
Maguan Town: People are more diligent in spring and pepper pruning is busy

author:Tianshui online
Maguan Town: People are more diligent in spring and pepper pruning is busy

Mo Dao people walk early, and there are more early pedestrians. At present, it is the golden period of spring pruning peppercorn trees, in the Peppercorn Industry Base of Longtou Planting Farmers' Professional Cooperative in Miaowan Village, Maguan Town, Zhangjiachuan County, the members are taking advantage of the good weather to be busy shaping and pruning the peppercorn trees, a lively and busy scene.

Long Yaozhu, head of the Longtou Planting Farmers Professional Cooperative in Miaowan Village, Maguan Town, skillfully cut off the thin, single-length, upright pepper branches with electric scissors, and told reporters: "At present, it is the critical period for the pruning of peppercorn trees. Spring plastic pruning is mainly to cut off the excess branches that have no nutrition, no fruit, and affect the light, leaving nutritious branches, so that the peppercorn tree can be ventilated and breathable, thereby improving the yield and quality of the peppercorns and ensuring a good harvest this year. ”

Maguan Town: People are more diligent in spring and pepper pruning is busy

It is understood that it is now in the semi-dormant period of the pepper tree, there is still a period of time before germination, and now it is pruned, which will not consume the nutrients of the tree, and the sawn joint is not easy to be frozen and decayed. After shaping and pruning the tree, the knotted peppercorns have large particles, bright colors, high yields, and it is much more convenient to pick.

Li Yajun, a technician of the society who is pruning pepper trees, told reporters, "Don't look at me, I am very skilled now, I have suffered a lot of losses in the pruning of pepper trees before, and I have taken many detours." In the beginning, it is always pruned according to your own ideas, so that the fruiting branches are often cut off, resulting in low yields. Later, after learning that the county and the town would carry out free training every spring before the pruning period of the pepper trees, I immediately signed up for the training. The trainer will not only teach us how to properly manage the pepper tree in the classroom, but also go to the field to watch and learn from the actual operation. After participating in the training, I really improved a lot in pruning knowledge and skills, and now, the production of peppercorns is getting better and better. ”

Maguan Town: People are more diligent in spring and pepper pruning is busy

It is understood that during the agricultural leisure season, Maguan Town will organize professional and technical personnel to go deep into the fields to carry out agricultural assistance activities, and teach the spring pruning and management techniques of economic fruit forests such as pepper trees by hand, laying a solid foundation for increasing the yield of economic fruit forests and harvesting.

Maguan Town: People are more diligent in spring and pepper pruning is busy

During the interview, the reporter noticed that a brand new branch crusher in the pepper field kept running, and the members added the trimmed pepper branches to the branch crusher and spit out piles of broken wood chips.

Looking at the reporter's confused face, Long Yaozhu, the head of the cooperative, said with a smile, "The crushed branch scraps are mainly used for frost protection, and can also be used as organic fertilizer to improve the organic matter absorption of pepper trees and realize the resource utilization of agricultural waste." ”

Maguan Town: People are more diligent in spring and pepper pruning is busy

Founded in 2017 in Maguan Town, Zhangjiachuan County, Miaowan Village Longtou Planting Farmers Professional Cooperative Pepper Industry Base covers an area of 1123 acres, the cooperative mainly integrates pepper planting, processing and sales, seedling breeding and technical guidance, mainly planting Wudu No. 1 thornless peppercorns, Da Hong Pao, May plum pepper and other excellent varieties, in 2019 successfully registered the "Maguan Ayang Hong" pepper brand trademark, while building a pepper drying, screening and packaging workshop, the introduction of pepper drying and pepper screening machinery, and complete the sales packaging design, Products are sold to Tianjin, Sichuan and other places, high product quality, good market reputation, well received by consumers.

Maguan Town: People are more diligent in spring and pepper pruning is busy

Rural revitalization, industry first. In order to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation, Maguan Town effectively connects rural revitalization, based on resource advantages, keeps an eye on the industry, and vigorously supports the development of the planting industry based on peppercorns and Chinese herbal medicines. At present, the planting area of peppercorns and Chinese medicinal materials has been expanding year by year, and the economic benefits have been significantly improved, and it has become a rich industry for farmers in Maguan Town to increase their income.

(News source: Zhangjiachuan County Rong Media Center Reprint: Li Junfeng)

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