
Charlotte Forever Debuts SNK's four epic skins, marmalade is even better

I guess everyone has been brushed by Charlotte's new skin recently. It is also well known that the quality of SNK's four epic skins is second to none in the canyon. These four heroes also have super heat. But if you have to say that you have to practice one of them, the editor thinks that marmalade is better.

First, Nako Lulu as a wild nuclear single row is not good to score

Nakoruru is an uncontrolled Assassin. The advantage is to hit the burst damage, but if the outbreak damage needs to have a high economy in the early stage, this high probability will be wild core, eat the economy of teammates. And it is difficult to play in the early stage and the late stage, almost to enter the field and die.

Charlotte Forever Debuts SNK's four epic skins, marmalade is even better

Second, I don't know that the fire dance has high technical requirements

Everyone knows that the fire dance is a magic thorn, and the technical requirements are high. In short, it takes a show to play a deterrent. Not to mention the consciousness and development. Too demanding.

Charlotte Forever Debuts SNK's four epic skins, marmalade is even better

Third, Charlotte is being cut

In short, in being cut. It's harder to practice

Charlotte Forever Debuts SNK's four epic skins, marmalade is even better

Fourth, oranges and assassins can be

Oranges are more adaptable. You can play wild or order. And the control and damage are all available, not to mention that the appearance of marmalade is also super high. He is also the only male hero. It is more convenient to bring a sister or something. The two-stage displacement is also super-show. Suitable for practice.

Charlotte Forever Debuts SNK's four epic skins, marmalade is even better

Finally, if there is any deficiency in the editor, please comment on the addition of oh ~ ~

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