
A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

Fast forward to the update day of "Star Change", and at this stage, this work has reached the 46th episode. It can be seen that the progress of this work is still quite fast, and now it has officially ended the competition to see the sky map, and the sky map finally has a belonging, and it belongs to the Huayan Zhenren on the side of the Qing Void View.

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

However, although Hua Yan Zhenren got this heaven-breaking map, he lost a lot of money, spent more than a dozen Yuan Spirit Stones, and also gave several of his own ultimate spirit weapons to others. What was even more tragic was that whether it was the Ultimate Spirit Weapon or the Ultimate Elemental Spirit Stone, it was an act of enemy that he sent out, and he would have to pay a considerable price for this act in the future. And after this episode comes out, there are still many wonderful points to see, so let's take a closer look at it!

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

01 A table of four super divine beasts

First of all, there was a table of four super divine beasts. In the past, it was said how rare and powerful the Super Divine Beasts were, and each one of them could cross the level and fight, but in this episode, it was said to be rare, but four Super Divine Beasts suddenly appeared, and they were all gathered on a table.

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

These four super divine beasts were Hou Fei and Xiao Hei, as well as the Golden-winged Dapeng and the Emissaries of the Upper Realm. Among these four super divine beasts, at this stage, they were the strongest in brute force, and their own combat strength was also the strongest among several upper realm emissaries. The second is the Golden-winged Dapeng Sect Stubbornness, and finally Xiao Hei and Hou Fei. However, when it comes to the back, Barbarian Qian and Zong Stubborn can't compare with Xiao Hei Hou Fei at all, and they can't catch up with the horse, all because Hou Fei Xiao Hei is the protagonist's brother.

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty
A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

02 The Chiyang Gate people died a good death

Then there are the Chiyangmen. This person really died too unjustly, obviously just saying a few fair words for his own sect and fighting for some rights and interests for his own sect. To tell the truth, this is also deserved, the strongest person in their sect, Chiyang Zhenren, died to protect the Qingxu Temple, and when the QingxuGuan encountered danger, it was also their Chiyang Gate that brought people to help.

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty
A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

As a result, seeing that Chiyang Zhenren was dead, Qingxuguan did not recognize the account, and not only did not take them to the Adversity Torradiation to find treasures, but let them guard qingxuguan. How can the Chiyangmen people endure this? But after saying a few words, he was killed by Mingliang Zhenren. And this dead person is really wronged, if he decides to say nothing a quarter of an hour later, he can escape the disaster, because the protagonist Qin Yu will immediately come to avenge the dead people of the dynasty, and Mingliang Zhenren will also receive a box lunch. But fate is like this, and it can only be regarded as his bad luck.

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

03 It's a pity that the blood is empty

Finally, there is the empty blood. In comparison, this Mingliang Zhenren who was clear and vain was undoubtedly much better, never shy away from being a demon, always dared to do anything, and did his best to complete the task of the emissaries of the upper realm. Most importantly, this person can be said to be a big handsome guy, and as a result, he offends the protagonist because of the struggle to break the sky and kill the common people.

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

As soon as Qin Yu got his hands on the Ultimate Yuan Spirit Stone, he immediately began to take revenge on the Immortal Dao and the Demon Dao, and after killing Mingliang Zhenren, it was the turn of the Void Blood. Poor Black Void Blood didn't even know who his opponent was, so he received a box lunch, and it was a pity to die.

A table of four super divine beasts, the Chiyang Gate people died so unjustly, it was a pity that the black blood was empty

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