dharma shark, also known as the cigar shark, is a shark that feeds on other fish by burrowing into other fish to suck blood and eat meat. It is no more than half a meter long, let's take a look at its specimen, it looks extremely terrifying!

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

16. This python hanged a rabbit, and the rabbit was still staring with his eyes open when he was dying.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

17. Looking at the dignity of the wax white monkey tree frog, I always feel that there is a trace of indescribable cunning in those eyes.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

18. Vulture's lunch

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

19. This nudibranch's color is not only very individual, but also carries a small ball on its back, which is really interesting.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

20. Only half of the crocodile's body remained.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

21. The red-breasted horned pheasant, also known as the peacock pheasant, photographed by the infrared camera, is a national first-class protected animal, and is also listed as a "near threatened species" in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, mainly distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Himalayas.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

22. A lotus flower that looks like a longevity peach

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

23. This is Abi the dog, who has brought home his work - to take care of and guard this little lamb Emma.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

24, Deer

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

25. There is a male spider the size of a coin in nature that usually bites off his genitals after mating, with the aim of leaving it in the female spider's body so that other male spiders cannot succeed...

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

26. Rahat, Israel, a flock of migratory starlings flying in the air, forming various figures, the scene is extremely spectacular.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

27. The nest of the weaving bird, come and see these ingenious craftsmen, the small bird's nest is really warm and comfortable.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

28. The pelican has a big mouth, and everything can be swallowed

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

29, Bird of Paradise (Great Bird of Bliss)

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

30. The bird of paradise has two extra-long decorative feathers on its head, which is so handsome!

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

31. Look at who runs faster than the rhinoceros mother

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

32. The salmon was bitten by a brown bear, and when it was about to die, the last thing it thought of was to lay eggs immediately.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

33. The jaguar killed the crocodile, which is commonplace in the Amazon jungle.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

34. Giant pandas who love to eat bamboo sometimes want to eat meat, no, this giant panda is biting a peacock in its mouth, is the peacock coming to grab the bamboo of the giant panda?

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

35. A circle of petals blooms around the eye circle? No, it's actually a moth lying around the animal's eyes and sucking tears, which have salt in them and some protein.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

36. A cobra is devouring a viper, this scene makes people feel incredible after watching it, obviously the viper is thicker than the cobra, how does it swallow it?

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

37. The flying squirrel is a very peculiar creature, it is actually a close relative of the squirrel, but it has a very large and thin front and hind limbs, and its leather wings can help it glide in the woods.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

38. The little monster transparent in the sea, I don't know what it is, but it is certain that it is definitely a creature.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

39. The armadillo looks very strange, as if it was traveled through ancient times.

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

40. Look at who runs faster than the rhinoceros mother

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

41. This expression looks like stealing fish

Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

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Dangerous! Dogs licking toads are tantamount to taking drugs, and frogs are made into sashimi, who dares to eat them

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