
Medvedev: Putin's brother, the golden partner of 20 years, why did he announce his resignation that year

author:Zhang Shengquan's wonderful history

#普京 #

Putin has publicly stated that Medvedev is not only his most tacit career partner, but also one of his most trusted and closest comrades-in-arms, and their relationship can be described as "brotherhood and brotherhood". It can be seen how important Medvedev's position in Putin's mind is. The "Pumei combination" has also become a golden partner that has lasted for decades. However, in January 2020, Medvedev, the prime minister, led the Russian government to submit his resignation to Putin en masse. So, what's going on?

Medvedev: Putin's brother, the golden partner of 20 years, why did he announce his resignation that year

Putin and Medvedev

1. The same teacher.

In 1990, Sobchak, a professor at St. Petersburg University, ran for mayor and began forming his own campaign. Medvedev, then a senior lecturer at the St. Petersburg Faculty of Law, was invited to become his campaign adviser. When he first entered the political arena, Medvedev worked very hard, not only advising Sobchak, but also taking the initiative to distribute leaflets everywhere to win more voters.

Soon after, Sobchak invited Putin, who had only recently returned to St. Petersburg, to serve as the head of the advisory group. In this way, Putin became Medvedev's superior, but Medvedev was not dissatisfied with Putin because he was higher than his position when he first arrived. Instead, they cooperated with Putin in their work, and the two did their best to help Sobchak win the mayoral campaign.

Although Putin and Medvedev have known each other for a short time, Putin admires Medvedev's ability. In addition, they were not only from St. Petersburg, but also disciples of Sobchak. Therefore, Putin attaches great importance to Medvedev, a primary school brother.

After his victory in the general election, Medvedev took up the post of adviser to the mayor, while Putin was appointed chairman of the Committee on External Relations.

Putin, who first entered the political arena, soon showed his superb political ability in his work, which not only made Sobchak very satisfied with his work, but even his colleagues praised him.

Because Sobchak often participates in some domestic political events and international visits, it is difficult for him to have time to do the mayor's job, so Putin and Medvedev have become Sobchak's right-hand men.

Sobchak's domestic popularity at the time ranked only after President Boris Yeltsin. Sobchak, on the other hand, often made some remarks against Yeltsin in public. In addition, Sobchak has an international reputation and has formed a "long-lasting friendship" with the leaders of many countries. Therefore, it is widely believed that he will become the future prime minister, or even the president.

Because Sobchak was both domestically and internationally beautiful, Yeltsin was very dissatisfied with him. After Sobchak's term expired, when he continued to run for mayor, Yeltsin obstructed it and instructed the media to make various distortions against Sobchak, such as his corruption, which also led to Sobchak's re-election failure.

Both Putin and Medvedev left their posts.

After Medvedev left his post, he returned to teach at st. Petersburg University. Putin was really laid off, coupled with the Russian economic downturn at that time, jobs were very difficult to find, in order to make a living for his family, Putin even had to drive a taxi to support his family. It is a pity that a former deputy mayor has fallen into this situation. Fortunately, although Putin and Medvedev flew alone, the two formed a deep friendship, so even if they left the political arena, the two still maintained contact.

Medvedev: Putin's brother, the golden partner of 20 years, why did he announce his resignation that year

Putin and Yeltsin

Second, the same team.

Soon after, at the strong recommendation of chubais, director of the president's office, Putin was highly valued by Yeltsin and became deputy director of the General Affairs Bureau of the Russian Presidential Office. A few months later, Putin was again promoted to first deputy director of the president's office. Since then, Putin has become one of the important members of Yeltsin's inner circle.

In August 1999, Putin was appointed prime minister by Yeli. Yeltsin also made it clear that he hoped he would inherit his position. Since then, Putin has begun to build his own campaign team, and Medvedev, who once worked together, has naturally become putin's best candidate to form a campaign team.

Medvedev recalls, one day in November 1999, he was lecturing to students in a classroom when he received a phone call from Putin. Putin told him on the phone in an unquestioning tough style that he had booked a ticket to Moscow at 1 p.m.

Medvedev did not ask much and obeyed Putin's arrangement. Later in the afternoon, he appeared in Putin's office.

Medvedev did not expect that he would be directly appointed deputy director of the Prime Minister's Office when he went. Because the incident was so sudden, Medvedev was completely unable to react. To this end, he also said with Putin half jokingly and half complaining: "It seems that I can only sleep on the sofa tonight, please find me a quilt." ”

On the last day of 1999, Yeltsin delivered a New Year's address to the people of the whole country through live television, as he had done over the years. Immediately after, however, he abruptly announced early retirement and appointed Putin as acting president.

Yeltsin's move surprised everyone. Since the acting president could not hold office for too long, the presidential campaign, which was supposed to take place in June 2000, had to be advanced to March, in accordance with the Russian Constitution. This caught the opposition parties running by surprise.

In order to help Putin successfully elect the president, Medvedev became the commander-in-chief of Putin's campaign. He first launched a powerful response to the media that constantly slandered Putin. For example, searching for evidence, accusing unscrupulous media, etc. Considering that Putin's time in office is too short, the Chinese people know little about him, Medvedev again found a reporter to catch a knife and published "The First Man: Putin's Self-Statement". As soon as the book was published, it was distributed in large quantities, so that more people could understand Putin in all aspects.

However, one of Medvedev's most important tricks is to let Putin personally fly the Su-27 fighter jet to Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, in the second Chechen war, to encourage the Russian army that is participating in the war. Sure enough, when Putin, dressed in military uniform, stepped down the gangway and gave a short speech, his tough guy image instantly impressed the Chechens. At the same time, heroic Russians are aware that Putin is the president they need.

Sure enough, in the presidential campaign a week later, Putin was elected president with a large number of votes. Medvedev, who had made great achievements, was appointed first deputy director of the President's Office.

Medvedev: Putin's brother, the golden partner of 20 years, why did he announce his resignation that year

▲ Tearful Putin

3. The same pair of combinations.

Previously, due to Yeltsin's "shock therapy", which led to the privatization of a large number of state-owned enterprises, the national economy fell into great difficulties. After Putin came to power, he was ready to carry out drastic economic reforms. Considering that Russia is a big energy exporter, Putin is ready to start with the energy industry. He entrusted this heavy responsibility to Medvedev.

Between 2001 and 2003, Medvedev represented the state in controlling Russia's largest gas industry and served as chairman of Gazprom. Medvedev did not fail Putin, and under his three years of reform management, he not only turned the loss of the natural gas industry co., LTD., which has been in a state of loss, but also obtained considerable economic profits.

In 2003, after completing his mission, Medvedev was recalled by Putin again and took up the position of chief of staff of the president, helping Putin deal with various affairs. At this time, he seems to have become Putin's most reliable and important arm partner.

In 2005, Putin decided to reorganize the Russian government and adopt various reforms to improve the quality of life of the people. As a result, Medvedev was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federal Government and Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Development of State Priorities of the Russian Federation, undertaking various reforms in Russia in terms of people's livelihood.

This time, Medvedev once again solved these thorny problems with his superb ability to govern. His performance also made all officials and parliamentarians no longer question his ability.

In 2008, as Putin's presidency comes to an end, a new presidential election is about to begin.

By this time, Putin had successfully served two consecutive terms as president. In the years of his presidency, his series of drastic reforms have achieved good results. Russia's economy, in particular, has improved markedly. The people have become richer, the economy has become stronger, and the country has returned to the ranks of great powers that can compete for hegemony with the efforts of Putin.

Putin's ability to govern the country has impressed all Russians and made his prestige "like the sun in the sky.". However, as he has been re-elected for two consecutive terms, he cannot remain re-elected. Therefore, Putin actively supported Medvedev as his presidential candidate. And has repeatedly said in public that if Medvedev can be elected president, he is ready to assume the post of prime minister and assist Medvedev in handling state affairs.

For Putin's support, Medvedev has also said many times that if he becomes president, he will continue to implement Putin's governing policy to achieve the development strategy formulated by Putin.

In March 2008, Medvedev was successfully elected president with the support of Putin, and Putin retired as prime minister.

After Medvedev became president, he did indeed continue to implement the policies formulated by Putin, unswervingly implemented Putin's established policy, and continued to promote Russia's economic and military development.

Because Putin still has great power to make decisions, Medvedev, although he is the president, has little room to play himself. However, during his term of office, he amended the constitution to increase the term of office from four years to 6 years. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Medvedev is paving the way for Putin's election as the next president.

Sure enough, in 2012, Putin ran for president. He said that if he is elected president, he will let Medvedev take the position of prime minister. With unparalleled prestige, Putin was eventually elected president with 63.75% support, which is putin's third presidency.

After the election, hundreds of thousands of supporters held a grand celebration in Manezh Square, next to the Kremlin. Putin and Medvedev attended the event and delivered speeches.

Perhaps touched by hundreds of thousands of supporters, or perhaps thinking that due to the strong suppression of Western countries, the future road to governance will be more difficult. In short, Putin, who has always shown himself as a "tough guy", could not help but shed tears.

However, Putin and Medvedev's "you sing and I appear" and take turns to be the president of Zhuang have still received some criticism and accusations. After all, everyone knows that Medvedev is only putin in the lead. So Medvedev's presidency, for Putin, is nothing more than a left hand for a right hand. So when Putin re-ascended to the presidency, they indignantly exclaimed: "A man who never left is back." ”

In 2018, Putin was re-elected as president again with a high vote with a high vote, and Putin's term will last until 2024 due to the continuation of the six-year term.

Medvedev: Putin's brother, the golden partner of 20 years, why did he announce his resignation that year

▲ Pumei combination

Fourth, the same way of thinking.

In Russian politics, the "Pumé Combination" has become an invincible evergreen tree in the political arena. And in the years of Putin's administration, Medvedev has played a great role in helping Putin handle government affairs. Therefore, the two are not only very tacit in their work, they are difficult to find golden partners in the world, and they are also very deep in personal relationships. Putin has repeatedly said publicly that Medvedev is his most trusted and closest comrade-in-arms, and that he and Medvedev "have a sense of brotherhood."

However, just when everyone thought that the "Pumé combination" would continue to escort Russia's development with the most stable structure, in January 2020, Medvedev suddenly led the Russian government to resign collectively and submitted his resignation to Putin.

Why did Medvedev resign? Many believe that this is a manifestation of the breakdown of Medvedev's relationship with Putin. However, the clear-eyed person can see at a glance that not only is it not a manifestation of the breakdown of the relationship, but a manifestation of a more tacit understanding between the two. Because Putin proposed in his State of the Union address three days ago that major changes should be made to the constitution and that part of the president's powers should be handed over to parliament. In doing so, Putin is to expand the power of the parliament and make it win more popular support. At the same time, the previous prime minister, whose power was mainly in the economy, after the constitutional amendment, the prime minister's power will be greater, including the power of national security. Obviously, Putin is doing this with the idea of paving the way for the 2024 election.

Medvedev naturally understood and responded positively.

Putin accepted the resignation of Medvedev and all members of the Russian government and asked them to continue to fulfill the responsibilities of the transitional government until a new government is formed.

At the same time, Putin's transfer of Medvedev to vice chairman of the Russian National Security Council is still in the core circle of President Putin and plays a more important role.

Of course, whether the "Pumei combination", a golden partner for decades, will continue to continue, will also be tested by time. But in any case, the existence of this pair of golden partners is already a rare miracle in the history of world power!