
The national football team has become the judge of life and death in Saudi Arabia, and it is also a spoiler, and the other party finally has to look at the face of the national football team!

Everyone said that the last two games for the national football team is not of much significance, it is better to send all the new people, so that young people can grow up quickly, but Li Xiaopeng has his own ideas, the last two games must win one, there must be an account, after all, he wants to win more than anyone, the last two games have lost, the warm-up game is a draw, do not take down an opponent, he will be scolded by the fans, then Saudi Arabia will be afraid of the national football team?

The national football team has become the judge of life and death in Saudi Arabia, and it is also a spoiler, and the other party finally has to look at the face of the national football team!

We all say that the official is light, used in the national football team is more suitable, before everyone said that the national football team has poor psychological quality, mainly reflected in the fact that it is very easy to win the opponent can still lose, there are many examples of black three minutes, but in some warm-up games or games that are eliminated, let us see another national football team, they can easily defeat the French team and many strong teams, then today's national football team has no pressure to qualify, will they create miracles?

The national football team has become the judge of life and death in Saudi Arabia, and it is also a spoiler, and the other party finally has to look at the face of the national football team!

The last two games, facing the Saudi team and oman team, especially the match with Saudi Arabia, the other side must win, although it is now the first in the group, but the Australian and Japanese teams that follow him may also surpass him, so in the national football team must take all three points, on the contrary, the national football team becomes the spoiler of this group, but also becomes the judge of life and death between them, if the national football team relaxes the kick, the team will be another result, if you fight the opponent, it will be a different result.

The national football team has become the judge of life and death in Saudi Arabia, and it is also a spoiler, and the other party finally has to look at the face of the national football team!

Now this gang of national football makes many people unable to see through, some people think that since they lost to Vietnam, they decided to change their hearts, re-become people, to kick out the spirit, to save their face, some people think that the national football team is likely to collapse, will create a fiasco record, to achieve their desired purpose, after all, many domestic teams are not paychecked, they are very anxious, plus some of the regulations of the Football Association are not satisfied, only the fiasco can achieve some officials off the class, so that their purpose has been achieved!

The national football team has become the judge of life and death in Saudi Arabia, and it is also a spoiler, and the other party finally has to look at the face of the national football team!
The national football team has become the judge of life and death in Saudi Arabia, and it is also a spoiler, and the other party finally has to look at the face of the national football team!

Huang Qiang crooked about sports, in the past we all look at other people's faces to eat, afraid of each other, but now the Saudi team ranked first in the group also has to look at the face of the national football team, afraid that we are fighting hard, so it is not good for them, of course, they are most concerned about whether a few naturalized players are in place, if they are in place, if they are in place, if they want to win the national football team, how easy it is to talk, we finally did a spoiler, become the life and death judge of this group, is it a little lucky? Do you think we're going to beat Saudi Arabia and Oman or get pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other?

This article is the author Huang Qiang's original article on sports, refuse to reprint, violators will be investigated! The image material comes from the network, if there is any inappropriate, please contact the author to delete!

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