
Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship"! Open up a new horizon

author:Nong Xiaoqiang 2

It is difficult to get rich by farming, unwilling to return to the village, working every year and being poor every year, where is the road for farmers?

During the epidemic, many people said: After the epidemic is released, if you can't make money anymore, you can't blame the epidemic. However, after the epidemic, the bosses and migrant workers are not having a good time, things are becoming more and more difficult to do, money is becoming more and more difficult to earn, and migrant workers who go to the city to work are lamenting, it is difficult to find jobs, and the wages are low.

Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship"! Open up a new horizon

The real estate industry is sluggish, the construction industry is sluggish, many cities almost do not see the development of new construction sites, the scene of urban tower cranes is gone, and there are no busy migrant workers on the construction site.

In the city, there are still migrant workers who work, and generally choose to maintain the status quo, have money to earn, have a job to do, do not ask for a salary increase, and do not resign easily!

Unemployment, unemployment, and industry recession are easy to make people anxious and uneasy, working every year and being poor, it is difficult to get rich in farming, there is no project to start a business, where is the road for farmers to work in the city?

In the stage of rapid urban development, the first generation of farmers who understand technology and are willing to endure hardships in the city, whether they sell their physical strength or start a business as a small boss, are making money.

Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship"! Open up a new horizon

Don't forget the mountain

As the saying goes, "It's better to stay in one place than to go in one place". Do it first in the field you are good at, don't change industries easily, cross industries, the boss can pay the salary, do it first! Don't change jobs easily, have a job, have money, and have a class, stabilize first, and cherish the current job opportunity!

"I don't keep my master here, I have my own place to stay here, I don't keep my master everywhere, and I go back to the countryside to live", hide these emotional words deep in your heart, don't say it easily! It doesn't hurt to be wronged and have a low salary, first work hard to do your job, don't be capricious, don't be angry, and wait for the opportunity!

Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship"! Open up a new horizon

Master a skill

As the saying goes: "Craftsmen do not die of hunger in a famine year". Skills are not pressing, you can survive anywhere with technology, you can eat for a lifetime with technology, and you can only work for a while when you work hard!

Technology is the leader, ability, and cost in the industry, and we must continue to learn and improve, so that personal professional and technical skills can reach the peak and become a big player in the industry!

Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship"! Open up a new horizon

For example, an uncle in the village, 16 years old entered the factory to work as a carpenter, and now he is more than 60 years old, even when he reaches retirement age, the boss refuses to enlarge the uncle, because the uncle's technology is irreplaceable, and after leaving, other workers can't stand up! When others were fired and unemployed, and could not find a job, this uncle's salary was still rising. Therefore, with excellent technology, I am not afraid of not being able to find a job and not being able to earn money.

Don't invest blindly

From the perspective of the Internet phenomenon, it is becoming more and more difficult to do physical business, traditional industries are sluggish, and even emerging industries, such as online live broadcast and live broadcast with goods, are also seriously "involuted".

Many people say: I can't get along in the city, so I will return to the rural head office, right? Back to the countryside, there are fewer employment opportunities, nothing more than planting and breeding, and the cycle is long, the initial investment is large, and there are many uncertain factors in returns.

Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship"! Open up a new horizon

As the saying goes: "The family has a lot of money, but the hairy one does not count", the breeding industry is risky, and the planting industry "depends on God to reward food". Blindly investing in breeding and planting, without certain technology, capital and other support, it is difficult to make a difference!

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, you can't lie flat, right? All in all, there are more opportunities for development, earning money, and jobs in the city than in the countryside.

Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship" opens up a new situation

If you are unemployed:

If you have good physique, you can participate in the "triathlon": running takeaways, delivering couriers, and being a driver.

Older people can participate in the "auspicious three guarantees": security, nanny, and cleaning.

If you are unwilling, you don't want to send someone under the fence!

Young people can participate in the "Three Steps of Entrepreneurship": setting up a stall, opening a store, and doing a live broadcast.

Netizens ridiculed: Three steps to start a business, lose all the money. Triathlon, hollowing out the body. Auspicious three guarantees, squandering the years! A lifetime has passed like this, it is really funny and desolate, maybe only when people reach middle age, they will experience the hardships and helplessness of life.

Whether it's delivering couriers, running takeaways, working as security guards, nannies and cleaners, as long as you have an income, it's still good to earn money, it's better than doing nothing and not wanting to "lie flat"!

Don't be discouraged when you are unemployed, "triathlon, auspicious three guarantees, and three steps to entrepreneurship"! Open up a new horizon

Difficulties are temporary, the law of economic operation is cyclical, the country continues to carry out macroeconomic regulation and control, and gradually it will get better and better, no matter what kind of situation you are experiencing, rebuild confidence, and cheer yourself up first!

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