
There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

author:Silence. Scattered in the wind

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There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

The Paris Olympics are in dire straits. There is only a month left before the start of the Olympic Games, but the "small fish and shrimp" in the Seine are still swimming happily! This can make the athletes who are about to compete in the river a little nervous.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

Imagine that you are about to show off your skills in the Seine, and suddenly you find a "strange object" floating around you, is it not in the mood to race in an instant? Don't laugh, this is not a joke, but the real dilemma that the Paris Olympics are facing.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

The Seine, the "Internet celebrity" river that runs through the center of Paris, has been making big news lately. The triathlon test event that was originally planned to be held here was postponed due to water quality issues. What's going on? It turned out that the E. coli content in the river exceeded the standard, and it was not an ordinary exceedance, but several times more than the safety standard! This is a good thing, the athletes not only have to compete with their opponents, but also have to fight against germs.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

The French government also broke its heart, in order to control the Seine, but it made a bloody investment. But the effect, let's use an analogy: it's like you spend a lot of money on an expensive skin care product, but you still have acne on your face after wiping it. No, the continuous rainfall has washed away all the previous treatment results, and a large amount of sewage has run back into the river to be a guest.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

Faced with this embarrassing situation, even President Macron's swimming plan was ruined. I originally wanted to go into the water to prove that the water quality was up to standard, but now I can only stare dryly. But then again, Mr. President, are you really ready to get up close and personal with the "little fish and shrimp"?

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

The mayor of Paris had the idea to invite Macron and the president of the International Olympic Committee to come together for a "trip to the Seine". It sounds like a good idea, but it turns out to be a big fuss. When a group of citizens heard about it, they immediately launched a protest called "I defecate on the Seine". This operation can be said to be quite "powerful", directly putting the problem on the table, or on the water.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

Imagine the scene where the president and the president of the Olympic Committee are about to jump gracefully into the Seine, when they suddenly find some "uninvited guests" floating in the river. This picture, how embarrassing it is! No wonder Macron's swimming plan can only be put on hold temporarily, probably for fear of accidentally eating an "unexpected surprise".

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

Seriously, this thing makes people laugh and cry. Comrades of the Paris City Government and the Olympic Committee, you are also too difficult. wanted to prove that the water quality was good, but it was so "rewarded". It seems that it will be a long time to do propaganda in the future, and if it comes out like this again, it will really be an international joke.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

But then again, it teaches us a lesson. Environmental protection is not just a matter of talking, it has to be done in real time. The water quality problem of the Seine is, to put it bluntly, the result of long-term accumulation. If you want to solve it all at once, it's impossible. It's like if you stay up for a few days and nights and want to make up for it with a little sleep, how can it be!

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

In addition to water quality, the Paris Olympics also faced a number of challenges. Soaring prices are a big problem. Hotel prices are rising, and even food and beverage prices are rising. This is a good thing, not only the athletes have to weigh their own strength, but also the tourists have to weigh their wallets.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

There is also the issue of the facilities of the Olympic Village, which is also in an uproar. In order to save money, the Olympic Organizing Committee decided not to install air conditioners, but only to distribute electric fans. It's a good thing that the athletes have to compete not only against their opponents, but also against the heat. Imagine that in the summer, you just came back to your room after the competition, covered in sweat, and only a small fan was "whirring" there.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

Even more worrying is the fact that some of the competition venues and the Olympic Village have not yet been completed. It's a bit like you're getting ready for a wedding and you find out that the auditorium is still under renovation the day before the wedding. Although the authorities vowed that it would be completed on time, who knew if there would be "surprises"?

To be honest, watching the preparations for the Paris Olympics is a bit like watching a comedy. Wave after wave, people can't help but ask: Is this preparing for the Olympics, or is it filming a sequel to "Mr. Bean"?

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

But then again, although there are many problems, we still have to cheer for Paris. After all, hosting the Olympics is not a dinner party, and it is normal to encounter some difficulties. Just like when you're cooking for the first time, you'll inevitably be in a hurry, but as long as you put your mind to it, you'll still be able to serve a decent table of dishes in the end.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

So, Paris Olympics, come on! Although you may seem a little embarrassed right now, we are sure that you will be able to surprise the world in the end. Just like the Seine, although the water quality is not good now, we hope that one day it will become a beautiful river with crystal clear bottom.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed

Finally, let's shout together: Paris Olympics, we are ready! Whether you're ready or not, we're ready to see you in action! Come on, Paris! Come on, Olympics! Let's look forward to the arrival of this sports feast, and maybe witness some unexpected "wonderful"!

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the feces on the Seine are not yet cleaned, and the swimmers are blessed
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