
"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

author:Xiaoguang chats about the world
"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act
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"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

In 1982, the crew of "Journey to the West" was in full swing filming the scene of "Four Explorations of the Bottomless Pit". Director Yang Jie was originally full of confidence, because she chose an actress from the Shandong Repertory Theatre for the role of Jade Rat Spirit.

This actor is petite and beautiful, which is a match made in heaven with the image of the jade rat spirit. However, when the camera is focused on her, an unexpected problem arises.

Although the actor has an outstanding appearance, he cannot show the charm that a fairy should have. Her performance lacks the seductive and cunning qualities of a goblin, which is far from the image of a jade rat spirit required by the script.

Yang Jie is in a dilemma: should she continue to shoot reluctantly, or take the risk of changing actors? At this critical moment, an unexpected recommendation broke the deadlock.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

When the crew was in trouble, an actor named Chang Qing was recommended to director Yang Jie. Chang Qing is also from the Shandong Repertory Theatre, and when she learned that she had the opportunity to participate in "Journey to the West", she was so excited that she couldn't express her heart.

At this time, "Journey to the West" has aired 11 episodes, which has caused a huge response among the audience. For Changqing, it is undoubtedly a rare opportunity to participate in such a popular TV series.

With both excitement and apprehension, Chang Qing quickly rushed to the crew. Director Yang Jie conducted a strict interview with her and carefully assessed whether she was suitable for the role of Jade Rat Spirit.

What is gratifying is that Changqing's appearance has been recognized by Yang Jie. However, as a newcomer who is getting involved in TV dramas for the first time, Chang Qing still lacks experience and confidence in how to portray characters in front of the camera.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

Just when Chang Qing was nervous about the next performance, the actor Chi Chongrui, who played Tang Seng, noticed her uneasiness. He walked up to Chang Qing and encouraged him in a gentle tone: "Don't be nervous, take it easy."

You just have to play according to the director's instructions, and she will give you instructions on the side. These words made Chang Qing relax a little, and she took a deep breath, ready for the challenge.

The first scene begins. Evergreen struggled to adjust his state, trying to show the charm and cunning of the jade rat spirit. She carefully controls her expressions and movements, hoping to accurately capture the essence of the character.

Director Yang Jie observed carefully, sometimes frowning, sometimes nodding, and giving guidance from time to time.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

After the shooting, Yang Jie said to Chang Qing earnestly: "You have potential, but you still need to understand the role more deeply." Remember, the Jade Rat Spirit is a goblin, and she has to charm people while showing a cunning and ferocious side.

You have to find a balance between these qualities.

Chang Qing listened carefully to every suggestion, and secretly made up his mind to play this role well. She knows that this is not only a test of her acting skills, but also an opportunity to prove her ability.

Despite the challenges ahead, Evergreen felt an unprecedented sense of motivation surging in her heart. She believes that through unremitting efforts and the director's guidance, she will be able to perform this role and present an unforgettable image of the jade rat spirit to the audience.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

As filming progressed, an unexpected problem surfaced: the costumes tailored to the original cast did not seem appropriate on Evergreen. The top barely fits, but the pants are noticeably shorter.

This problem put the entire crew in a difficult situation, as recreating the costumes was not only time-consuming, but also affected the filming schedule.

Faced with this dilemma, the costume designer paced back and forth on the set at a loss. Just when everyone was worried about this problem, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. "We can add a ruffled tassel under the hem of the trousers!" He said excitedly, quickly sketching out the design idea on paper.

This idea immediately caught the attention of director Yang Jie. The costume designer explained to her: "This not only solves the problem of length, but also adds a sense of agility and enchantment to the image of the jade rat spirit."

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

Yang Jie carefully examined the design drawing, and her eyes gradually lit up, "Good idea!" Let's get started.

The costume team worked overnight to add a beautiful ruffle tassel to the pants. The next day, when Evergreen appeared on the set in a modified costume, everyone was amazed.

I saw her walking lightly, and the tassels of the trousers swayed gently with the pace, which not only cleverly covered the defects of the short pants, but also added a bit of agility and charm to the image of the jade rat spirit.

This small change not only solves a practical problem, but also unexpectedly adds to the character's image. Chang Qing stood in front of the mirror, looking at the new costume, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but show a confident smile.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

She felt that she was one step closer to the image of the jade rat spirit, which made her look forward to the next performance.

After repeated practice and an in-depth understanding of the role, Chang Qing gradually mastered the essence of the jade rat spirit. Her breakthrough performance was first reflected in the filming of the scene of "accidentally eating the peach incarnated by Sun Wukong and suffering from abdominal pain".

Chang Qing threw herself into the role, her expression was vivid and expressive, her hands were tightly covering her abdomen, her facial muscles twitched slightly, and her eyes flashed with mixed emotions of pain and anger.

Her body trembled slightly, and a low, real moan came out of her throat, as if she was really experiencing severe abdominal pain. Director Yang Jie shouted excitedly behind the monitor: "Great! That's the feeling, keep it up! The success of this scene has greatly boosted Evergreen's confidence.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

As the shooting progressed, Evergreen became more and more comfortable switching between different moods. When the jade rat spirit was tied to the tree, her eyes showed a pitiful delicateness, but there was a trace of imperceptible cunning hidden in her eyes; In the scene of seducing the monk in the temple, her eyes became tender like water, but with a fatal temptation; When facing Sun Wukong's challenge, her gaze instantly became fierce, exuding a fierce aura.

This delicate emotional expression and rapid transition show Chang Qing's deep understanding of the role and skillful acting skills.

The most challenging is the scene of seducing Tang Seng. Chang Qing knows that this is where the original actor failed, and she must interpret it perfectly. To do this, she put all her energy and talent into it.

In the performance, Chang Qing mobilized the expression and body language of the whole body, and his eyes contained both the charm of a fairy and the tenderness of a woman, and his voice was soft with demagogic power.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

Every move she makes is carefully choreographed to be both not overly explicit and seductive. This delicate balance perfectly shows the characteristics of the jade rat essence.

Director Yang Jie was fascinated and couldn't help but sigh: "Great! This is the real jade rat spirit. Chang Qing's performance not only perfectly showed the multi-faceted nature of the goblin, but also vividly interpreted the intention of seduction, making people believe that if Tang Seng was not determined, it would really be difficult to resist such a temptation.

When filming the scene of "The Jade Rat Spirit was Recognized by Sun Wukong", Chang Qing once again showed superb acting skills. When Sun Wukong revealed her true colors, Changqing's expression instantly changed from charming and moving to hideous and terrifying.

A flash of panic flashed in her eyes, which was replaced by deep hatred. This rapid transformation of complex emotions fully demonstrates Chang Qing's accurate grasp of the role.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

After the shooting, Chang Qing breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart was full of a sense of accomplishment. She knows that she has not only completed the task, but also achieved a major breakthrough as an actor in the process.

From the initial jerky and restless to the later ease, Chang Qing used his own efforts and talents to successfully create an unforgettable image of the jade rat spirit.

Director Yang Jie was full of praise for Chang Qing's performance, and she said with satisfaction: "You not only saved this scene, but also added an outstanding role to "Journey to the West".

This affirmation made Chang Qing extremely proud, and she knew that she had taken a crucial step in her acting career.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

The image of the jade rat spirit successfully created by Changqing shows the multi-layered and complex nature of this character. Under her interpretation, the jade rat spirit is no longer a single goblin character, but a three-dimensional image full of contradictions and charm.

In the confrontation with Sun Wukong, Chang Qing showed the wit and cunning of the jade rat spirit. Her eyes flickered, sometimes sharp as a knife, sometimes soft as water, and occasionally a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, as if she was playing a game of high intelligence.

This performance not only shows the ingenuity of the jade rat spirit, but also hints at the complexity of her heart.

When facing Tang Seng, Chang Qing interpreted the jade rat spirit into a beautiful woman. Her eyes were wandering, and her gestures were full of temptation. But underneath this tender surface, the audience can still feel a hint of danger, and this delicate balance makes the role of the jade rat spirit even more fascinating.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

Chang Qing also skillfully shows the multiple personalities of the jade rat spirit. In different scenes, she sometimes behaves pitifully, sometimes she seems cunning and vicious; It can not only exude deadly charm, but also transform into a fierce and brutal goblin in an instant.

This multifaceted nature makes the role of the jade rat spirit plump and three-dimensional, far beyond the original single goblin image.

Through Evergreen's superb interpretation, the Jade Rat Spirit is no longer a simple villain, but a complex image with its own desires and wisdom. Her performance made this supposedly disgusting goblin character attract the audience's attention and emotional investment.

Chang Qing successfully portrayed the Jade Rat Spirit into a character with both charm and depth, adding a unique touch to "Journey to the West".

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

The jade rat spirit played by Chang Qing has become another memorable character in the 1982 version of "Journey to the West". The success of this TV series lies not only in the outstanding performance of its main characters, but also in the fact that each supporting character is endowed with a unique charm and vitality.

From goblins to mortal people, from Heavenly Immortal Buddha to Hellish Yama, each character is lifelike and leaves a deep impression on the audience. Although the evergreen jade rat spirit does not have many scenes, it has carved an indelible mark in the hearts of the audience because of its superb acting skills and rich sense of layering.

This attitude of meticulous craftsmanship for each character makes the 82 version of "Journey to the West" a classic. It not only faithfully restores the essence of the original work, but also injects new vitality into this thousand-year-old story through the wonderful interpretation of the actors.

The jade rat spirit played by Chang Qing is undoubtedly a pearl in this classic work, shining with eternal light.

"Journey to the West" Jade Rat Jing was originally scheduled to be an actor, but he was replaced by Yang Jie because he couldn't seduce Tang Seng and couldn't act

Many years later, when people look back on this "Journey to the West", the evergreen jade rat spirit can still resonate with the audience. Her performance not only enriches the role, but also adds a unique charm to the whole work.

This is one of the reasons why "Journey to the West" can become a classic: each character is given a fresh life, and together they build a colorful Journey to the West world.

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